Chapter 207 How Hard to Find

Yongzhou City is not big. After Chen Yan and the fishermen on the river parted, they crawled to the southeast and saw the low walls of Yongzhou City from afar.

Because of his spiritual detection and vibration perception, Chen Yan can always avoid humans in advance. It is not that he is afraid of humans, but that he does not want to frighten the plot.

According to the original story of the film, Xu Xuan and Xiao Bai will first go to Baoqing Square in the south of the city and ask the owner of Baoqing Square about the origin of the double-sided fox essence and the pearl hairpin. The fox essence provides a clue. It is a snake scale left by the owner of the pearl hairpin, which makes them confused.

Later, they turned to Yongzhou and were told to come here by the snake mother

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