Chapter 2 Impression

Yunling Lead Zinc Mine used to be the pride of all miners, and it is known as the largest mining area in the Asia Pacific region. It covers a vast area of 9894 mu. It has a beautiful scene and tens of thousands of employees. The mining area has developed transportation, railways and roads crisscross with special passenger fleets, self run newspapers, cable radio stations, television relay stations, kindergartens, children's schools, vocational and technical schools, hospitals, and so on. The degree of modernization was far more than that of many nearby towns at that time. However, as the grade of the mining area declines, the difficulty of mining increases, the economic benefits continue to decline, and the leadership is incompetent, leading to the brink of bankruptcy,

My parents are mine workers. Growing up here, my two brothers and my younger brother are born to study. It seems that he can master all knowledge as long as he attends classes, and he will always be in the top three in his class. I love painting and writing words that moan and wail when I am ill. My academic performance is like a chicken that is fed unintentionally. Our two brothers are bored. Our parents love quarreling. It seems that they will come here anytime and anywhere in this seemingly civilized mining area with their strong rural dialect. This is the climate of inferiority and gentleness. When inferiority becomes a matter of course, prudence, uncertainty and shyness arise in the heart,

I grew up in a narrow communication and endless fantasy, imagining all kinds of impossible heroic feats, such as a tiger that would suddenly break into the classroom. In the sound of everyone's whooping panic, I rushed over, cleaned up the beast in twos and threes, and then asked everyone to cook. Another example is that several hooligans suddenly burst into the classroom and frivolous Mr. Zhang was lecturing. (The babyface Mr. Zhang is very beautiful, and many people must covet him.) It will be me who stands up and drinks loudly, stop, hooligans, and put away your lewdness. Then he jumped into the air, flipped three somersaults in the air and kicked down the big men. Those who wanted to resist were immediately beaten to the ground. In the class's gaping eyes, the hooligans howled like dogs and fled for their lives,

Uncontrollable fantasies are far more vivid than boring lectures. Parents are busy working and quarreling. They didn't care to manage my study. Maybe they thought they could read well. It was useless to study hard if they didn't know how to read. My younger brother could go to college. I could take up my post and have a way out. They didn't have to worry about anything. They didn't have a sense of crisis until the old mine was almost bleeding and teetering,

"Han Yu, learn from your brother. If you can't read well, there's no way out."

In fact, I also want to read good books. The teacher praised the students' envy, jealousy and hatred. Of course, the most important thing is that the future will be bright and clear. I asked Xueba how to improve his performance? He said that the main thing is to have a good class. But how can I endure the boring and rigid classroom for a long time?

On a dark and windy night, I was 14 years old. I walked alone like a sleepwalker. From the cobweb like alley in the residential area, I heard the sound of abuse and kicking. I walked carefully. Looking out from the corner, three or five boys beat a little fat man under the street lamp in the corner. Chivalry rose, but my strength was not enough to make me rush out to be a leader. Inspiration came soon, Hiding behind the dark wall, I took a breath to hold my throat, and shouted fiercely in a very rough voice:

"Hoodlum, let go of the fat man" In the quiet night, this original strange and strange voice has a thrilling effect.

The boys stopped their murders and looked over in horror. Of course, they could only see a piece of black behind the wall. Suddenly, a mass of soil with weeds flew out of the darkness. It hit someone's face and the soil and grass splashed all over his face. The boys screamed for their own lives. The rescued little fat man looked up at the hero emerging from the darkness behind the wall and thanked him repeatedly. His name was Chen Yong, I stole my parents' money to buy food, but accidentally revealed my wealth and was robbed.

This feat had to inflate my heart, and my long-term sense of inferiority suffered a serious blow. For a long time, I was like an expert hiding in the world, living a mysterious, proud and low-key life.

This low-key pride lasted until high school, most of which was also due to Chen Yong, who always said when introducing to others, "This is a master, and you can become a soldier if you use soil.". When I entered the senior high school with him, in addition to the familiar children in the mine, there were several strange faces transferred from the nearby villages and towns. Li Ling was one of them.

