Chapter 108 Forgive the Male Owner Forgive the Fans

The story of "The Immortal Dragon Ring" is very special. The protagonist of the story he wrote in his previous life... is actually not a person! It is a dark dragon shaped ring. This ring is the immortal dragon ring.

The original idea of this story came into being after he read several "Butterfly Effect".

Then he thought of the eternal mystery of chicken or egg.

Later, he thought of some novels that could make the hero reincarnate, such as the Spring and Autumn Cicada in a book

He thought of many similar works, but after careful consideration, he found that the treasures in these books that can make the protagonist reincarnate and reborn are basically bound to the protagonist's soul the first time he gets it. No matter how many times the protagonist reincarnates, those treasures follow him.

Sun Quan thought at that time that it was too unscientific to bind with the soul. If the treasures that could make the protagonist reborn could not be reborn with the protagonist, what kind of story would it become?

Inspiration is really something that can't be explained clearly. It's just a few small ideas that flash away in my mind.

Sun Quan envisioned many kinds of treasures that could reincarnate the hero. Finally, he somehow set the treasure as a black dragon ring, named the Immortal Dragon Ring!

The word "immortality" in the name of this ring refers to the person wearing this ring. At the moment of death, the soul will be reincarnated automatically by this ring. The most amazing thing is that... the memory of the person reincarnated by this ring will not disappear. What is dead is just the body, and the spirit and soul will not die, just like immortality.

The biggest contradiction and conflict in the book "The Immortal Dragon Ring" written by Sun Quan lies in that every owner of the Immortal Dragon Ring, after reincarnation and rebirth, is extremely eager to take the ring in his hands again to ensure that he can still be reborn with memory when he dies next time.

But... each owner of this ring is strong and weak. After the strong original owner is reborn, he can get the ring back. If the weak original owner or the new owner of the immortal dragon ring is too strong, the reincarnated original owner will fail.

Therefore, before his rebirth, the hero of Sun Quan's version of the Immortal Dragon Ring often died and changed, because in his setting, the real hero of the book was the ring.

Maybe it's also because the hero often dies and changes! The readers of his book are always lost intermittently. Many readers can't stand his writing method, so they finally substitute themselves for the hero. As a result, after a wave of excitement, the hero hangs up

For some readers, what kind of recumbent slot is this?

Only those readers who are tough enough have the courage to continue to look down and see the story of the next hero, but after these tough readers unknowingly replace themselves with the second hero, tragedy suddenly falls like a bolt from the blue... The hero hangs up again?

fuck you! Are you serious? You hang up the first leading role, we can bear it, right when that is not the real leading role, the second you hang up? You're addicted, aren't you? Do you still have humanity?

When Sun Quan wrote the book "The Immortal Dragon Ring", Sun Quan read it too many times in the book review area.

There was even a particular angry reader who purposely joined his fan group, and then sent him a direct private message, which made him bloody.

But Sun Quan was not angry at that time. He was very proud! He can understand the anger of those readers, but he still keeps changing the male owners.

Because the main character he set at the beginning was the ring. When the previous two male characters died, the main line of the whole story was clear. If he forced a male character to write, the main line and keynote of the whole book would be distorted.

At that time, he was very idealistic. He thought that the book should be constantly hung with male owners and kept changing male owners to ensure that the whole story was good enough - constant suspense and conflict.

In addition, the constantly emerging alliance leader on the fan list also helped him strengthen that belief.

Especially when he gained an unprecedented silver league, his belief was unbreakable.

Only a one-time reward of 10000 yuan can the silver league be born! This reader, how much should he like his book to be willing to give him such a one-time reward?

He went farther and farther on the way to test the readers, never looked back, and continued to play the leading role without discussion.

Whenever someone doubts that his book always plays the leading role, he always tells those fans that you are playing the wrong role! The main character of this book is the ring!

That was the most headstrong book he wrote. One group of readers failed to stand his test and left him one after another. But those readers who stayed became his diehard fans.

When the book ended, many people in the book review area and the fan group said that the book was a classic, and Sun Quan was always proud of it.

From the starting point, or directly looking at the whole online literary world, who has written a book with more than 10 male and N female leading roles? What's more, when the book was finished, how many people praised it?

Although the average subscription of that book is totally out of proportion to the public praise, with only a few thousand subscriptions, he is still very satisfied and proud.


Now, he is back in 2006 and wants to write the story of the Immortal Dragon Ring again. His thoughts are not as extreme as before, nor as headstrong as before. He always tests readers.

Today, although he is sorry and a little sad that "My Decathlon" has not yet given birth to the leader, he still likes the contribution and honor brought to him by "My Decathlon"!

He has fallen in love with that feeling, so he doesn't intend to abuse readers any more. He wants word of mouth, and he still wants popularity and royalties.

Therefore, it is inevitable to adjust the setting and plot of the Immortal Dragon Ring.

There is no need to have trouble with the hero!

If he decides to write "The Immortal Dragon Ring" again this time, the hero will die from one thing. The hero can have setbacks in his life. For example, when the Immortal Dragon Ring helped him reincarnate, something went wrong - he was reborn on an eagle or a dog, making it difficult for him to regain the Immortal Dragon Ring in a short time. But before the eagle or the dog died, The Immortal Dragon Ring must be returned to it, so that the male lord can be reincarnated again.

So set... The protagonist of this book is fixed, both the immortal dragon ring and the male leader.

Let go of the male owners who have died and the fans. We must treat the fans well!


Sun Quan on the grass of the driving school thought about it and laughed at himself. Now he doubts whether he was out of his mind? He likes to abuse his fans so much.

Now I can only say that he was a mallet at that time!