Chapter 124 The Battle of Tang Yin [VI]

Chapter 126 Battle of Tang Yin [VI]

The old man was shocked: 'The calligraphy and painting were all his own original works, and the piano music was also original. It seems that Xie Chun is only 15 or 16 years old. How can he be so erudite and eager to learn. He was dressed in a scholar's robe. If he was a scholar, he would be a great talent; If it is a person who wins fame, it is a demon level person. I'd better do more good to him. '

When Xie Chun sees the old man standing still and not talking to him anymore, he goes to the window of the restaurant and shouts to the crowd still gathered downstairs: 'Chun is so frivolous and ignorant that he is so motivated. He intended to persuade Brother Bohu to wake up quickly, so he blurted out his words, hoping that Suzhou elders and gentlemen will be more tolerant and forgive Chun's unintentional mistakes. But Chun has been in Nanzhili for many days, and he finds that the students in the city have no spirit of enterprising. They wander around the brothels and chuguan every day, and behave in a dissolute way. He has left the books of sages and sages out of his mind, and is only looking for fun. Where is there a trace of the elegance of sages and sages? ''

When Xie Chun spoke of his anger, he couldn't help but raise his voice and shout: 'Students, you don't want to think about your parents, brothers and sisters, even wives and children. They work hard in the land every day to support us with their hard-earned money so that we can study and learn etiquette. Every penny you squander in brothel prostitutes' houses is earned by your parents and other relatives through sweat and blood. Don't they know how hard they work and enjoy themselves? If our scholars can get a good reputation, if they really can't pass the exam or are still in the learning stage, can you use the knowledge you have learned to copy books in the bookstore, or write letters for others, and do something within your power? Don't just be arrogant and waste your relatives' hard-earned money. As for the obstinate, I will advise the school inspector to severely punish the shameless students. ''

Xie Chun turns to salute Tang Yin and says, 'Brother Bohu, it's not Chun's intention to humiliate you. It's really because he sees Uncle Tang working hard for business while you are spending money recklessly. He can't bear it, so he forced you to compete with me. After you understand my family's past, you will understand why I treat you like this. I hope that Brother Tang will repent. I hope that when the Spring Festival Festival is held in the sixth year of Hongzhi, Brother Tang will be able to join me in the joint examination and palace examination to win or lose again. Chun has offended a lot in the past. I hope Brother Tang will understand and have a thorough insight so that Chun's arrogance and rudeness will not be wasted this time. ''

After saying that, Xie Chun deeply saluted the crowd as an apology, and took Shi Yong, Xie He, and Wei Hui down the stairs. Zhu Yunming suddenly realized something, ran to the stairs and shouted down: 'I wish you Yunming, do you have any merit?'

Xie Chun smiles a little and does not respond. Wei Hui beside him proudly raises his chest and loudly responds, 'My son is the Shaanxi provincial governor who solved the Yuan exam in the second year of Hongzhi. Do you know my son's name?'

Xie Chun thinks Wei Hui is too publicity oriented. He glares at Wei Hui angrily and secretly tells them, 'Come on, stop showing off and take the chance to take away the gambling money. Tomorrow we will leave quickly. Otherwise, Wan'er will complain about me when she knows what happened today. She will not bring her to see the excitement and will tangle with me again. ''

The people in the Tang Family Restaurant were shocked. In the second year of Hongzhi's reign, Xie Chun was only 15 or 16 years old. How could he win the provincial examination? Ah, no, it was 13 years old. No wonder his nephew would laugh. Tang Yin, who was no older, was also called a "prodigy".

