Chapter 37 Pretending Force Team

On the other side, the elder sister has arrived at the shore, and Gulong's team is resting on the shore. Next to them, there are three soldiers. In the middle is Gulong's exclusive soldier: Override

Gu Long felt happy when he saw the majesty of the ride, but Lv Yexin beside him was not happy. He clearly agreed to let her ride the ride, but now his brother has turned around again, so he can only mumble and look at Gu Long unhappily.

Looking at the tall Lv Yexin with pouting lips, Gu Long felt helpless. It was not that he didn't want to ride for Lv Yexin, but that this was his exclusive combat force. As long as no one else could ride it, what was sad was that he told Lv Yexin, but Lv Lexin didn't believe it, and he had to say that he didn't give her an excuse to ride.

Gulong suddenly thought of a way, and then suddenly a barrel appeared in his hand. It was a small round barrel. Gulong quickly opened the barrel, and a smell came out with it. Lv Lexin, a big eater, quickly showed his small nose.

Then he saw that Gu Lei took out a small bucket that she did not know what it was. The smell she smelled came from that bucket.

Lv Yexin, who used to pout, quickly put on a pitiful look and asked Gu Long, "Brother, what are you holding in your hand?"

Gu Long had been staring at Lv Yexin's expression. Seeing her unhappy face disappear, Gu Long knew there was a play. Wu Long assumed the presence of an old god, very like those swaggering gods. Gu Long shook his head and said;

"Oh, you say this. It's a great thing to talk about this. She was obtained by me with all my efforts. I almost lost my life in order to get this at the beginning, but now I think of its taste, it's worth a word at that time." Gu Long also put on an extremely enjoyable look, as if there was something delicious in the bucket.

"Wow, really, can you give me a taste? I won't be angry if you give me a taste." Lv Yexin put on a generous look, as if he had given Gu Long much alms?

Gu Long put on a painful look, and then reluctantly took out the bucket: "Well, in order not to make my sister angry, I will bear the pain!"

"Oh, my brother is so kind, my brother is so kind," said Lv Yexin happily after getting the bucket;

After that, Lv Yexin took out pieces of potato chips from Tongli. Yes, they are potato chips. Later, they are Huaxia potato chips. This potato chip was exchanged by Gu Long from the system. It doesn't cost much. One overriding point can exchange 20 barrels of potato chips. He also has many kinds of snacks, which is just one of them.

As for the appearance of heartache that Lv Yexin had shown before, it had already dissipated at the moment of his joy, and he began to practice cross legged. Now he has only one level of metaphysical spirit to continue to work hard.

The skill of Gu Long's cultivation is the supernatural level "Dragon God's Decision". The cultivation speed is absolutely fast. In the early stage, as long as you can cultivate for one day, you can break through several levels continuously.

Gulong's aura absorbed from the outside world is transformed into spiritual power to improve his elixir field. A golden halo appears on the periphery of Gulong. The halo is sacred and inviolable, and the realm of Gulong continues to grow slowly.

The first stage of Xuanling, the middle stage of Xuanling, the peak of Xuanling, the second stage of Xuanling.

But less than 15 minutes later, Gu Long stopped, because they had to continue on their way, and there was not enough time for him to practice. I said that the moment he stopped practicing and opened his eyes, his goal was not the seaside scenery, but a lovely face.

"Brother, do you still have that delicious food?" Lv Yexin slowly said with her lovely big eyes blinking. She said how cute she would be, just like a sister who is coqueting her brother.

"There are many, many, as many as you want." Gu Long touched Lv Yexin's small head and said, but he regretted after saying that it was dangerous to get this bucket. He has many buckets. Isn't it obvious that Lv Yexin knew what he said was a lie?

But when he saw Lv Yexin's expression was not angry, he blinked his lovely eyes and said, "Give it to me quickly!"!

Gu Long felt relieved when he saw that Lv Yexin was not angry. He took out a large number of potato chips from the system space at once, including all kinds of flavors, including tomato flavor, barbecue flavor, spicy flavor, and so on. Lv Yexin's eyes suddenly lit up.

Lv Yexin hurriedly held a large number of potato chips in her arms, and then blinked her lovely big eyes at Gu Long and said, "Are there any more?"

Gulong hurriedly shook his hand. This time Gulong is not a liar. He really doesn't have any, just potato chips. There are many other snacks in its system space.

"Really not!" Lv Yexin seemed not determined to reconfirm.

"Really not!" Gu Long said seriously.

"Oh, since it's gone, can we talk about what you lied to me just now?" He smiled at Gulong, but when Gulong saw the smile, he felt panic.

It's over, it's over, it's over.

After that, Gu Long didn't care about any soldiers. He just ran away. At least only rockets could match his speed. After all, Gu Long is not an ordinary person now, but a martial artist with strength, so his speed is in the fantasy world. Gu Long's speed is still within the normal range.

Seeing that Gu Long had escaped, Lv Yexin could not get used to him, so he rushed to catch up with him.

"Gulong, you bastard, do you dare to cheat me?" Well, now I don't even cry for my brother, just call his name.

While Gu Long and Lv Yexin ran away, they stood still on the shore, and the two soldiers also moved, which was just the override and Zifeng. They quickly caught up with their masters.

The people sitting on the bank don't know what's going on? Why did the two leaders run away at once, but they could not care much about it, so they hurried to catch up.

"Ouch, don't chase my aunt," Gu Long looked at Lv Yexin, who was still chasing after her, and was almost frightened. He was about to be caught. He had to scold again. Although Gu Long was not afraid of pain, he was still shamed by a girl's scolding.

Lv Yexin's strength is also in the realm of Xuanling, but the victory is that she is a girl with a light body, so she is still fast. But Gu Long can't be so subdued! The two slender legs ran at once, and the legs had never stopped, but they grew.

The two of them are not tired, but the people behind them will cry for their parents when they leave.

"Ouch, where are my aunts and uncles? Please slow down." The rest of the people have very low accomplishments except Kuang Ba. There is even one who has no accomplishments. It's hard to run behind. If Kuang Ba hadn't helped him from time to time, he might have been abandoned by Gu Long and his colleagues.

"Brothers! I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you next time." Gu Long said sorry to his brother behind him, and then hurried to speed up. If he didn't run faster, he would be unlucky!