The first time I saw her was on the day when school started in September. The weather was still hot. She wore a light blue dress, white stockings and light brown leather shoes. She looked three feet down the front and walked into the classroom with her hair tied in a ponytail, oval face, round, smooth, dignified, beautiful and sweet, She is beautiful and fragrant like a lotus with dew in the lotus leaves all over the pond. Proud and disciplined. My ethereal pride disappeared in front of her beauty. It was very natural, almost unconscious, and there was no resistance. Her attention was attracted by her. The greedy spirit bit her barb hook. I was still a depressed, depressed, and unsociable teenager. She came out of my fantasy world and was at a loss. When the teacher called her name and asked questions occasionally in class, I stood up in panic, as if I had been carried from warm water to cold air, and felt uncomfortable all over.

Of course, I can't tell others what I think. Chen Yong is a big mouth. He often tells me other people's embarrassing stories. Other people are not qualified to accept such information. I write my depressed feelings into my diary sentence by sentence

I want to sit beside you, stare, do not know, do not want to say a word, I just want to, on the hill, by the river, in the grass, and you will never be disturbed mutual gaze, how do I call you? Your name is like a distant star that has long been familiar. How can I greet you? Are you destined to meet in the past life? Buried together under the earth? If this is not reincarnation, is it the beginning of reincarnation?

This is a natural trap, trapped in serious unrequited love. Her name can be found everywhere in the world. As long as there is a place where she may exist, she can't help but be very sensitive to find her figure. Occasionally, her eyes meet her clear eyes in the crowd. A light glance moves her life. I can't help slipping into her unrelenting secret love vortex. Shyness is an iron cage with no door and no mouth. I can't get out, nor can I talk. What can I say?

Li Ling How to do this question? (Why did you ask her?)

Li Ling What day is it today? (The blackboard is clearly written.)

Li Ling Do you have a second? I invite you to see a movie? (Eh? You... look honest. Why are you so dishonest?)


I'm not good at words. I have no experience and can't easily get close with such an excited purpose. Sometimes I envy my classmates who don't care about anything. They are careless and giggle about what they want to say. There is no need to be happy. The most important thing is to be happy. Tang Monk worked hard to get the scripture. They are born with no burden, Will Li Ling like it? No, so is it annoying to talk to her classmates often?

The teacher is also safe. A young single political teacher, with a tough appearance, can only be described as gentle and considerate when talking about classes. He often takes a book to her in the name of teaching. He doesn't know what to talk about. He mumbles for a while, only to see that he smiles funny and others are inexplicably uncomfortable. Every time he leaves, he is embarrassed, Later, I didn't see how to go.

Chen Yong is the kind of person who is not far away from Zhenjing. Everyone in his class is very popular. From him, we can hear all kinds of small news among our classmates. I asked about Li Ling's background information carelessly. She came from Tuoba Middle School nearby. She had a sister at home. Her mother looked after her. Her father worked outside all the year round. The seriousness of her life made her more mature among children of the same age. She was very quiet, and it was hard to see her leave the desk after class. Sometimes I even thought that in addition to her appearance, She is my female version, will she think what I think? Will she care about what I care about? She will be like me Do you like her? God once again played tricks on the teenagers trapped in the love fog.

During several transfers of seats in the class, Li Ling sat behind me. At first, she was very happy. She didn't dare to turn around abruptly to speak. She would say when she wanted to be calm and not so excited. But I don't know when she can be less excited. Every day, her voice sounded more or less behind her. She was not anxious or slow. There was a calm, gentle laugh like the window breeze in the soft glutinous rice, Flip over the pages and blow away the clouds in your heart.

Every time I walked to the desk and walked towards her, she sat there quietly. Sometimes, inadvertently, her raised eyes would touch my slippery eyes. What would be the eyes with something on their minds? I don't know, but there will be love, kindness, hope and melancholy. Maybe not too much words, she will feel. Maybe she already knows that there is a smile in her eyes.

Every time I walked to the desk and walked toward her, she sat there quietly, without saying a word, and looked back at her fingertips with deliberate eyes, as if waiting, as if blaming. During self-study in the evening, she washed her hair, sometimes spread it, sometimes tied it with a piece of red rope, and smiled, passing by. It was filled with a light fragrance. The fragrance was flying, and flowers were blooming everywhere in the classroom,

Li Ling likes to stretch her legs straight forward under the desk. Sometimes I put my legs under the seat at random, and the soles of my feet hit her toes. At first, I was busy avoiding them. Later, when her toes hit me, I didn't move. She didn't move either. Maybe she thought it was the crossbar under the desk. She just touched it slightly and occasionally shook her toes and knocked it, This subtle touch makes me feel a little trance, a kind of temptation? A snuggle? It seems to be a kind of ethereal affection. Be careful and quietly transmit some kind of intention.

