Chapter 45 There is a Demon Village in the Mountain

"Gululu~~" Lin Yin's stomach screamed after drinking a cup of water.

As a demon king, Lin Yin felt ashamed to start every book with hunger. But considering that he had been unconscious for three days and did not eat anything, he had been lying in the coffin for 800 years last time. Hunger was beyond his control.

"Let's go. The canteen is ready."

Xu Lingshan smiled and pulled his hand, just like a girl who was going to take her boyfriend to the school canteen.

Lin Yin couldn't refuse Xiao Shanshan's enthusiasm. But when he thought of seeing the ungrateful villagers, he still couldn't accept it.

"There are your favorite meat buns and cheese pizza!"

Little Shanshan enticed the Great Demon King with delicious food.

After all, the Devil King was a creature with stomach pouch as the center of his thinking. Lin Yin had to obey him and convince himself in his heart: "We don't care about those humans anyway."

Walking out of the basement and pushing open the closed house door, Lin Yin squinted with the dazzling sunlight. Maybe it was the stress reaction after the injury, his right eye seemed to become very sensitive.

After getting used to the light, I opened my eyes again and saw a dark crowd.

Old Xu, Pete, Lilia, the lumberjack Taro Tanaka, the old carpenter Zhang Sanfeng, the shrinking Elder Wang, and a large group of old and weak women and children, many of them kneel on the ground with their hands folded.

What is this?

Lin Yin felt that panic was more appropriate than shock.

"The Devil King is awake! The Devil King is awake!"

Tanaka was the first to make a noise, and his rough voice immediately made the Devil's mansion turn upside down.

Can you keep your voice down, you should be cultured, understand? Don't whine.

However, Lin Yin had no chance to talk about his complaints. The crowd in front of him all cheered and rushed at him together.

what the hell! What's wrong? Robbery?

Lin Yin's trembling legs retreated a step because he was hungry, so he was hugged by Little Shanshan and said, "Don't go, accept everyone's gratitude."

"Gratitude? Didn't you say I was the devil, and I was scared to death when you saw me?"

But the joyful expressions on the familiar or strange faces in front of us are not fake.

"Well, don't cry, Lao Xu. You are old. Why are you crying like a child more than your granddaughter?"

"Tanaka Taro, you hold me too hard. I don't like men holding me, Baga!"

"Carpenter Zhang, can you stop putting your nose on me?"

"What do you mean, Pete? People come to hug me. Why are you holding Lilia?"

"Don't crowd, don't crowd. I'm not a fan of beans. I don't need to be so crazy. It's bad to spread the word."


Maybe he was really hungry. Under the crowd, the Great Demon King fell on all fours.

The crowd finally calmed down.

"What on earth is this?" Lin Yin reorganized his appearance and restored the Devil's dignity.

Old Xu wiped his tears and replied, "Lilia said you were badly hurt, and Ling Shan said you were unconscious. We are all here to pray for you."

"Pray?" Did you pray for the devil? What strange religion do you believe in?

"Your two maids only let Ling Shan in, blocking us out of the door, so we can only kneel here and pray for you."

Lin Yin pinched his fingers. So, some people have prayed here for three days?

"Praying is too exaggerated. It's unnecessary."

"How can you! You sacrificed yourself and saved the lives of the whole village." Old Xu shouted excitedly.

Just think so... Lin Yin felt cold when he thought of those guys' frightened eyes.

"That's right! You saved us!"

"You saved all the lives of our village!"

To his surprise, the crowd erupted into a chorus, and then turned into a confused voice of thanks.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you, Lord Demon!"

"Monseigneur the Demon King is amazing!"

"Lord Demon, I love you!"

Well, that aunt, you don't need to love me

Little Shanshan leaned close to his ear and said in a voice that only Lin Yin could hear, "Everyone was afraid at that time, because many people died and your appearance was so terrible, so everyone subconsciously ran away. But everyone later regretted that they had reflected on themselves, so you can forgive them."

At this time, Old Xu made a gesture of "quiet" to everyone. Then the crowd separated and two little girls came over with something in their hands.

Lin Yin was stunned: Is this the part where the pupils present red scarves?

The first girl was holding a new hooded coat. The devil's cloak had been cut into rags in the battle. Little Shan Shan helped Lin Yin put on a new coat, which just fit.

The second girl sent... an eye mask?!

When receiving this gift, Lin Yin's smile was very strange.

"Am I going to play the Cyclops in the future? Pirates? Underworld? The black eye mask with the identity of the devil is really a complete villain."

"Anyway, it's better to wear an eye mask than to show empty eyes, at least not so scary. Although little Shan Shan says she doesn't dislike my ugliness... Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, why should I care if she hates me?"

Surrounded by the villagers, the Great Demon King prepared to go down the mountain for dinner.

Wait... What is this?

Lin Yin stared at the flat mountain road in front of him and was dumbfounded.

"This is the mountain road that has just been repaired. Everyone wants to see you, so they are urging us to repair the road. Except the guys from the Ministry of Construction, the whole village has come to help." Pete introduced.

"Yes, yes, we also helped!" Several little fart children who were only seven or eight years old also jumped to the Devil to ask for credit.

Lin Yin remembered that they used to run around the village naked and just put on new clothes a few days ago.

Feeling their heads happily, Lin Yin picked up a child and embarked on a new road.

The mountain road leads directly to the village. It only takes 10 minutes to walk down the road, which is many times faster than climbing the mountain before.

The Devil's Canteen has been renovated. On the brand new signboard, "Devil's Canteen" is very popular.

"Is it so ostentatious?" Lin Yin touched his head. The name of the Devil's Canteen just came from his mouth. Do you want to be so ostentatious?

"Speaking of which... I have something to show you before dinner."

Xu Lingshan took his hand and ran towards the village entrance.

"Hey, hey! I want to eat. I'm hungry."

The hungry Devil King was no match for the hot blooded girl. Lin Yin was dragged to the village by Little Shanshan. The repaired gate is painted with black paint, which is very imposing.

"Why did you bring me here? These woods can't be eaten."

Xiaoshan smiled and didn't speak. She pulled him outside the gate. Lin Yin looked up in the direction of her finger and saw a sign hanging on the door with three characters: "Devil, King, Village"