Chapter 55 After the official announcement

The scene of the final of "Sing to You" has been widely spread. In recent days, several things have become the focus of hot search in turn: # Lin Shenguan's announcement #, # Shen's girlfriend Yu Zhu #, # Sing to You champion China South Korea group #, # volunteer younger sister Yu Zhu #

First, let's talk about the official announcement. Lin Shen and Aqi didn't report to the company in advance. It was purely personal behavior and there was no need to explain it. However, after this event, it did have an impact on the company. Previously, because of the success of the variety show "Nature Grows", the cooperation between the outside manufacturers and automobile manufacturers who actively asked Lin Shen to be the brand spokesperson stopped temporarily, It is said that the customer needs further investigation. Some of the brand renewal contracts that Lin Shen now endorses are not in a hurry to sign. The cast of Lin Shen, the first man in the upcoming urban drama, also began to look for a replacement. The senior management of the company made no comment on Lin Shen and decided to give him a long vacation.

Everyone was very sad. She thought that she had delayed Lin Shen. Lin Shen's achievements and popularity accumulated in recent years had been delayed by her. Now he is in the cold house of the company, and everything is almost equal to starting from a negative number.

Fortunately, a little positive news came from Haina and Cici. Lin Shen's fans who were most afraid of being hurt did not abandon their male gods. Many of them believed that Lin Shen could declare his love officially at the peak of his career, which was a very responsible thing in itself, and was worthy of being the male gods of Shen's girlfriend. Some sister fans actively served Lin Shen as a love counselor for his relatives and friends. They believed that the simple and lovely Yu Zhu was the "Shen girlfriend" they imagined. She could sing, loved sports, shared hobbies with Lin Shen, and was also a school bully, just worthy of the modest and talented Lin Shen male god.

Everyone looked at Lin Shen, who was on vacation at home, and wanted to cheer him up. They were afraid that he wanted to be quiet alone. Too much talk upset him, so they had to work alone in front of the computer to design their own homestay. When I turned on the computer, I found that, God, Baidu had its own hot search term:

[Yu Zhu, born on December 12, 1998, Sagittarius, Chinese nationality, native place BJ, 173cm, 45kg; 16 years old, was admitted to the youth class of Tsinghua University, and later studied in the UK, with a master's degree in architecture; after returning to China, he worked in the China Architectural Design Institute, and later joined the youth volunteer teaching team to teach in Fujian Linhai Fishing Village Primary School. He is one of the members of the winner team of the final "Sing to You". Actor Lin Shen's Guanxuan girlfriend. Both parents teach in Tsinghua University; Grandfather is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in acoustics and a subject expert who enjoys special national allowance; My grandfather is an older generation national drama artist and professor of Shanghai Theater Academy.]

This is nothing. There is a rumor on the Internet that Yu Zhu and Cheng Shuo's Asian face combination are negotiating with the two largest entertainment companies, Jiayi and Tianjing, about their debut. It's a load of nonsense. Everyone can't even get busy with the project of homestay to promote volunteer education. Besides, singing is just her hobby with Cheng Shuo, and she never thought about becoming a professional.

Lin Shen saw that there was something wrong with everyone's mood. He took a bottle of juice and walked up to her: "I finally have time to accompany you at home. Can you be happy?"

"I'm not happy to see this." Everyone pointed to the fake news on the computer screen. "This is just a rumor kidnapping."

"Alas, you can't stand it now?" Lin Shen found a chair to sit beside her. "Ruochen and I have experienced many more exaggerated and vicious rumors than this!"

"I know, for example, last time you and Tian Yuan were together..." everyone said, "even I believed them."

"That's nothing!" Lin Shen said casually.

"That's not what?!" Everyone could not get up at will. "Tell me, if that's not what, what else is it?!"

"Hey, kid, stop making trouble. You are off the topic!" Lin Shenchong snapped her fingers. "Why don't we just play it by ear!"

"What do you mean?" everyone asked.

"You and Cheng Shuo can really start a career!" Lin Shen touched each other's heads, "experience, you have this strength!"

"I, we, can you?" Everyone blinked, "I think I should concentrate on drawing."

"It's good for you to enjoy singing because you are interested in both doing and playing." Lin Shen encouraged everyone, "We will set up a company by ourselves and won't be influenced by others. You and Cheng Shuo will sign a contract with their own company."

"Is that OK? Chengshuo and I have no experience..." Everyone is still not confident.

"Look here!" Lin Shen pointed to himself and said, "Ah Qi and I have experience. If we can't, we can bring Ruochen in."

"Well, you and Ruochen should also sign their own company." Everyone suddenly felt that it was worth doing, which was a good idea. "I will never see you embarrassed by the company again!"

"Want to work with me? Call me senior!" Lin Shen ticked his nose.

"In the future, I will work as a volunteer education project, and you will work as a performing arts project. I will sign it to you and put it under your control." Everyone plunged their heads into Lin Shenhuai.

"Well, it's settled. I want to sign a contract with you!" Lin Shen is always so happy with everyone.

In this way, we can say what we said and what we did. Lin Shen's performance studio has started. Everyone and Cheng Shuo have become the first artist group to sign a contract under the company. The news of the official debut of "Asian Face Group" is no longer a rumor in the public, but an open and aboveboard entertainment news. Asian Face has established its own fan group. Many students and young people like their students' angry singing style very much. They also appreciate the intelligence of Xueba's little sister and the talent of handsome little brother. The video of the two people playing fancy skateboards on Weibo is also the attitude of young people to pursue extreme challenges, especially enthusiastic about public welfare, The number of fans who actively participated in the volunteer education project soon exceeded one million.

Speaking of fans, because Lin Shen's fan group has always supported their national male god, even after he announced his relationship with everyone, he still refuses to leave him. After a week of observation, the number of fans of 2000w has lost very little, and the manufacturers who used to come to the door to do brand endorsements have returned, Several other customers learned that Lin Shen and each of them liked sports and invited them to work together as spokesmen of products or brands for lovers. Now they really became colleagues working side by side.

Seeing that Lin Shen's career has gradually recovered, and everyone has also accidentally mixed into the entertainment industry to try to walk around, this dramatic change is simply a perfect surprise opening.