Chapter 54 Really, there are some things I don't experience

The moment Lin Shuangyu took the jade bottle out of the storage ring, the scattered phoenix blood figure found the ownership and was directly inhaled into the jade bottle.

Feeling the warmth from the jade bottle, Lin Shuangyu thought quietly, "I hope this can bring a little warmth to the master's heart."

After collecting the phoenix blood, Lin Shuangyu put the jade bottle into the ring storage space.

Attention is again focused on the rich and noble sword.

I don't know when the streamer on the rich and noble sword began to have vitality, which was the birth of spirituality.

When the spirituality of a piece of aura is strong to a certain extent, it will breed the spirit of implements.

Lin Shuangyu was a little worried. Normally, the sword spirit would get close to his sword owner, but he was still nervous when he first experienced this kind of thing.

There is always a sense of acceptance that one's child is going to be born.

This anxiety made Lin Pisces unable to distinguish himself from the book of awakening on the Waking Immortal Tree.

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Shuangyu, the spirituality of the rich and noble sword becomes more and more strong, while the spirituality in the Sword Spring gradually fades away.

As the rich and noble sword is constantly devouring the spirit of Sword Spring to strengthen itself.

When the last trace of spirituality in the Sword Spring was swallowed up, the rich and noble sword burst into a very dazzling golden light.

Lin Shuangyu was caught unprepared for the moment.

I deeply experienced the feeling that other people were blinded by his move to return home.

I am guilty.

Really, some things can not understand that kind of sour and cool, can not understand that kind of resentment without their own experience.

Lin Shuangyu can barely adapt to this dazzling golden light by mobilizing his spiritual power to protect his eyes.

I don't know whether it was the blindness that caused the visual error. He seemed to see a child about two or three years old in the golden light.

"Rich... expensive..."

Hearing the child's words, Lin Shuangyu realized that he was not mistaken, but the spirit of the rich sword was born at this moment.

The rich sword spirit was confused for a while. It seemed that he sensed something and slowly turned to Lin Shuangyu.


Lin Shuangyu's heart softened at the sound of the rich sword spirit.

"Don't call him the master, but the eldest brother."

It seems that the rich sword spirit can't tell the difference between the master and the eldest brother, but he did not hesitate to shout, because for him, this is the order of the sword owner.

It is estimated that after just waking up, after a few words, the rich and noble sword spirit appeared tired and looked very painful.

"Richness and honor are good. Go back to the sword and rest first."

After saying goodbye, the spirit of Fugui Sword obediently returned to Fugui Sword.

At this time, Lin Shuangyu picked up the Fugui Sword again, and felt a strange feeling. It seemed that if his mind moved slightly, he could drive the Fugui Sword.

This is the advantage of the sword spirit after its birth. Of course, the sword spirit is still small, and it is difficult to adapt to high-intensity fighting. It can only drive the rich sword to make some simple actions.

Lin Shuangyu carries the rich sword on his back again and looks around.

He found that many places in the distance had aura fluctuations, and even he saw a place closest to him, where there was a phantom of the foundation stone of spiritual power.

Looking at the blurred figure in the distance, he felt like Wang was in darkness.

Seeing that everyone is practicing, and his rich sword has awakened the spirit of the sword, Lin Shuangyu also decided to try to break through to the seventh level of channeling here.

The cultivation of psychic realm is very simple, which is a process of absorbing aura.

However, due to different qualifications, the speed of absorbing Reiki is naturally different. Many disciples who are also beginners are likely to have a huge gap after a period of time.

But Lin Shuangyu is confident that he is the one who opens the gap. He has the skill of summoning spirits.

But before practicing, he still has one thing to do.

Awakening book.

He didn't have time to explore before. When he put his consciousness into the book of awakening, he found that this thing was a bit strange.

He was able to devour the spirit of all things in the world.

Of course, Lin Shuangyu has the initiative to swallow.

In addition to this strange effect, Lin Shuangyu is also surprised that the spirit swallowed can also awaken the spirit of all things.

However, the birth of each spirit was hard won, so he did not want to use the book of awakening to devour the spirit of all things.

Putting aside the book of awakening, Lin Shuangyu really settled down and began to practice.

Cultivating is a boring thing, but every time you feel that you are constantly becoming stronger, you will enjoy it. This is a kind of natural yearning for strength.

This yearning will make people forget the boredom and time.

There is no time to cultivate immortals.

Lin Shuangyu's consciousness has completely sunk into cultivation, monotonously and repeatedly absorbing aura, turning into spiritual dust, condensing the cornerstone of spiritual power and secondary concretion.

His spirit summoning skill and the existence of a large amount of sword qi promoted his realm rapidly.

The fifth level of channeling!

The sixth level of channeling!

The seventh level of channeling!

When Lin Shuangyu stepped into the seventh level of channeling, the aura in his area became agitated, like a huge rock suddenly hit into the river, causing huge waves.

Wang Mianmei, the nearest to Lin Shuangyu, was lucky to see this scene.

When he looked at the hundred foot spiritual power cornerstone being compressed into the nine foot spiritual power cornerstone, the worship in his eyes became stronger.

Unconsciously, Lin Shuangyu, the eldest brother, left a deep impression on him.

When Lin Shuangyu stepped into the seventh level of channeling, his aura in the elixir world was also consumed.

After all, the amount of aura he needs is not comparable to that of ordinary immortal cultivators.

Of course, his spiritual power is also much stronger than that of other immortal cultivators.

If you really fight, you can also kill those who cultivate immortals in the same realm.

When Lin Shuangyu opened his eyes, his eyes were terribly bright and slowly became normal, and his breath was also restrained.

When I glanced around, I found that Wang was running towards his position.

Other locations in the distance still have strong spiritual power fluctuations.

It seems that my cultivation speed is really much faster than others, coming from behind.

When Wang arrived secretly, Lin Shuangyu asked curiously, "How many steps?"

Wang was a little embarrassed and replied, "The seventh level is not as powerful as the elder brother."

"I'm only seven, your elder brother. I can't answer your words."

"My spiritual strength is incomparable with that of my elder brother."

"Did you see it?"

"Well, what happened?"

"Nothing, just don't tell others."

Lin Shuangyu has been on the spiritual network for the past two years. Although there is generally no important knowledge of cultivating immortals on the spiritual network, after all, those are extremely valuable things for each sect or casual cultivation.

However, Holy Net has a lot of common sense about cultivating immortals. I have never heard of the 100 foot Holy Power Foundation Stone, nor that the second concreting stone can compress the Holy Power Foundation Stone below 10 feet.

On the contrary, I have heard of the spiritual power cornerstone that was smaller than ten feet at the beginning, and there is no chance for the spiritual power cornerstone that is smaller than ten feet to have a second concretion.

So, it seems that you can play the role of pig and eat the tiger.

Wang secretly didn't ask him anything more. Since Lin Shuangyu had told him not to say anything, he wouldn't say anything.


In this way, they talked with each other.

While chatting, Wang suddenly said, "Brother, are you hungry?"