Chapter 48 Trouble

Who said that good will be rewarded and evil will be rewarded. It is not a failure to repay.

At this time, Fangfang wanted to save her brother Fangdi's life even if she wanted to die. Finally, she rushed to the doctor and found A Niu,

After the phone call, Fangfang broke the jar and broke it. Anyway, she was relying on Daniel. She would not want to break up with her boyfriend, nor would her family die that night.

A Niu is kind-hearted in essence. People who can work hard all their lives and shoulder their father's serious illness are absolutely worthy of praise for their filial piety, which is also a kind of kindness.

He never thought of harming others, even if it was a woman's honor. At the beginning, Xue Mengqi did not defend him in his hometown, so he was not moved? He is not Liu Xiahui,

A man in his 30s can't hurt a girl in a moment's impulse, so he has to bear the cold water. Xue Mengqi just wants to sleep with him at his home in the capital. Does he still resist being a man?

Fangfang herself is a KTV girl. In the We Media era of 2019, this profession is regarded by Daniel as a high-end street girl. He will have a burden.

Now Fangfang's family is broken and people die. He thinks he is also responsible for the so-called "I don't kill Biren, but Biren died because of me.",

Of course, just because he is kind and slow doesn't mean he is stupid.

On the same day, he went to Fangfang's place on a plane he had never taken in his life,

When seeing Fang Fang, A Niu couldn't recognize the girl who was dressed up in KTV,

At this time, Fang Fang's hair was dry, her face was pale, her eyes were red, and her eyes were as gray as death. Only when she saw Ah Niu did her eyes show a trace of life.

"Boss, please help my brother." Fangfang, who was going to kneel down to beg, finally lost her spirit and fell to Daniel.

When he saw Fangfang, A Niu had already believed half of her. At this time, he hurriedly hugged Fangfang and called for a doctor.

After checking, Fangfang has no problem, but is tired, in poor mental state, and lack of sleep.

A Niu also saw Fang Di in the emergency room. He was full of tubes and looked very scary.

He believed Fangfang without asking any more questions. Several nurses in the hospital talked about her. It was hard for him not to hear. They didn't carry Oniu,

Fangfang's family was big news in the local area. When Fangfang met with her boss, the nurse obviously regarded A Niu as the big boss who kept Fangfang. It was estimated that in less than an hour, Pan Jinlian, Fangfang's version, would be published in the second edition.

Fang's brother was sent by the police. The first rescue operation and blood transfusion made Fang Fang owe a huge amount of medical expenses,

Now a second operation is needed, and Fangfang can't raise the operation fee. Fangfang's younger brother can only stay in the emergency room to maintain his life. If Fangfang doesn't pay the medical fee the day after tomorrow at the latest, her younger brother will be moved out of the emergency room. At that time, although it's not said that Fangfang will die soon, it's almost the same. It's no different from decannulation.

Soon the hospital doctor came directly to urge Daniel to pay the fee.

When A Niu went to pay the fees, he was pointed out all the way. The small place is not like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or the first tier cities,

Most of the county towns know about the big news that comes out in this place. Don't expect everyone to be implicit. It's OK to point out behind your back and dare to say it in front of you.

A Niu is speechless. He can't argue, nor can he argue. He just spent money to vent his anger, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious,

He swore that he would never dare to wave again and help Fangfang deal with the mess. After returning, he decided to guard Xue Mengqi wholeheartedly.

It's easy to do things with money. After receiving the fee, the hospital quickly prepared a second operation for Fangfang's younger brother, and only waited for Fangfang to wake up and sign.

Fangfang blamed Daniel for everything. In fact, she knew that Daniel was not to blame. After she begged many people for no success, she had no hope for Daniel,

I just want to let off steam. After brother Fang is killed, I will find a high place to end myself.

When she heard that A Niu promised to come over, Fangfang thought to herself that as long as A Niu was willing to save her brother, she would swear to the gods to repay A Niu and do anything for A Niu,

When I saw Daniel in the hospital, a light appeared in the dark world of Fangfang.

This light made her feel alive.

When Fangfang woke up, she was relieved to see Ah Niu at the first sight. Before she could speak, the doctor next to her took out a document and said,

"Ms. Fang, please sign your name. Your brother needs an operation at once."

Fangfang turned around and took over the exemption agreement and signed his name in a loud voice,

The doctor took the agreement without any nonsense and was ready to go to surgery.

After the doctor left, Fangfang didn't speak anymore, but just looked at A Niu as if he was her backbone. The former KTV sister had become silent.

A Niu was a little embarrassed when he was seen, so he had to comfort him,

"Fangfang, don't worry too much. The doctor said that your brother's operation has a high success rate, and nothing will happen."

When Fang Fang saw that A Niu mentioned her brother, she came to her senses and said, "Oh!" She was going to get up and guard at the door of the emergency room.

A Niu didn't stop her. She wouldn't rest even if she lay down.

Then A Niu accompanied her and waited at the door of the emergency room for 4 hours. The attending doctor came out and announced that the operation was successful,

Fangfang looked through the glass and saw her brother lying peacefully on the bed in the emergency room,

As they had just finished the operation to prevent infection after the operation, Fangfang and A Niu had to visit Fangdi through the glass.