Chapter 63 The Swastika

At the top of the long branch shaped bow, a glittering flower bud expands. When the bowstring is pulled, one cherry pink light arrow slowly takes shape.

The whole underground space is shaking, the earth and the sky are peeling off in large areas, and the spirit children who make up them are rushing towards the light arrow to become a part of it.

The shining round god's head makes the lines of the ring clearer.

Under the shadow of the light, the virtual power in Lumudaya's body had dissipated traces, and the mask on his face also had a slight crack that could not be found.

It seems that all negative existence should disappear under the radiance of the round god.

"Do you feel it..." Sifeng Yard murmured to Nisuke Puyuan with dull eyes when looking at the coming Yuanshen at night.

Yosuke Puhara's face was also shocked and dignified, "Ah, this may be the existence that Lanran once mentioned, which truly transcends death and emptiness..."

Just looking at the existence in the distance, Yosuke Puyuan had the kind of uneasiness and palpitations when facing the god of death when he was still a wandering soul.

It has nothing to do with whether the energy is huge or not. This is the difference in the dimension.

Finally, the light arrow in Yuanshen's hand was completely formed after the long accumulation of power.

The bowstring is full, shoot!

A glittering arrow rushed straight at Lumu Daya.

At this moment, Lumuda's soul was trembling, and his whole body was sending the strongest alarm to him.

He can't hide, let alone hide.

The palm of the hand wrapped with black lightning grasped the soul chopping knife, and he put all his power on this blow.

Draw the knife!


The dark red sword awn is wrapped in the black lightning, as if a knife separating the sky and the earth is facing the light arrow.

The combination of virtual flash and flash is as good as Wang Xu's flash!


The two collide together and make a very light sound.

But the intense flash was like a supernova exploding in front of us, and the brilliance with incalculable energy filled the underground space in a moment.

When the brightness weakens to a level that can barely open your eyes, you can see a thoroughgoing cherry pink light column piercing the sky of underground space, bringing light to the dark boundary of the eternal world.

"Lumujun, are you all right?" After Guangzhu and Yuanshen disappeared, Nisuke Puyuan and Sifeng Yard dared to approach at night.

The ground of the underground space was also made into an abyss like black hole, but the space was not broken like the sky.

At the bottom of the hole, Lumuda, who was paralyzed there, was also healing his wounds with his back path.

Now he is like a refugee who escaped from the fire just now. His clothes are only streaks and streaks that barely cover his body. His whole body is full of scorch and burning marks, and large and small openings are leaking blood.

"Huh, you are really lucky to survive that attack." Nisuke Puyuan was relieved. Although Lumu Daya's pressure was low to almost disappear, it was still stable.

Just slowly absorb Lingzi.

Lumuda also reluctantly smiled and said, "Fortunately, I bounced the arrow with all my strength. Otherwise, you will go to Duanjie to find me, even if I am not crushed."

"Hiss, it hurts." His smile touched the wound on his face again.

"Don't talk." Nisuke Puyuan also applied the special ointment to Lumuda, and ordered Sifeng Hospital to bring the first aid kit for the god of death at the bottom of the box overnight.

"The destructive power of this attack has exceeded Yamamoto's team's initial understanding. Your soul chopping knife is really a monster," said Hirosuke Puyuan, who was in the medicine

Yamamoto's cutting edge is like fire. It is the oldest and strongest soul chopping knife.

After the initial settlement, it has a high temperature comparable to the surface of the sun, and the momentum of a gentle wave is more powerful than most of the Swastika.

It can let Nisuke Puyuan make such a comment, which proves that Lumudaya's Swastika was really strong.


When Hisuke Puhara was treating Lumuda, Ichigo Heizaki, who was soaked in blood, was helped by Yulong Ishida to the front of the shop in Puhara.

The wound on Kurosaki Yi's bodyguard looked scary, but he was not in a critical state. He patted the shop door with a high spirit, "Hey, clogs and hats! Hurry out, it's not good!"

After isolation for a long time, Nisuke Puhara, who had handled Lumudaya's wound, opened the door.

"What are you?" He was also surprised to see the injured Heisaki Ichigo Uhara Yosuke.

"It doesn't matter if I'm hurt! The important thing is that Rukia has been captured!" said Ichigo Kurosaki


Under the explanation of Heizaki Ichigo, Nisuke Puhara realized that Jingling Court had already known that Rukia had passed the power of death to the ordinary people, and sent Shimu Baizai and Asanji Runji to take them back.

This is the time when Lumu Daya's soul chopping sabre was completely liberated. Otherwise, Yosuke Puhara would surely feel the pressure of those two people.

"I see..." Yosuke Puyuan squinted, his expression unchanged, but his heart was thinking intensely.

Is it necessary to send a team leader to capture a low-level god of death who can't even start a solution? Even those of the same family are still far fetched.

Could it be that Lanran found something?

Heizaki Ichigo began to cry again, "Clogs... store manager Pu Yuan! If you can get special products from the ghost world, there must be a way to get there, right? Please help me, I must save Rukia!"

Pu Yuan said with help, "If you want to save people, you must heal your wounds. Come first."

Ishida Yulong handed Heizaki Ichigo to Pu Yuanxi's assistant and did not step into the door.

He said with a cold face, "My wound will be dealt with by myself. In addition, I'm not trying to save him. I just saw those two gods of death fight with them."

Looking back and leaving, Hisuke Puyuan covered his mouth with a folding fan and said, "Oh, what a frank guy!"

Heisaki Ichigo said with a pout, "Leave him alone, and think about Rukia first!"

Hisuke Puhara looked at Ichigo Kurosaki, especially his broken soul sabre: "How can you save Rukia if you are not the god of death?"

Heisaki Ichigo gritted his teeth and said, "If you lose your strength, you will find it! Even if you only rely on these fists, I will bring her back!"

Because of the slightly different experiences, Ichigo Kurosaki in this world is more in line with the character of the hero of a hot blooded cartoon.

He was frank, direct and not artificial, and did not need Inoue to raise points. He carried out his belief to save his companions.

"Rukia was originally a member of the spirit world, right? And as far as I know, that rottenness is his brother. What's wrong with being taken home by his own people?" Yosuke Puhara said this with a smile, more like testing Heisaki's determination.

Heizaki Ichigo did not disappoint Nisuke Puhara, and said firmly, "If it were a family member, it would not let Rukia show that expression!"

"What's more, they said that it's a felony to pass power on to ordinary people. Maybe Lukia will be executed! The source of all this is me. I will save Lukia even if I pay my life!"

"Ha ha, good eyes!" Yoshiyuki Puhara patted his hand. "Lukia is also my big customer. I will help you with this."