Chapter 89 Discussion of Hundred Officials

At a quarter in the morning (three o'clock in the morning), all the houses in Xicheng District gradually lit up, and Beijing officials were preparing for today's morning.

Wen Tiren, the head of the cabinet, lifted his sedan chair out of the house. He looked around the dark road through the curtain of the sedan chair. However, the whole street was eerily quiet with only the footsteps of the sedan bearers.

The bloodstains on the streets have already been cleaned up, as if it had not happened.

"Go and find out what happened tonight." Wen Tiren in the sedan chair only said such a sentence.

At the noon gate, more and more officials came to the early dynasty. Some people talked about what happened at night while waiting to open the palace.

"What happened at night?"

"It seems that the Royal Guards are arresting people...."

"What does Luo Yangxing want to do?"

Luo Yangxing: "..."

Although these officials were quite far away from Luo Yangxing, in the early morning, it was quiet around them, and even if they were far away, they could hear the opposite conversation.

Luo Yangxing's face is very ugly. The Royal Guards have taken such a big action that he has no idea! Not only don't you know, but is it your own fault to be misunderstood?

It must be Li Tingbiao. Li Tingbiao is obedient to himself every day. Unexpectedly, he fooled him!

Luo Yangxing is extremely angry. On the one hand, he was tricked by Li Ting. The most important thing is that the Royal Guards are so aggressive and arrogant tonight, without his participation!

Luo Yangxing seems to have missed hundreds of millions of taels of silver. He hates Li Tingbiao even more, and he is thinking about how to deal with him.

An official in front of the noon gate whispered: "It is clear that my servant just inquired about the news that the Crown Prince ordered the Yongwei Camp and the Royal Guards to arrest several Shanxi merchants at midnight last night, claiming that they were collaborators and traitors..."

"Aren't those businessmen in the east city? What's the matter with us in the west city? Lord Yang and Lord Liu have disappeared, and they have collaborated with the enemy?"

"It is said that they took bribes and were caught in the imperial edict prison..."

Hearing the imperial edict, many officials stopped talking and felt an invisible pressure coming.

"Shoufu adults don't say anything?"

Hearing the comments of the courtiers around, Tang Shiji, the Zuo Du Imperial Historian, spoke slowly, with anger in his voice. He suddenly said, "What does the Crown Prince want to do?"

Tang Shiji was very angry. His housekeeper was killed on the street by the Royal Guards when he went out to inquire about the news at night.

Tang Shiji's words were not hidden at all. The voice was so loud that all the officials in front of the Meridian Gate heard them. They were stunned at first, and then whispered again. However, Yu Guang glanced at Wen Tiren from time to time, and his ears also stood high, hoping to hear how Shoufu adults would say.

Wen Tiren closed his eyes slightly and pretended to be extremely forceful, saying: "At present, only His Majesty and the Crown Prince can command the Royal Guards, but with His Majesty's character, it is absolutely impossible to do such things..."

Although his tone was flat, the words in it were self-evident, pointing directly at the Crown Prince.

Many officials looked at Luo Yangxing, who stood alone. They did not hide their disgust in their eyes. The spy chief was more and more disagreeable.

Luo Yangxing is extremely depressed. What does it concern me? The door of my house is blocked at night. I'm also a victim, okay?

Tang Shiji angrily said: "The crown prince sent the Royal Guards last night to make people panic in the capital. Does he still have the imperial court in his eyes, and does he still have his father?"

The leader of the Imperial Historian made a speech, and some officials of the Imperial Historian delivered their speeches in an impassioned manner.

"The Emperor Taizu gave preferential treatment to the gentry, but the Crown Prince brazenly dealt with those rich businessmen, which was too much!"

"Although the crown prince is young, he shows too cruel character. He killed all of Shiheng and Chenggong in the past, and killed more than 1000 rioters in Liangxiang City. He is so cruel at a young age. He may become emperor again, but he is also a Hongwu Emperor and Yongle Emperor. He never blinks at killing people......"

"What can we do? Your Majesty takes the Crown Prince with him every day when dealing with the government affairs. Every time we summon him, we must let the Crown Prince listen to the government and study. It's said that your Majesty even asked him to try to read the memorial. In this way, it's just a matter of facing the court and the country!"

Many courtiers are worried. The strong and weak are not good omens for them

Some ministers were also very active, thinking about how to invite the Crown Prince to go boating on the lake in the future

Just as the officials were talking, the morning drum sounded on the noon gate. After the three-way drum, the Yemen on both sides of the noon gate opened. The officials and military flag schools were arranged in front of the door, and the officials were lined up in order in front of the Yemen gate.

When the morning bell rings, the palace door opens, officials enter from the right door, and imperial relatives enter from the left door.

As for the gate in the middle of the Meridian Gate, it is called the Imperial Way. Only a few people can walk in the whole Ming Dynasty, and even the Crown Prince is not qualified to walk this way.

The queen can only walk once when she gets married, and the top three people in the imperial examination once every three years, namely, the top three, the third man in the imperial examination, the third man in the imperial examination, the third man in the imperial examination, the third man in the imperial examination and the third man in the imperial examination, can also walk once after he comes back from the imperial examination. The rest of the time, the emperor can only walk alone.

In the early dynasty, Zhu Cixuan was tried by a group of speech officials

Yan Guan: "The Crown Prince randomly transfers troops and arrests people, and has no eyes on the emperor!"

Zhu Cixuan: "The Yongwei Camp is only responsible for sealing up the grain depot of traitorous merchants, and has not arrested anyone."

Yan Guan: "The Crown Prince ordered Yongwei Camp to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Zhu Cixuan: "As the pro army of the Son of Heaven, the Yongwei Camp has outstanding combat power and strict discipline. Last night, it was just a legitimate defense. The indiscriminate killing of innocent people was totally non-existent."

Yan Guan: "The Crown Prince sent the Royal Guards to arrest officials at will and kill them wantonly!"

Zhu Cigui: "The functions of the Royal Guards are entrusted by Emperor Taizu and Emperor Gao, and they have the right to arrest criminal officials."

Yan Guan: "What's the crime of those businessmen? They want to arrest them?"

Zhu Cigui: "They betrayed the country and collaborated with the enemy. The evidence is conclusive. The witness and material evidence have been sent to the Ministry of Punishment."

Yang Tinglin: "The Ministry of Justice has already filed a case, and traitorous businessmen have been stoned!"

Yan Guan: "Your highness has caused panic in the capital!"

Zhu Cixuan: "The body is not afraid of the shadow. I never do anything wrong in my life. I am not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night. People who are afraid show that they have ghosts in their hearts."

Speech officer: "..."

Other ministers: "...."

In the early days, Zhu Cixuan and a group of speech officials were just talking about each other. It was not like Zhuge Liang fighting with other scholars. It was rather like the scene of future spokesmen answering questions from reporters.

During this period, some officials who secretly defected to Zhu Cixuan also began to speak in collusion, and grudged with them, which was very hot at that time.

Chongzhen on the throne was quite calm this time, but he calmly watched the courtiers tearing, waiting, and when the ministers were tired, he would stop again to calm down and make a final decision!