Chapter 1 Life Game System

  • My life has become a game
  • Floating and listening to the rain
  • 2041 words
  • 2019-06-28 14:52:41

Yuezhou Middle School, Class 84, Senior Three.

The sultry weather looks extremely hot, and the cicadas' cries are a little disturbing.

The English teacher on the podium is spitting, and the students under the podium are all in good spirits.

"English translation is very important. I have said it many times. What should I do when I meet an English sentence? First find its subject, predicate and object, then find the definite form..."

The thirty year old English teacher spoke quickly, and there was a long sentence on the blackboard.

Just then, bursts of whirring sound came.

The English teacher with eyes stopped, and she frowned: "What sound?"

The students looked at each other, but the "whoop... whoop" continued.

"Tell the teacher that it is Ren Tian who is sleeping."

A boy at one side suddenly opened his mouth. Suddenly, everyone looked at a seat in the middle of the classroom, and saw only one boy lying motionless on the table, sleeping soundly.

"Hoo... Hoo"

Seeing Ren Tian sleeping comfortably, many students around him laughed.

"Poof, he is finished. He dares to sleep in Abbess Extinction's class. He is finished."

"Ha ha, there's something good to see."

"Look, Teacher Meng is going to be mad!"

Sure enough, Meng Xiao on the podium, his whole face dark and furious, slapped his book on the podium!

"Any day!"

"Hoo... Hoo"

The sky is still.

All the students around were laughing up and down.

The deskmate sitting beside Ren Tian is a sister. When she sees Ren Tian is still asleep, she can't help patting him.

"Ren Tian, don't sleep. Teacher Meng is calling you."

At the moment, Ren Tian is enjoying his dream. He dreams that he has got a life game system. He is no longer a student, but a student bully. He has been admitted to Peking University, opened a startup company, earned ten million yuan, drove a luxury car, and even married the most beautiful school flower. But when he got married that night, he was about to help his wife undress excitedly, His dream was shaken awake.

"Heaven forbid, don't sleep."

In addition to the pushing and shoving of his deskmate, Ren Tian wakes up in a daze and looks at the surrounding environment, the students who watch the show around, and the angry teacher Meng in front.

Ren Tian was so excited that he fell asleep in Teacher Meng's English class?

"Ren Tian, you are sleeping soundly." Teacher Meng sneered. "It seems that you have mastered everything I said. Come to the stage and translate this sentence for me."

Ren Tian looked at the long sentence on the blackboard in front of him, just like the English in the book of heaven, and secretly complained.

Damn it, I was just sleeping, and was watched by the teacher Meng of Yuezhou Middle School, who was nicknamed "Nun Extinction" and "Devil's Worry"?

This teacher Meng is strict in teaching, and it is said that she is still unmarried in her thirties. Once a student fails to complete her teaching task, the punishment is very serious.

When Ren Tian came to the stage painfully, many students were smiling.

"That's it. I guess I will copy my composition a hundred times any day."

Yang Lang is also sitting on the seat. He looks at Ren Tian who is standing in front of the blackboard thinking hard, and a sneer flashes on his face.

Now Ren Tian looks at those English letters with a worried face. He knows them, but they don't know him.

Teacher Meng is still watching, which makes Ren Tian feel stressed.

"If only there was a life game system in my dream, alas."

Ren Tian thought in his heart that it was at this time that he suddenly heard a jingle in his mind.

"Ding, the life game system found the host, and the binding was successful."

Ren Tianyi is stunned. What?

"The life game system detects the host world background... changing the world background... changing the world background succeeded."

Ren Tian was stunned by two sentences in succession. He looked up and found that the voice just now seemed to come from his own mind.

"System, system?"

Ren Tian called in his heart.

Nothing happened.

Why didn't the system move?

Ren Tian looked at the English word impatiently, but at that moment, a crispy sound appeared in his mind.

"Reading English words, English reading comprehension+1."

With the appearance of this sound, Ren Tian only felt that the word seemed to have changed from a strange and distant place to a less distant place, a little blurred.

Ren Tianxin was delighted that this system was used in this way.

Without hesitation, he continued to stare at the English letters.

"Reading English words, English reading comprehension+1, English reading comprehension: 1/10 (introductory)"

"Reading English words, English reading comprehension+1, English reading comprehension: 2/10 (introductory)"

A succession of sounds appeared.

Under the platform, those students were all talking about it.

"I have been standing for so long and haven't answered yet."

"A scum, how can you let Ren Tian do it?"

Yang Lang also laughed and said, "Learning slag is learning slag. Sleeping in class is not even the most basic translation."

Those sounds came into Ren Tian's mind, but Ren Tian was still staring at the English sentence.

Teacher Meng on the side said coldly, "Ren Tian, if you can't, go down and copy this sentence to me a hundred times today."

He still stared at the blackboard when he didn't move.

"Poof! He really thought he could answer it."

Yang Lang laughed, and the other students followed suit.

Teacher Meng on the side frowned when he saw Ren Tian didn't move and said, "Are you listening to me? It's OK to sleep in class. Now you don't even listen to the teacher?"

Ren Tian just felt the chatter in his ear and said impatiently, "Don't disturb me, are you bored?"


Teacher Meng's face changed, and the students under the platform were also in an uproar.

"Wow, how dare Ren Tian speak to Teacher Meng like that?"

"Good courage, he is finished."

"Teacher Meng's face has changed."

Meng Xiao also did not expect that this scum would dare to speak to himself in such a tone. Do you still know how to respect teachers?

And Ren Tian's mind at the moment, the sound is constant.

"Reading English words, English reading comprehension+1."

"Ding, English reading comprehension ability reaches 10 points, English reading comprehension ability: 10/100 (proficient)"

With the ability of English reading comprehension reaching 10 o'clock, at this moment, he just felt like a door was pushed open in his mind, suddenly realized that he had mastered all the words and grammar sentences on the blackboard in front of him at this moment!

Ren Tian has a smile on his mouth, and Teacher Meng also said in a cold voice: "Ren Tian! Go down to me. Don't stand here if you can't do it. Copy this sentence for me 200 times after you go down!"

All the students were waiting to see Ren Tian play, but Ren Tian turned his head to look at Teacher Meng.

"Who said I wouldn't do it?"

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