Chapter 72 Pseudo Heavenly Way

Everywhere there was a smell that he hated. Even this piece of sky was torn, and the tear was suffused with red light, as if the sky would bleed and grieve.

There are thick smoke, bear fire, rocks, screams, and Li Qingfeng has no psychological ability. Now he just wants to find that person. He can do everything for himself and for the three of them.

The realm is still rising, and the speed is also getting faster. The source of that breath is very close, just in his Taoism.

Li Qingfeng's resentment was even worse, and the blood light in his eyes was also more bright. He said bitterly, "It's not enough to take my three senior brothers. Do you want to continue to take people from me?".

In the two days after Li Qingfeng and his followers left, all the preparations in Taoism were carried out in a tense and orderly manner.

At noon on the third day, the sky suddenly became a layer of blood, and it was broken. There were countless flames in those cracks, which directly hit the vast land below. Taoism was the first to bear the brunt.

It is unknown how the external situation is. Because of the protection of Zulongpan around Taoism, it is still good for the time being.

Everyone was caught off guard. Some people thought that it would be several years or months later, but no one thought that it would be a disaster just a few days after they learned the news.

All plans were also disrupted. There were many disciples of various sects outside, and many big families had not yet joined them in time, but everything was so sudden.

After all, as a monk, many people responded and quickly gathered. The Star Array of the heavens was launched, and a continuous flow of power was bestowed on the Zulong Plate, making the already stable Dharma Protection Array more indestructible.

Looking at the fireball flying from the sky, Li Xiaoling was a little unprepared. How could the disaster come ahead of time? The words of Shifu came to his mind involuntarily. Is it because of himself?

A consciousness suddenly wakes up in the air, which may be awakened. What wakes it up and why wakes it up, it does not know, nor does it want to think too much. Looking down, he found that everything in his eyes was so small, as if everything was under his control. He enjoyed this feeling.

Then it saw those tiny aliens, which were not big for it, but its attention could not be moved. An unknown anger came out, and it wanted to destroy the place.

As soon as this idea appeared, it found that there were many fireballs around it, so it threw them down crazily. After a while, it found that it had no impact on the place at all.

The anger became more and more. This time, he was going to throw all the fireballs to the place that made him unhappy. However, no matter how he threw them, only a few fireballs broke in, splashed a little spark and soon disappeared.

It seemed useless. It began to think, and the idea of perishing became stronger, so its will passed on. At this time, those living things that survived in the fireball began to gather, gather, and then rush toward the place it hated.

It seems that the mole ants will act according to their wishes, which is very funny. When they are excited, they control more creatures to rush away. Although some of them can't be operated, they don't care. They like watching this kind of scene.

The disciples of Taoism were relieved when they saw that the fireball could not break through the formation, and they thought it was not too terrible. But soon, they found that those fireballs did not fall to other places, and all began to gather here. Gradually, the pressure grew. The disciples could only do more, and the strong also joined the team.

After a long time, the fireball disappeared when everyone was about to be overwhelmed. Although people did not know the reason, they were all relieved and finally resisted.

However, before they could catch their breath, the ground suddenly trembled. Someone wanted to explore the truth when he went up. As soon as he went up, he was shocked by the picture in front of him.

Numerous dark crowds are closing in on the Taoism sect. There are still fierce animals, most of them are human beings. Most of them are ordinary people, and there are also friars, but all of them are extremely low.

They rushed to the Dharmapala Array, and then continued to rush forward without a pause.

The result can be imagined that moths to the fire were directly shocked into nothingness by the big array.

The disciples couldn't bear it. Even many strong men looked very ugly. It was the responsibility of the monks to protect the ordinary people. But this time, they didn't protect them. Instead, they became the executioners who killed them indirectly. But if they let go, the consequences would be more terrible. Hold on.

After a long time, the consciousness thought it was interesting at first, but gradually, it became impatient and useless. It wanted to do it by itself.

As for hands, it seems that it has neither hands nor feet. After the idea appeared, it became more angry. Why can't it move itself.

But soon it was surprised to find that it could move, stand and wave. It could feel that its behavior was similar to those of the following creatures. The only difference was that they were still mole ants in its eyes.

When the disciples of Taoism were suffering, the crowd that surrounded them suddenly stopped moving, stood there and woke up. Then I began to wonder, what happened to me, didn't I survive in the fire, and why I was here? Some people found that there were fierce animals standing beside me, and they screamed, and the crowd began to riot, fierce animals, trampling

When they were full of fright, something even more terrifying happened to them. A giant appeared in the field of vision. When he looked up, he could only see a small leg, and then the giant stepped over with one foot.

The scattered crowd is like a destroyed ant colony, running around, but can not escape the fate of destruction.

The attack went from wave to wave, and the disciples saw a giant covering the sky suddenly appear. When such a magnificent thing appeared, it should be very dynamic.

But it just appeared in front of them without any precaution. The giant stepped on them, and the magnificent momentum seemed to cut off the hope of Taoism disciples.

Ning Hanluo is also a member of the starry array in the sky according to Qin Yao. Their hope is also that the big foot that blocks the sky and the sun is cut off.

The Second Supreme Priest in the deep of the hall opened his eyes, and finally, the "pseudo heavenly way" appeared. Several old figures appeared beside him at the same time, followed by their battlefield.

The leaders of various peaks and peaks, the top strong men of various clans and families all appeared, and all the forces were blessed to the Zulongpan. The formation became more solid, but this was only in their view.

The giant stepped on it with his big foot and pulled it again. The shield was full of cracks and was about to break.