Chapter 39 Daily Forty

Just finished the sushi, I brushed my shoes in the morning, mopped the floor, cleaned the floor, thought about whether to clean the kitchen in the afternoon, and reflected on the fact that yesterday's meal was really simple. The sushi in the morning, a bowl of powder, and then a plate of yam were really simple. Then, Ben was also immersed in his efforts. So I got bad feedback, and I was still confused. Today, I realized that everyone in the world is different. I can do anything, but others are not. So when we get along with others, we first think about the desires of others and compare with ourselves. All right, a little thought.

What is suddenly interrupted? What is the satisfaction of the desire to rise again? Is it indulgence, self-discipline, and the sense of achievement after persistence? This should be the most important question for Ben Wen at this age. It is not about inheriting the family, getting married and having children. It is about the meaning of a person in the world. Some people live simply. No matter how they think about life, they are happy, maybe they don't think about it, After muddling through life, I can't stop thinking about this. I must give myself an answer, or I will feel regret and emptiness. Too much talk, like talking, like children's balderdash. Innocent but beautiful.

In the morning, Cha Ha Yang Chaoyue also wanted to make things difficult, but he would think why he was not the next one. What he lacked, compared with Mao, was talent, compared with Yang Chaoyue, was face value. What he shared with them was ordinary, and he could not see the efforts and hardships behind them. He and most people in the world always wanted to succeed and become famous, but no one would want to meet hardships. Mao was not easy, The way for Ben to approach him is to have a guitar of about 100 and to endure all kinds of difficulties in learning guitar. Ben gave up. He just likes to be handsome when playing, but he can't bear to practice and learn all the time. Then he comes to Yang Chaoyue. He envies her stage beauty. The nearest thing is Ben's obesity, a person who can't control his own body, Jealousy for the gods and demons and contempt for Yang Chaoyue, who keeps a good figure. Of course, she is not fat and will hurt people. But after all, she is persistent behind her, but Ben doesn't have it. This is thinking. In high school, Ben often wrote notes, but in college, Ben was confused. He hasn't touched a pen several times, and now he mentions it, but when to put it down, no one can say.

In watching extreme thieves, I like extreme sports very much. I don't like extreme sports very much, but I just like it. Otherwise, I will understand and practice, but I just yearn for the endless wandering on the boundary of death. Death is return. The sea, sky, snowfield, desert, cliff, the coexistence of human and nature, more beautiful and perfect, but practice the control of the body, and the strength of the body, I don't even have the first one, so I can use words to enter the body of the hero and experience everything that is unavailable. Then, there are ubiquitous queries behind. Because understanding will be more real, but that understanding can also be more emotional. Only true love can let understanding replace the big game, to lie down and do nothing, There is no purpose to watch the drama video.

If I love extreme sports, I will definitely join in. The eight person group will go to extreme sports. The computer is going to run out of power. There is still a lot to charge.