Chapter 717 The Daming Clan That Was Blackened

Zhu Cixuan considered the royal family for a long time.

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty faced different problems with vassals. The former emperors worried about the rebellion of vassals, and the later emperors worried about how to feed the group.

The biggest trouble with the vassal system is that successive generations of enfeoffment continue. As long as they are royal children, they will be enfeoffment to the nobility and enjoy treatment.

The first son of the emperor inherits the throne, the other sons will be granted the prince, the prince's son will inherit the throne, and the other sons will be the prince, the eldest son of the prince will inherit the county prince, and the other sons will be granted the town general.

All the sons of the Zhenguo general should be granted the title of the auxiliary general, the auxiliary general

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