Chapter 779 Japanese

Zhili, Songjiang Prefecture, Shanghai Prefecture.

It has been nearly ten years since the 15th year of Chongzhen when the Crown Prince Zhu Cigui opened Shanghai as a commercial port and established Shanghai Prefecture.

There are Suzhou Creek, Huangpu River and the Yangtze River not far to the north in Shanghai, where the imperial court built a large number of docks.

The upstream of Suzhou Creek is Taihu Lake. After Yan Yingyuan's governance, Taihu Lake is the richest area in the south of the Yangtze River.

The surrounding Changzhou, Huzhou and Suzhou prefectures, where goods, such as silk, can be transported to Shanghai quickly along the Suzhou Creek, and then transferred through the Huangpu River to the sea from the Yangtze River.


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