How many secrets are there in the lush green mountains? I want to know one by one how many puzzles there are in cities and crowded people? Can I understand one by one, and you, here, how can I wake up the happiness and intoxication of this suffering.

Youth is like the wind, soundless, uncontrollable blowing, grass grows and birds fly, withering and glory changes, will you feel disappointed when flowers fall? I don't know, no experience, why do you want to know? The kite flew up in the wind, with long white clouds and slight involvement. It soon went to the unreachable sky. Fly, your lifeless free creature.

The Baiyun mining area surrounded by mountains is the pride and dependence of the people in the mine. It once gave them a relatively rich life and a social identity worthy of respect, but the magnificent life decayed quickly. The decline of the public affected every family. Many people looked for ways before the aging elephant died. Although my parents had relatives outside, they seldom traveled, I have never heard of anyone who lives a good life, so there will never be any good opportunities or jobs left for you to do. Even if there are, what's the meaning of the future sent? It seems that the best way is to pass the college entrance examination. I don't know how high and difficult the college entrance examination is, but what we need to do now is to read without distraction and read well. What else can we do? This is the only way.

Nervous secret love, future worries, intertwined entanglement and tearing, a voice has been tough to say to me, you are going to end, it's time to end, can't go on like this, can't go on like this, but What should I do? Han Yu?

He made up his mind. One summer night, when class was over during the evening self-study, he hurriedly put a note in front of Li Ling, on which only one sentence was written

"Can you go out with me after class?"

This is a piece of paper that I have to write. I don't think about the consequences, honor or disgrace, or everything. I just want her to know that my mood, my humble soul, is suffering. I hold my pen and beat the time little by little until the bell rings. I packed my bag, lifted my stiff body, and looked back at her. She was sorting her desk and walked to the door of the classroom. I looked back, Li Ling also got up and looked over. In the crowd after school, I walked slowly, hoping that when she could get closer, I felt calm,

Li Ling, can you go out with me after class?

OK, I'll do it. Her actions answered.

There is no doubt, no confusion. She knows the secret of my anxiety. She is behind me, three or four people away. She doesn't walk up, out of the teaching building, down the slope, which is the playground. There are not many people going out of the school gate along the side road of the playground. Most students go out of the school through the side door beside the slope. I didn't think she would follow me, nor did I think where to take her to the playground, Li Ling shouted:

"Han Yu, just stay here. What can I do for you?"

I stopped timidly and stood under a tall old Chinese parasol tree on the playground. The old street lamp weakly projected the dim figure of the roadside trees. The playground was empty, deep and windless. The old tree was tall and straight, motionless and silent. Li Ling stopped about two meters away from me and pondered for a moment. I said slowly with some difficulty:

"Since the beginning of school... until now, my mind has been very confused... I don't know,... I haven't read the book well."

She lowered her head, pinched the corner of her clothes, and did not know how to say it. After a while, she whispered:

"We are all students... just read our books well..."

"... Yes."

There's a lot to say, a lot, what to say? A trivial sentence, a thousand words? That sentence goes out regardless of the consequences, regardless of the strength, plunges into the night sky, hovers, does not stop, embarrassed.

On a summer night, there were insects, insects on the way, clumsy and fat insects crawling from my feet to Li Ling in a panic,

"Li Ling, do you like worms?"

"Not bad, too ugly to like,"

"How about this?"

"... Oh, so cute,"

"Here you are," I bent down and carefully pinched its back. Its powerful front paws resisted senselessly. Li Ling came over, took a twig and touched its head, smiled and said:

"Does it look like a puppy to you?"

"Elephant... but a dog rope is missing," I pulled a thread from my clothes and put it around its neck.

"Look, you have a dog walking now."

She happily took over the line and led the embarrassed insect away,

"Yes, shall we give it a name?"

"Well, your pet, please get up."

"Hmm?... Pangdou, how about it?"

"Well, it's good to be happy."

