Chapter 21 Preparation

Early in the morning.

"Gollum Gollum..."

Bury your head in the water basin. According to a set of techniques for holding your breath, hold it like a naughty boy. After more than 20 minutes, make sure that the body has reached the limit, and then playfully spit out all the breath in your chest and lungs.


Take a breath!

"It's not bad. I didn't pay for many exercises this month, nor did Sha Tongtian's tuition fee..."

From the moment when he came to this world and decided to visit the ancient tomb, Li Jin began to make various preparations until he got hold of the Queen of Stone. He promised many benefits in exchange for a set of martial arts that can keep his breath in the water for a long time, and insisted on two hours of special training every day all the way south.

Of course, this kind of special training, which does not go into the big river, has the same effect. Li Jin doesn't expect too much of it, and should be a little help rather than nothing.

"Has Tang Zude returned yet?"

Take the towel handed to you by the guards, wipe off the water stains on your face, then walk out of the tent and start to practice Luohan Boxing on an open ground after Peng Lianhu and Sha Tongtian's instructions. Just then I raised my hand and suddenly remembered the unhappiness of last night, so I asked one more question:

"Besides, have you found any useful clues in the camp?"

Luohan Boxing is only used for warm-up, and the later "Dragonfly Skimming the Water" Lightness Skill Leaching Technique is the key. After all, the latter has a very large coordinating role in maintaining normal action in a steep environment, which can greatly increase the success rate of sneaking into the ancient tomb and then exiting safely!

In order to practice this skill early, he often got off his horse and ran on foot on the way. Sometimes he even carried a small bucket in his left and right hands to catch up with the galloping horses in front of him

Basically, we just want to do it!

"Little prince..."

Bow in person:

"Master Tang came back an hour ago and chased back some wounded horses, but soon he led the team to another direction!

As for clues... "

It's not easy to answer this question. One person will offend a lot of people if he can't do it well, so he turned his eyes and thought about it before saying:

"Those assassins were really cunning and didn't leave any obvious traces when they fled. However, although no useful information was found in the camp, Gong Baihu found some fresh footprints and several oilcloths used to wrap dry grain on the hillside opposite the col when searching the mountain..."

Hearing the words, Li Jin wiped his face with a slap

Yo, this guy has made some progress! A few days ago, I was a little silly, but now I know how to speak in a proper way in front of the master! No wonder Liuzi strongly recommended this guy to me when he left!

It's the big monks

Is this the right rhythm for our side to wait for the prey to enter the pit before they ambush in advance?

Well, it is also true that, although the trajectory of his action seems to be elusive, his style of behavior during his stay in Luoyang and the naked arrangement of sending people south to Nanyang to buy people's hearts really reveal the real purpose and purpose behind.

Therefore, it is not difficult to speculate about the future plans

Either go east to Kaifeng Mansion or go northwest to Yan'an Mansion!

However, considering the political background of Kaifeng Prefecture, the option of heading east can be directly filtered; As for the way to Yan'an Mansion, the best way is not to go first to Chang'an and then to Yan'an!?

As for Li Jin's trip, why not go directly from Zhongdu to the border town first, and then come to Chang'an Luoyang to get welfare? Why do we have to go first to the north of the Central Plains and then to the remote border?

The reason is simple

Some of the generals who can occupy the border for a long time have a few brushes. If you want to attract these guys, you can go there without any benefits. I'm afraid that if you can't even see the other side, you will have to go back;

But if you raise money in the rich places of Hebei Central Plains first, and then take real gold and silver to the border to comfort and sympathize, what will the effect be?

"Well, these donkeys are quite deep!"

I despised this opponent and paid the price of "walking on the line of life and death"!


When I met a decent opponent, I felt a little toothache, but somehow, I was more interested and curious! In addition, there is no lack of light expectations!

As for turning around immediately to find the other party's bad luck?

That's a bit unwise!

Now, he has not completed the main tasks in both directions, but he has no time to waste precious time to go back to the waves. It's too naive!

Moreover, I didn't catch the real pain of Shaolin Temple this time. If I ran back to make trouble, I would be out of nowhere. Then I won't get any benefits, but I will be in a rage. It's really unlucky!