Zhu Yunming was a little stunned for a while, and whispered to Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing, 'It seems that we underestimate the talents in the world. Brother Wen and Xu, let's hurry back to our hometown and study poetry hard. Don't be in Suzhou and waste this good time.' '

Wen Tue also said good to everyone. The three said goodbye to everyone in the restaurant one by one. They went out of the Tang's restaurant to a secluded place. Zhu Yunming wiped the cold sweat off his face and said to Wen Tue: 'Are you two brothers suspicious? How could I do this? To be honest with you, Xie Chun is the legendary hereditary auspicious earl, Jie Yuan, who took the Shaanxi provincial examination. He will tell the supervisor when he returns. We'd better go back to the countryside and study poetry hard. Otherwise, the elders of our family will not tolerate our unbridled behavior when they hear that we have a dispute with Xiang Ruibo. Two brothers, let's go back to each family quickly and study hard behind closed doors. When we have a chance, we'll get together again to talk. ''

On Tuesday, people in Wen also changed their faces. They went back to their homes with Zhu Yunming, and then returned to the countryside to study hard. Finally, they opened up a world in the imperial examination arena, and went one step higher than their historical fame. Later, they would benefit the local people for their officials. Only the four talents in history, namely, a flash in the pan, disappeared immediately, There were not many legendary traces of the four talented men.

Tang Yin saw off all the literati in the tavern, put away the two paintings on the book case, and then came to Tang Guangde. He knelt down on the floor with a sound of "plop": "Father, the child used to be such a jerk. Every day, he lingered in brothels and prostitutes, boasting that he was a talented person who was dissolute. It never occurred to my father that he worked so hard in the restaurant business to support the children and the whole family. Here, I solemnly swear that I will abide by Jie Jieyuan's order in the future and never set foot in the brothels and chuguan again in my life. From then on, I deliberately abstained from drinking and lusting, studied poems, books and sages' articles, and strived to achieve good results in the imperial examination, so as to repay my parents for their upbringing. ''

Tang Guangde didn't expect his son Tang Bohu to change so quickly. He was moved to tears. He reached out his hands to hold up his eldest son and told him loudly, 'My son doesn't have to do that. As long as you study hard and get fame early, you can be worthy of your parents' hard work day and night. You must not hate Xie Engong. He is also kind. If he didn't force me to enlighten my son, when would you wake up? It's not easy for you to apologize to Xu Shi when you go back. You didn't listen to her advice many times before. Instead, you are becoming more and more independent. After you go back, you should talk to her and live a good life for the two of you. ''

Tang Shen nearby also came to interrupt and said, 'Brother, you should study hard. I'm sixteen years old, and no one wants to marry me. If you win the title and become a Jinshi in the future, I can't choose my daughter-in-law.' ' His words made the three of them laugh, and the estrangement between father, son and brother was solved, and they were as close as before.

When Tang Yin returned home that night, he bowed down and apologized to his wife, Xu. Xu had already learned the truth from her mother-in-law. Seeing that Tang Yin sincerely apologized, he took this opportunity to reunite with Tang Yin. The couple were still in love when they were young. Once they made up, they became very close; Since then, Tang Yin has been studying hard at home. Xu Shi has been doing needlework on the side, adding fragrance to tea at night, and accompanied Tang Yin to study. Their relationship has become closer and closer.

In the twinkling of an eye, Tang Yin, Zhu Yunming, Wen Zhengming, and Xu Zhenqing took the exam at the same time. After Tang Yin finished the test paper, he handed it to the supervisor as usual. The supervisor looked at it carefully and said to him with a straight face, 'A few days ago, Xiangrui Bo Jiechun wrote to me and asked me to pay close attention to student ethos, I should have refused admission. But Xiang Ruibo mentioned in his letter that he should treat you and others who have made mistakes with fairness. Your writing is good, so I will admit you. In the future, we should behave well and not be arrogant with our talents, otherwise we will be in great trouble. ''

When the record examination was released, Tang Yin was ranked ninth. It seems that the supervisor still lowered his position. Zhu Yunming, Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing were also ranked one by one, but only in a lower position; When Tang Yin returned home, the whole family decorated the lanterns and streamers to congratulate him. Everyone in the Tang family named Xie Chun as a benefactor. Tang's mother unexpectedly offered it with incense. If Xie Chun knew about it, he would be angry half to death.

A few days later, Xu was diagnosed pregnant, and the Tang family celebrated such a double happiness; After that, Tang Yin did not go to the place of fireworks to have fun. He only drank alcohol, but he could not quit it for a while. The Xu family just didn't know. Tang Yin had taken the vow of abstinence and ignored it.