Chapter 124 The Token and the Secret Key of Emperor Qin

Qi Wuwu is said to be a chess player without anything, and his character is extremely strong.

Under the leadership of Qi Wuwu, the other three pavilions in the Fengxue Yanyang Sect and the Chess Pavilion, which are called the four pavilions of Qin, Chess, Poetry and Book, were severely suppressed by the Chess Pavilion, especially the pavilions lacking representative Tianjiao.

Not to mention the martial arts pavilion that has been rejected by the four pavilions of Qin, Chess, Poetry and Book!

It's said that Qi Wuwu's strength is not inferior to that of Li Rushi, the leader of Fengxue Yanyang Sect.

Of course, no one knows the truth.

But Qi Wuwu is as famous as Li Rushi, which shows something extraordinary.

The same is true of other super quality clans. Although the leader is not the leader, the leader is famous

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