Chapter 136 Replacement

So in Lin Yin's YY, the 1.5 ton Dragon Magic Gun can use the "Rainstorm Pear Flower" as fast as the Pear Flower Gun, and each shot is a full sprint.

So Wei Shengjin died unhappily. He was still B+invincible, but he met A - Lin Yin.

It's a pity that some people feel that he died unjustly, and they will naturally take revenge for him if they feel that he died unjustly. This person is the yellow clad woman who rushed to Lin's invisible side crying.

Lin Yin's vision on the left side was not good at all. At the moment, he felt a yellow shadow floating over. Lin Yin quickly turned to face it, but found that the yellow shadow suddenly blurred.

No, it doesn't seem to be blurring, but the yellow figure becomes countless mosaics... Then the lattice of mosaics floats one by one, flying in the air.

What is this situation? Did you fall into a magic spell?

Lin Yin was frightened, but he found that the mosaics gradually floated to his side and surrounded him. At this time, he could tell where these yellow flying things were mosaics. It was clear that they were spiraling darts.

Spiral darts, a weapon commonly used by ninjas, are gear shaped, with three to four teeth, and the edge of the gear is sharp. When using, the spiral dart rotates at high speed and flies to the target. It cuts the opponent with the sharp blade rotating at the edge of the gear. It is usually used as a concealed weapon. The spiral dart is not big, so its lethality is not big. The ninja often throws more than one at a time.

Lin Yin got to know the spiral darts through movies and animation, but the spiral darts he knew were not like this.

Can spiral darts hover in the air?

Can a spiral dart send dozens of darts at a time to encircle the target in the air?

What is this spiral dart? Is this clearly a UAV? It is also a group of UAVs controlled and linked by artificial intelligence!

Lin Yin looked warily at the whirling spiral darts around him, wondering what the other side wanted next.

The woman in yellow shirt sent out a spiral dart to encircle Lin Yin, but first rushed to Wei Shengjin, who had lost his breath. She hugged Wei Shengjin's head and cried, "Honey, why did you get away from me? How can you let me live..."

Unexpectedly, this woman is the lover of the monk. Killing a couple can hurt someone's lonely life. Lin Yin was secretly guilty. But just now, the war was dangerous and the opponent was powerful. It was impossible for him to keep his hand.

However, the words of the woman in yellow shirt made Lin Yin feel guilty no longer.

The woman in yellow dress glared at Lin Yin, gritted her teeth and said, "I, Du Qiyan, must kill the Devil King Village today to avenge my husband!"

Just after Du Qiyan's words, the speed of the spiral dart that was rotating around Lin Yin like a butterfly suddenly accelerated, and then one by one, it swept towards Lin Yin's body like a swallow.

Too fast! Too close! Too many!

Lin Yin could not avoid it at all. There were countless sounds of being scratched by the saw teeth on the demon's armor, and the magic shield around his head was flashing magic in an instant, which obviously could not last long.

This woman is Lin Yin's worst type of quick attack. He used his dragon gun to chase the flying spiral darts. It was like a cannon hitting mosquitoes. Before it could hit a few spiral darts, Lin Yin was afraid that the other side had cut his neck first.

What should I do? Just when Lin Yin was trying to fly away, a bunch of sword qi came and knocked down a spiral dart flying to the blind area on Lin Yin's left side. The spiral darts in the air kept falling down as the sword qi continued to shoot one after another.

"Thanks!" Lin Yinxie just said, when he saw Ming Jian running towards him, there was a crazy soldier chasing him with a huge axe behind him.

"Brother Lin! Change! Change!" Mingjian hurriedly separated the axe from behind with a flying sword, and accurately helped Lin Yin with his sword power. Obviously, this guy can't cope with crazy soldiers who have both strength and speed.

Power type? Someone is obviously suitable.

Lin Yin and Ming Jian crossed each other, and the pear blossom of the dragon magic spear burst in front of the crazy soldier, like a shower of rain that shook back the attack of the giant axe.

The name of crazy soldiers is Jiao Hougen. Like Wei Shengjin, they are also rough in appearance but not clumsy in nature. In other words, there are no clumsy people who can get to this level even though they are notorious.

Although Jiao Hougen focused on fighting with Ming Jian just now, he did not ignore Lin Yin's war situation. Lin Yin didn't miss the scene when he broke Wei Shengjin's two defense systems with a "Rainstorm Pear Flower" move and killed him directly.

As a colleague of the Mercenary Corps, Jiao Hougen was very clear about Wei Shengjin's strength. How could Wei Shengjin, who even claimed to be B+invincible, be stopped by the big devil?

He didn't dare to fight hard at all. With the huge impact of the dragon magic gun, he jumped back ten meters to escape from the coverage of the storm pear blossom.

Lin Yin found out the weakness of Rainstorm Pear Flower when competing with Yong Gui of Omura at the beginning - it can't be used in fast movement, that is, it can't be used as a move to chase and kill the enemy. Therefore, Lin Yin made some improvements after learning it, of course, combining the characteristics of the dragon magic gun.

At the moment, Jiao Hougen's feet had just landed, and he saw the rainstorm pear flower suddenly stop at the same place and become a dragon spear again. He was delighted, but suddenly found that the tip of the dragon spear suddenly became larger and flew to his body in an instant.

Isn't this a dragon spear? Can a dragon spear fly? This is not a flying sword!

With a series of question marks and exclamation points, Jiao Hougen was pierced by a huge dragon gun, the same way as Wei Shengjin died.

Can a dragon spear fly? Of course! As long as you are strong enough, throw him out as a javelin!

Is Lin Yin strong enough? It's big enough, but it's still a little short of throwing the 1.5 ton dragon magic gun as a javelin.

But if you add magic, there is nothing you can't do.

Use the body manipulation to give the dragon magic gun enough initial speed. At the moment of release, use the natural power of the devil to boost, and then you can generate the power to throw the dragon gun.

But more importantly, the magic silk thread in Lin Yin's finger, which is always connected with the dragon magic gun, makes the dragon magic gun still in the control range of Lin's invisibility gymnastics even if it is out of the control of the body - although it is extremely difficult to operate, it is still no problem to maintain its heading as a navigation.

So the second B+expert on the scene also died.

Speaking of B+, Du Qiyan is also very troublesome. I wonder if Mingjian can handle it.

Lin Yin turned to look at Mingjian, but saw that the originally flying spiral darts had become sparse, and Du Qiyan himself was cornered by the flying sword.

Du Qiyan's biggest reliance is the unique flying prop called "Swallow Dart". Under the control of a special skill, she can fly in the air for a long time according to her will, which is a natural enemy for non shield progression professions.

However, she met Mingjian, whose fighting skills were more strange. The "Swallow Dart" was shot down by Mingjian's sword qi just like a plane, while Mingjian's flying sword chased her down, and she experienced the feeling of being chased by flying props.