Chapter 64 Birthday Gifts

After the prizes were handed out, it was dark, and a bonfire was lit in the center of the villagers' square. The prepared food, wine and delicacies were everywhere.

In the middle of the square, a temporary stage is set up for the villagers who are ready to show their talents.

Old Xu stood on the stage and announced: "The harvest celebration dinner is about to start. Now let's invite the village head to speak."

There was warm applause from the audience.

The most tense moment for Lin Yin finally arrived.

He adjusted his clothes and jumped onto the stage, waving to everyone. The applause was louder.

Lin Yin first read the speech like a leader's speech, to the effect that he thanked everyone for their sincerity and unity. The harvest was everyone's credit. He hoped that the Devil King Village would have better development in the future.

After reading the last sentence of the speech and the applause from the audience subsided, Lin Yin decided to start the second celebration tonight.

"Today is a special day. In addition to the harvest celebration, it is another important festival!"

Lin Yin's speech stunned the villagers.

"What day? Is today still a festival?"

"What did the Devil King say? The speech didn't contain this paragraph, did it?" Old Xu was also confused.

"You should all remember that I once said in the Devil's Canteen that there was such a girl whose courage and selflessness moved the Devil King and made him take the first step to live in peace with everyone."

"Wow!" The audience suddenly burst into an uproar, and everyone looked at Xu Lingshan in unison.

Little Shanshan's face was very red. She looked at Lin Yin with a surprised face and said, "Does he know about me?"

Lin Yin continued: "I said that although this girl is still a minor girl, she has the highest quality of human beings and is also the person I cherish most. Today is her most important day - her sixteenth birthday. Yes, Xu Lingshan, today is your birthday gift!"

"Wow!" The noise from the audience was even louder. There were applause and "Happy Birthday" wishes everywhere. Little Shanshan buried her head in her chest.

"Xu Lingshan, come on stage and accept your blessings."

After saying that, Lin Yin's figure flew up, and the villagers around consciously stepped aside. Lin Yin flew to Little Shanshan's side, hugged the little girl who was still shy and petrified, and flew back to the stage.

"To celebrate your coming of age, I specially prepared a gift." Lin Yin took out a box from his arms.

The little girl still kept her head down and didn't reach out for it.

Lin Yin opened the box himself and took out a necklace. The chain is silver white, and the pendant is a piece of purple crystal, shining in the light of fire.

"Wow!" A burst of exclamations broke out below the stage.

Even if we don't know the material of the gem, everyone knows that this necklace is valuable.

However, even the most daring person can't imagine the real value of this necklace. This is not an ordinary necklace at all, it is a magic item!

Magic items are much more popular than healing potions. Of course, they can't be bought from merchants. Don't tell Jesse to shop. Jesse has never seen what magic items look like.

This was found when cleaning up the ruins of the Demon King's residence.

Item Name: Magic Crystal Necklace

Item attribute: The wearer increases magic resistance [Medium]

Binding: the first time wearer binds, and the non binding person cannot wear it. When the binder dies, it will be automatically unbound.

Binder: None

Lin Yin has guessed the origin of the necklace. It must be from one of the demons, Rem or Rahm. As they are made into puppets, the necklace is automatically unbound.

Lin Yin didn't know what a powerful skill it was to increase magic resistance [intermediate], but it could be worn by the king's concubine. It must not be ordinary, and it must protect little Shan Shan's safety.

Seeing that little Shan Shan was petrified to the point of no response, Lin Yin had to help her put on the necklace himself. When lifting her hair, Lin Yin saw that the girl's neck was red and bleeding.

"Hey, don't be so shy. It's just a birthday party." Lin Yin whispered in the little girl's ear.

Little Shanshan didn't move. It seemed that she didn't hear what Lin Yin said.

Just after I put on the necklace, all kinds of sounds came from the audience:

"One kiss, one kiss, one kiss..."

"Marriage, marriage, marriage..."

Lin Yin looked puzzled and said, "What are you doing? I really just want to give her a gift to celebrate her coming of age. If this goes on, Little Shanshan won't be able to remove the petrification."

What's more exaggerated is that the old Xu under the stage has burst into tears, and the villagers around him constantly congratulate him.

"Why, do you think you are really marrying a granddaughter?" Lin Yin felt that the misunderstanding was serious.

Over there, Lilia and Pete both gave thumbs up to the Demon King.

The love in Xiaolan and Xiaohua's eyes was almost flying out.

Roger and the group of teenagers who were specially trained together were the happiest.

Lin Yin felt that he could not continue to participate in the celebration.

"You continue the celebration, I'll go first." Lin Yin wanted to leave after saying that, and suddenly found his sleeve was pulled.

It's Xiao Shanshan.

"Don't leave me alone..." Little Shanshan lowered her head and whispered.

Lin Yin felt extremely ashamed: just now, he thought of leaving without considering little Shanshan. If he left alone, the little Shanshan would not be shy enough to explode?

Then, amid the cheers of villagers, Lin Yin picked up Little Shanshan and flew to the Devil's Mansion. He heard the blessing sounds of "bridal chamber candles" and "spring night moment" on the ground

Lin Yin was regretful. He wanted to surprise Little Shanshan, celebrate her birthday and thank her for her efforts, but it turned out to be like this. In addition, in order to avoid the chaotic scene of the celebration, we must take her to the Devil's Mansion tonight, which is tantamount to settling the gossip between the two people. How should she face the gossip of the villagers tomorrow?

Lin Yin stood at the door and scratched her head as she watched little Shan Shan walk into the second floor study with her head bowed and her quilt in her arms. Her words of apology could not be uttered. In the end, the Great Demon could only help her close the door and go back to her room all night.

The next morning, before dawn, Lin Yin went downstairs with dark circles under his eyes and saw little Shan Shan sitting in the living room in a daze.

"Good morning..." Lin Yin hesitated to say hello and felt uneasy.

"... Good morning." Little Shanshan whispered back.

"You... shouldn't have stayed up." Lin Yin looked at her face anxiously, eh? There seems to be no dark circles under the eyes.

"I slept very well... The bed here is very comfortable." Little Shanshan said shyly, looking like a little daughter-in-law who had just passed the door.


"There's nothing to apologize for."

Lin Yin's words of apology were immediately blocked by Xiao Shanshan.