... We gradually said a lot of things. We didn't want to part. The night became quieter and the insects in the dark corner became louder. Li Ling was a boarder. The dormitory was about to close. Before leaving, she bit her lip and said:

"Han Yu, what do I... say? I think we can... but we can't do that yet... Don't look for me in class, don't write notes, I know... I... We can only have a way out if we pass the college entrance examination, right? It's not easy to send me to study at home. Anyway, we should try our best. I... thank you for your kindness."

She turned and left, gathered the fat beans with leaves, and sent back her love in the name of learning,

That night, I was as light as a swallow. I walked for a long time and felt tired. My fist hit the tree trunk, broke the skin and bled

The night, deep and dark, enveloped me, round and round, strict, no place to place people, where you are going to be buried, no one knows, who cares? Silence, corrosion, melting, fog, smoke, emptiness, want to pray, give you dignity, want to cry, give you nostalgia, but there is nothing, there will be no pain of death, why are you still twitching?

There was nothing. That night, it was just my secret dream with her, the same situation every day, the same rhythm, busy in the way recognized by people. Sometimes I met her eyes, and couldn't help but secretly explore. She hesitated, moved her eyes, and avoided. Tight shackles, prisoners in shackles and handcuffs, it seems that no one doubts the lesson of ten years of hardship. Social education is a big factory, and all born people are embryonic. They are bound with various useful and useless norms and put into the conveyor belt. They are selected according to the established standards and evaluated as qualified or unqualified. After one process, two processes, three processes, seven processes and eight processes, they are recognized talents, This is a simple and crude factory, but it is also the spine of the society. Why? It is just a tool to test learning ability, but it determines fate. Sometimes I avoid Li Ling, sometimes I look at her, sometimes I keep writing sentences in my diary that no one will see,

Light and reason explained everything, but black was quietly opposing, not all of them. So I made friends with black, without evaluation, blame, attention and praise. I slept in the dark and had a bright dream of darkness, which constantly tried to correct the mistakes of reason

Where are you? You are right beside me. It is clear that you can't even look at me. I must not think about the reason. There is no reason, because No, don't talk, don't write, don't sing, don't think, don't keep thinking, stand at attention, stop, don't turn back.


It was a hurry. The second year of senior high school was divided into classes. Li Ling went to the next classroom and sighed. I thought it would be better if she was there. She was just a slide leading to the fairyland. She accidentally fell in and had to struggle to get out. Although she was sad and in the name of the future, Amen, when class was over, I looked out of the window to the corridor, hoping that if she passed, she would also look here, When I met my eyes, I lowered my head and quickly dodged, with an embarrassed expression after being found, and I would again blame myself for your unpromising things.

I had to take the graduation exam in the second year of senior high school. My English was very poor. A month before the exam, I crammed all the textbooks from the first day of the first day of the junior high school. I also got more than 70 points in the exam. I was a bit complacent. Chen Yong also boasted that his vision was always good: You are really an expert. He and Li Ling are in the same class. I took the opportunity to ask her how she did in the exam? Chen Yong became alert and asked with deep meaning,

"Could it be that you and her?"

"No, no, guess what, just ask casually." I patted him on the shoulder

"You, you, you, don't be silly, you care about her most"

"You are just a layman. Don't make any rumors“

"It's no use for me to say that Shen Jiawen often sent her back to the dam... Ah ah ah, don't say, don't say, everyone is going to take the college entrance exam soon, what's the point?"

I was stunned. Shen Jiawen was also a classmate of senior one. He was strong and tall. When recruiting pilots, he was considered to be the most likely candidate. I met him on the road and talked with him before. I asked him if it was difficult for him to be a pilot? He looked up and said,

"It's certainly difficult for some people, but it won't be a big problem for me."

"Why hasn't there been any news for so long after the physical examination?"

"No problem. When I get on the plane, I'll fly to your house and drop some shells for you to play with."

"Why?" I was shocked.

"I like you." He laughed heartily and shook for his humorous IQ.

Li Ling likes him? It can't be true? They are fellow countrymen, so it's OK to go back together, isn't it? No wind, no waves? No, don't think about it yourself. She said it herself. Be quiet, be quiet, you will rush.

The college entrance examination is a cliff in the river. The closer we get, the faster we get. When we enter the third year of senior high school, the teachers generally get up quickly, walk around, and trot with us. They keep writing and sending various papers, sweating at the temples, and scraping a blackboard full of knowledge can't write down his mind. On the students' desks, they also built solid fortifications with various books and materials, which were almost too high. They crawled forward bravely, braved bullets and artillery fire, not afraid of fatigue, not afraid of sacrifice, climbed the mountains of books, swam across the sea of questions, and bravely came to the college entrance examination to conquer the last monster.

