Chapter 4 Meeting Amin

Everyone took out their cell phones and called Taxi to the zoo

First, I don't need to wear a mask. The driver I chose is an Indian

Lin Shen gave a thumbs up to everyone. Everyone still has a naughty smile.

Soon, the zoo will be here. Everyone asked the driver to park his car in the shade of a tree some distance from the gate.

You will wait for me here, and I will buy the ticket

Lin Shen watched the girl fly away, and soon ran back with tickets and maps.

Lin: "It's still early. What are you running for? Wipe off your sweat!"

Don't you fear that you will be targeted by the debt collector? Help me get a paper towel. It's in my bag. Hurry

Everyone turned around and pointed their backpacks at Lin Shen.

Lin Shen opened his backpack, rummaged a few times, found the paper towel, and felt another thing.

He handed her the tissue and lifted another thing. He frowned at her.

Lin: "Well, what is it?"

Everyone smiled and grabbed them: "This is Amin's mask. I bought it yesterday. I think you can use it today."

Everyone raised their masks and shook them twice on Lin Shen's face.

Lin: "You asked me to act like a gorilla. Am I as handsome as Amin?"

Lin Shen's skilful playwright was very smart and began to imitate the orangutans to amuse everyone.

All right, the performance class is over. It's the hottest and sunniest time at noon. I'll spray you some sunscreen spray first, and then put this on. No one will think much of wearing Amin mask here. Only I can think of such a clever way

Everyone was just playing with their masks, and the sweat on their cheeks ran down.

Lin Shen came to everyone with a tissue and looked at her squarely. "Come here."

Everyone put down their masks and approached them carefully: "Oh."

"I don't hit anyone again!" He wiped the sweat on her cheek. "So, yesterday I decided to take me to play!"

Everyone hurriedly explained: "Chen Ran and Sisi are very enthusiastic. I guess they will ask you out."

Lin: "Oh, thank them for being nice to me!"

A: "Mm-hmm. Yes."

Lin Shen tilted his head, frowned and stared at each other: "Why are you afraid of burying your feelings so deeply? Did you dare to refuse your mother's son-in-law when you were a junior? Did you flee to England alone?"

All of them stared round and broke Lin Shen: "Cixi and Chen Ran are two big mouths. Why do they say everything!!!"

He touched her head: "Why blush?! Spray me with sunscreen spray, and then put on the mask."

Lin Shen sat down on the ground, closed his eyes and waited for the sun spray to spray. Under the long eyelashes is a young face.

Everyone picked up the spray, his heart pounding, his hands trembling to put a mask on him.

He opened his eyes and put his arms around her. "Come on, hug Amin!"

At the moment, her pounding heart was printed on his chest without concealment, and he whispered close to her: "Don't be afraid!"

He took her by the hand and they walked to the zoo.

Singapore's zoos are particularly interesting. Many times you can get close contact with animals.

The peacock is right beside you and walks with you side by side. Amin, big and small, walks in parallel on the branches above the tourists.

At feeding time, tourists can also hand deliver food to giraffes, zebras and baby elephants.

After a long circle of feeding, they suddenly couldn't find Lin Shen.

She could not call his name, so she looked around and shouted, "Yu Zhu, everyone, here I am..."

In fact, Lin Shen hid beside her. He recorded her silly shouts on his mobile phone, and a person sniggered.

After a while, he pretended to be pitiful and came out: "You were just looking at the baby elephant and almost lost Amin."

Everyone hurriedly pulled him to a place where there were few people. They took off their masks and saw the hippie's face: "It's OK, it hasn't been changed." They said while wiping sweat for him, "Just now the giraffe licked my hand, which is very soft. Let you run around, miss it!"

He immediately pretended to be disgusted: "Hey, you didn't wash your hands! You still touched my face!"

Before she could finish speaking, she ran in front and he ran after her. They laughed and became two children.

Amin, who was running with a mask, made foreigners whistle and scream and took photos.

Lin Shen took the opportunity to pass his mobile phone to a foreigner and asked him to take a group photo with him.

At the moment when the shutter was pressed, Lin Shen took off the mask with one hand and put the other hand around her shoulder.

[This is the first group photo of Lin Shen and everyone, and it is also the one he has always taken with him.]

That moment was Lin Shen's most relaxed and happy time.

Before and after his debut, several girls passed him by,

Each is the most special one.

No one is more satisfied with seeing trees, birds' nests and animals than she is,

No one can do like her, with him giggling.

[Idol, the subject of Chen Ran and I is a bit complicated. You two play more for a while, and we will pick you up at 7:00 for dinner~]

Cixi sends WeChat to Lin Shen.

Lin Shen looked at his watch. At four o'clock, he googled around the cinema.

Lin: "Cici, they will pick us up at seven for dinner. It's still early now. Let's take you to the movies!"

The cinema is too busy. Don't go

Lin: "No problem. There are not many cinemas in Singapore. There is one nearby. Let's go there."

Two people are standing in the hall of the cinema, and the movie posters are playing in a rolling manner.

Lin: "Which one do you want to see?"

"This one!" All of them did not take into account the existence of other films, and pointed to Angry Birds 2.

Lin squinted at her: "Cartoon?"

Everyone's eyes were only plump red: "Maybe we should look at it separately. I'll see this, and you'll see you."

Lin took a breath and said, "I love this! There are several Chinese at the ticket booth. Go and buy tickets."

Soon everyone came back with two tickets in their mouth, popcorn, juice and a fat red in their hands.

Looking at them, Lin Shen made a plump red expression.

The screening hall was full of children laughing loudly. Lin Shen turned his head to look at the people beside her, and she turned into a child.

Lin Shen put his mouth close to everyone's ears and said, "Do you want to see my movie?"

Everyone didn't hear clearly: "What did you say? Speak louder!"

Lin Shen repeated: "My movie"

Everyone took it out of context: "Yes, this is just like your performance. You are Panghong. Look, how similar the expression of frowning is!"

Lin Shen was completely defeated, and put his head on everyone's shoulders: "Alas, childish!"

Everyone turned their faces: "Who are you talking about..."

Lin Shen continued to lean against her, "Don't move! Let me have a rest."

Each of them put a plush red pad under Lin Shen's head, with two faces and the same expression.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and took pictures of them in the same frame.

[This is the first picture of Lin Shen in every mobile phone. I can laugh every time I see it.]