Moreover, even if we use our relationship to respond with all our strength, there is no guarantee that we can kill the other party at once! If you don't kill a snake, you will suffer from it! Once there is a real catch, there will be some fun

Don't you have nothing to do?

Finally, when our own strength is not enough to protect ourselves, forcing too much is tantamount to death

It's not worth the loss!

Besides, although the original volumes were touched by several monks, he was not idle or wasted his time during his five days in Luoyang. Well, there are many famous talents and old painters in the city, but they all paid a lot of money to the Marshal's Mansion, and then these people created value there day and night

Great talent, without a single wrong character!

Old painter, never draw the wrong position!

Therefore, apart from being attacked and frightened, he actually didn't lose much!

"Come on, call them all back! People have gone into the forest. Why are they chasing after them? Is it enough to be teased again?"

Feeling the pure qi in his body, he was deeply aware of his own weakness, and then he coveted the classic more eagerly:

"Do the right thing first, and then pick up the chance..."

"By the way, how is your water quality now?"

He was surprised by the answer to his nonsense question:


"Well, practice well. Although it is not a great skill, it will always be useful!"

No one cares about side details!

So, according to the established plot, after venting towards several black eye socket with a straight face, I will not bother with those who have nothing

Ride a horse and gallop all the way west!

In the ancient city of Chang'an, it will take three or five days to hurry up!


Zhongnan Mountain is located to the south of Chang'an.

It is the birthplace of Quanzhen Taoism!

The Baoxie Valley, which runs across the north and south, is also the place where Wei and Shu held a long-term stalemate during the Three Kingdoms Period! Since the Song Dynasty lost the Central Plains, the boundary between Nanshan and the Kingdom of Jin has ended!

Therefore, during this period, this place is still in a chaotic area with disunity of political power!

As far as the Song Dynasty is concerned, this secession is very powerful

The sacrifice of Chang'an, Luoyang and other populous and prosperous places was just a floating cloud. The emperor said that it was not bad. It was not a matter to bury the integrity and dignity of all Han people in Huaibei. Anyway, the people behind said that it was done by the ancestors in front, and they were so innocent!

Of course, this operation has also produced some good things, that is, the change of direction has promoted the germination and prosperity of the anti Jin Quanzhen religion!

It laid a solid foundation for the rapid growth of the Yuan Dynasty!

What a satire!?

Li Jin came all the way here. What should we do next?

First, change your identity and dress up?

This must have!

Zhongnan Mountain, after all, belongs to the sensitive area of the border between the two countries. The Quanzhen Sect on the top belongs to the anti gold camp. And many heroes and righteous men pass by the mountain. He should dare to make a high-profile appearance as the little prince of the golden man. I don't know how many heroes will be brought out to serve the country and the people, and what kind of flower will he die!?

In addition, pretending to be a cheater also avoided alerting Cheap Master Qiu Chuji as much as possible. Otherwise, this cruel man with the highest martial arts skills and the most violent temper among the seven sons of Quanzhen would be caught and tied to the mountain for a cup of tea. I'm afraid that the other party might suddenly come for a mid-term test! Then Nima can't explode directly?

Second, find a local guide?

This is also necessary!

People who don't know their own place, they are tied up in doing things and afraid of trouble! With the guide, we can not only solve many problems, but also save him a little worry and further improve the whole plan!

Again, find someone to explore the way?

This is the best!

Not to mention the size of Zhongnan Mountain, it is also the territory of the Quanzhen Sect. There must be many disciples in the sect guarding the important pass up the mountain, but it is difficult for outsiders to enter. This is really a headache! Don't go in a rush, but come back in frustration after three or five days

But if someone points the way and makes trouble, what's not satisfied?

Finally, adjust the status and check and tidy up your equipment?

This needs to be serious!

Underground currents are not compatible

In the original book, Yang Guo, his' cheap son ', spent more than half an hour (more than an hour) walking in one direction while maintaining a certain speed!

Wet and slippery path, you should be more careful

It is said that the interior is not only black, but also extends in all directions. The so-called path is basically a steep slope with sloping walls. One careless person will break muscles and bones; Well, my cheap son, who was successful in martial arts at that time, lost a lot of kung fu when crossing this path!

So, three days later, outside a dense forest behind Zhongnan Mountain

"You guys are here, are you sure?"