The exam was held in Linxiang. The school booked a room in a nearby hotel. The students who had never stayed in the hotel were nervous and fresh. Many students wore shiny leather shoes. It was said that they could increase a lot of confidence. The first day after the exam, I came back from the exam, sat on the bed after dinner, and kept talking to each other. I went out and stood on the corridor. Men and women spoke in the stairwell not far away. Listen carefully, it was Li Ling, There was a kind of scared anticipation. I walked over and looked in next to the wall. At the dark corner, Shen Jiawen was talking to her in a low voice. It seemed that she had touched the red charcoal fire. I retreated back to the room, my head looked like a bellows blowing hot air. I don't know what to do. The rumor seemed to be a fixed fact, the past was a joke, a hoax? Before long, Shen Jiawen came in and complained about his fellow villagers,

"Mom said something. She taught me a lesson. Isn't it just fun“

Of course she is Li Ling. What's the lesson? Why teach a lesson? Boyfriend doesn't listen to her? How long have they been together? Why does she look at me sometimes? Are you joking? Is it fun? Are you kidding? Funny She should be unintentional. She is just kind to me. It's her own wishful thinking. You deserve it. Why should this happen I can't sleep, my mind is extremely excited, I lie in bed for a long time without moving, forced into sleep, any slight movement is exaggerated into the brain stirred, deeply inhaled, in an attempt to cool the hot brain, muttered all the invalid advice, shot all the bubbles still emerging The light of dawn shines quickly in the dim eyes, and there is no sleep all night,

The next exam was left to a sluggish mind to complete. Good or bad, emotions do not participate in it, and it is not important to be happy or sad. What is important? It seems that I don't know. Let's just do it. Don't think it's important? It's important to have a good sleep.

After the exam, I returned to the school and went to the classroom to collect books and stationery. There was no one on the campus. In the corridor below the teaching building, I saw Li Ling's familiar figure from afar. She came face to face. I hesitated for a moment. If I wanted to hide, how could I touch anything I was afraid of? I don't know what to do? Hello? Don't you say hello? Embarrassed and surprised, she said:

"Han Yu, did you do well in the exam?"

"Hey, it doesn't seem so good," I hurriedly looked up.

"It's all right. Be optimistic. All roads lead to Marlow." Her voice is very clear, and she has the lightness and joy after relaxation.

"Thank you, you must have done well."

"Whatever it is, I can't help it. I want to sleep with it for several days and nights. I'm exhausted."

I looked at her. I hadn't seen her so closely for a long time. She was full of beautiful smiles, her smooth face was slightly fragrant, and there seemed to be no trace of makeup. I thought of the situation in the stairwell, and thought of the farewell. Where was the end of the world? My heart is empty and lonely.

"Good luck," I said in a low voice. What can I do if I walk past her? Can't think, dare not think, do not want to think of the fate but forced to plan, life must go through countless hardships Without you, what's the meaning of a successful life? And you? Is your mind my mind for you? No, why bother? I stopped to suffer. She still stood there and didn't leave. She seemed dissatisfied and said:

"Han Yu... Why don't you ask... what's wrong with Pangdou?"

"Fat Bean?... Oh, how can we do after so many years? Has his great and great grandchildren come out? He has become a Xiaotian Dog in the sky, super mini."

Li Ling laughed out loud. She took out a small paper box, shook it and said:

"It's not dead, it's still here, is it a miracle?"

I looked puzzled and saw that the insect was fixed by a pin in the white box, and its tentacles were still firm and lifelike. A piece of paper, a book, and a fat bean were stuck around the neck with a cord.

"Hey, I don't know you still have this hobby."

"I only made this one... because you gave it to me." She looked at me, flashing light, and had seen through my mind behind my eyes. She took out a piece of paper, put it in my hand, and turned away.

It was a yellow note, very flat, and must have been in the book for a long time. When I opened it, I saw my familiar words. This was the note I handed her two years ago that night, and she added something on it. The whole content was:

Can you go out with me after class? Okay, I'll go,

Will you wait for me under the old tree on the playground after dinner today?

