Chapter 131 Disaster is Coming

We set the clock back five days before the advent of the Dragon Lance.

A hundred miles away from Demon King Village, in Earl Xiao Qun's castle.


There was a crisp sound from the main hall. A glass cup full of wine fell to the ground and split. The red liquid spilled like blood. The sweet aroma of the wine overflowed and dissipated, but it could not cover the bloody smell in the air.

Count Xiao Qun pulled his right hand back from the waiter's body. The waiter's trembling body was limp on the ground like soft noodles, and the empty hole in his chest was constantly gushing plasma, which was integrated with the liquor on the floor.

"How unreasonable!"

The enraged earl pinched and burst his heart, and the splashed blood dyed Hunter's white shirt mottled red.

"Calm down, Earl!" Hunter looked at the mess on the ground and whispered reassurance. "There are not many servants in the mansion."


Count Xiao Qun suppressed his anger and said with hatred, "The Adventurers Guild canceled my mission! How can they recognize the legitimacy of the Demon Kingdom? How can the four clan agreement allow the existence of the Demons? And it is still in the Grand Canyon which is designated as a forbidden area? It is impossible! What is the Adventurers Guild doing? Yes, it must be because those guys behind them think of their own blood. Shit, bastards are bastards... "

Hunter waited for Count Xiao Qun to vent without a word, then asked in a low voice: "What should we do next? We can no longer issue the crusade task."

"You can't release the crusade mission..." Xiao Qun closed his eyes and walked around the waiter's still bleeding body for a few times. "Go find me a complete copy of the Four Ethnic Groups Agreement, and I will study what it says. It's said that both the Adventurers Guild and the guardians are a group of old people who believe in death. As long as they do not violate the agreement, they can even use their rules to bind them in turn. Hum, the world depends on the brain after all. "

"Yes, I will do it right away."

Looking at the dead waiter on the ground, Count Xiao Qun sighed: "Our time is running out. This territory may not last long. We must seize every opportunity to make a breakthrough as soon as possible."

"By the way, there are not many women of the right age left in the territory. The rest are either hidden or some useful family members, so it's hard to start..."

"Well, all the experiments that should be done have been done, and the rest of them are not expected to produce any good works. It's better to expect this demon to bring us some surprises."

"I understand!"


The next day, the secondary tower of the castle was in a richly decorated reception hall.

Two men in black robes and Count Xiao Qun looked at each other and sat down. Three stars are embroidered on the robe of one young man, and one star is embroidered on the elder man.

The young man stared at Count Xiao Qun arrogantly, and did not face the due respect of the local lord and nobility.

Count Xiao Qun's face did not show a trace of anger, as if he had been used to it.

"Do you know, Earl, the territory you want us to go to is the inviolable Grand Canyon?" It was the elderly man in black who spoke. His eyes were deep and turbid, and he should be older than his appearance. He doesn't have the arrogance of young black robed people, and his speech and behavior are more mature.

Anticipating the other party's problem, Count Xiao Qun took out a stack of paper and confidently said, "Of course, I promise this will never violate the agreement of the four ethnic groups! I have studied the terms of the agreement in detail, see..."

"What are you looking at?" The young black robed man rudely interrupted Count Xiao Qun. "What kind of four clan agreement, the old almanac eight hundred years ago, does our magic guild still need to care about this? But you, why did you instruct us to fight the Devil King Village? I don't remember that the military order under the guild included this goal."

Count Xiao Qun did not disobey the rudeness of the young people, and he did not dare to express any dissatisfaction. The Magic Guild was not only the most mysterious organization in the world, but also the strongest organization. The nobles had to rely on the following magicians borrowed from the Magic Guild to launch a war - that is, the two in front of them. It can be said that the core of the whole army of Count Xiao Qun is these two magicians.

Xiao Qun, with a flattering smile, explained to the young magician, "Your Excellency Ian doesn't know that the head of the Devil King Village is the Devil King who hasn't appeared on the mainland for eight hundred years."

"Oh? Demon King? Is that true?" The young magician named Ian leaned out and stared at Xiao Qun.

"It is absolutely true. I have sent someone to confirm. The Demon King is powerful and can be attacked by non ordinary troops. Besides, there is an agreement among the four ethnic groups, so I want to ask you to help me."

"Ha ha ha, you have a good taste. What devil, in my eyes, is no different from Goblin. I accepted your request!" The young man laughed and agreed.

"Ian, don't agree easily." The old magician urged.

"Hum, Pugushu, you are not young, why are you so timid! No wonder your strength has not improved."

Ian's sarcasm and rudeness did not annoy the old magician. He further dissuaded him, "Don't forget the rules of the magic guild: wizards are precious and can't fight with each other; wizards should obey the orders of the guild and can't be crossed..."

"Shut up! Park Gushu, what are you, dare to follow the rules of the guild to teach me a lesson? Don't forget your identity. How dare you preach to me? You are a man of mixed bloodlines, a punk in your fifties. If my father hadn't told me to obey the rules of the magic guild again and again before going out, I would have taught you a lesson."

"You!" Park Gu Shu glared angrily, pointing to Ian with his right hand and trembling, and finally put it down powerlessly. "Well, I don't care about you. You can do whatever you want to do. I only stay in the castle."

"Hum, useless old garbage." Ian cast aside his mouth contemptuously, turned to count Xiao Qun and said with a smile, "count, tell me about your plan."

"Okay, please move..."


Demon King Village knows nothing about the plan of Count Xiao Qun. Since the adventurers who accepted the employment contract took the place of the teenagers and became the guardians of the village, the villagers' sense of security has been greatly improved.

The teenagers have also changed from practicing single handed swords to learning different weapons according to their own characteristics. In addition, a new compulsory course - bow and arrow practice has been added. The instructor is Li Jian Knot Flower, who is proficient in archery. It is more appropriate for teenagers to help at this stage than to rush into battle.

The adventurers were satisfied with the food and accommodation in the village, and they also spent a lot of silver coins in pubs and shops, but they still put forward many demands for entertainment life:

"Lord Demon, please invite a bard."

No problem, the best bards in Xiao Qun's territory have been invited to the Demon King Village, and they happily changed from a vagrant state to a fixed wage cast member in the Demon King Village.