I folded the note and put it in my coat pocket. It's unbelievable. Is there a god? Who is directing the plot? If you want to exist, please show your miracle. I will worship you. What's the reason for pity? Poor? There is no pity, no need, love is a natural emotion, natural growth, natural openness, not farfetched, not artificial, what is Shen Jiawen?

At dusk, the sunset is warm and magnificent. Beside the campus playground, there are two primary school students playing table tennis. There is no one walking around the empty campus. After the holiday, no one will be interested in strolling around. I lean against the mottled old plane trees and look up to see the movement in the dense canopy. It is very quiet. Birds do not often come, and all the leaves are still, They also seem to be waiting. Above their heads, a spider tied its root silk and staggered down. After climbing, it stopped to observe. What is it worried about? A voice suddenly sounded:

"Hey, do you want to eat spiders?" Li Ling suddenly appeared, with a smile on her face, wearing a clean blue dress, dotted with light pink flowers, and her face was white and pink, dignified and beautiful.

"Hi, hello." I'm sorry for my distraction

"Didn't scare you?"

"No, no,"

"It's a nice day. Can you walk with me?"

"Okay, where are you going?"

"Go?... Well, forget it... I hate people's eyes."

... After a long silence, I looked at the moving toe and asked:

"Li Ling?... Call me out. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing," she bit her lip: "I just... want to tell you... I've been very confused... I haven't read the book well." She imitated what I said when I first asked her out, and observed my reaction.

"Hey," I shook my head and smiled awkwardly, mimicking back: "But we are all students, just read good books."

She covered her mouth and laughed with me. I sighed: "It's so fast. I will pass high school soon. I hope I didn't bother you before."

"There was one thing... I have to confess to you."

"Not so much, right? I've confessed. What's the matter?"

"One day in senior one, I accidentally saw a book you dropped under your desk."


"It fell on the ground and I picked it up carelessly. You were not there again. I looked at it carelessly. Wow... I've never seen anything like you before

"What?..." In fact, she realized something from her fear of blame like she had made a mistake. It was my diary, full of her words, and my face could not help blushing.

"Fortunately, I found it. If my deskmate Zhou Hua sees it, he will not be laughed to death."

"Is it funny? Am I... like a silly clown?"

"No, no, where did you go? Look at you... why? How well you write it. Listen, I'm impressed with this song, cough." She cleared her throat and read it slowly, "... Night, deep, deep black, wrapped me around, round and round, strict, no place to place people, where are you going to be buried? Nobody knows, who cares? Silence, corrosion, melting, fog, smoke, emptiness, want to pray, give you dignity, want to cry, give you missing, but there is nothing, the pain of death, why are you still twitching? "

She began to shed tears and sobbed softly. I was a little flustered,

"Don't do that... It's not good." To comfort, I don't know what to say, move my hand, and I don't know how to place it.

"Han Yu, should I... say sorry?"

"No Sorry,..."

I didn't hold back. I didn't want to win. My tears also came out. I stepped back, leaning against the tree trunk, shaking all over. I sucked my breath and spit out. She took my hand, shook her head slowly, and wiped my tears with her sleeves. Han Yu, I know, I know everything.


Putting down the book, Chen Yong stood up with his arms crossed, rubbed his eyes, and exhaled. Li Lijuan came in with a hot kettle in her hand,

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Ah... I didn't think they were like this." Chen Yong took the kettle and filled the teacup,

"How are they?" she asked casually, closing the curtains. The night was gloomy, and she was afraid it would rain again.

"I recall that when I was studying in school, Han Yu's performance was relatively good later. No one expected that his performance in the college entrance examination was so poor. Hey, who would have thought of this one?"

"Aren't you reading novels? Are you serious?"

"Hey, isn't it an autobiography? I think that was really the case in those days. He also told me about Li Ling before, but it was not so specific. The names in this book are their own real names, and they also drew me in. Of course, without me, his story could not be written down."

"Oh, our Chen Yong can't live without your seat. This time, even in the book, he is drinking and eating meat again. Is it a paradise surrounded by beautiful women?"

"Alas, mother-in-law..." Chen Yong whispered

"Say what?"

"No, no, you don't know, I am a positive fruit," he smiled, lit a cigarette, returned to the desk, and looked again.

"What a mess?" Li Lijuan went out and said, "You are just a fool. What have you become? It's better to read more than socialize..."