Chapter 72 Victory Ceremony

On the Yongding Gate of Beijing and the surrounding city walls, countless colored flags were fluttering in the wind, and the bands on the city towers were playing cheerful welcome songs.

In addition to grand festivals or major celebrations, there will be such scenes.

The imperial court has already issued a notice in Beijing that a grand victory ceremony will be held from Yongding Gate of the south gate of the outer city to Zhengyang Gate of the inner city.

The day before the Yongwei Camp arrived in Beijing, all the gates of Beijing had been closed. Only the Yongding Gate in the outer city and the Zhengyang Gate in the inner city were opened for the triumphant army to pass.

On the vast main street from Yongding Gate to Zhengyang Gate, soldiers from Beijing battalion and soldiers from the Five Cities Army and Horse Department are occupied on both sides. Behind the soldiers, people are watching the bustle.

Although the weather in Beijing is very hot in July, there are still many people watching the excitement. Many people have traveled a long way from all parts of Beijing to see the victory ceremony of the army.

At this time, it was just over eight o'clock in the morning. There were already many people around the Yongding Gate in the outer city. They were talking and looking into the distance from time to time-

The weather in summer changed quickly, and soon the sky began to become overcast, and it slowly began to rain. But all the people waiting at Yongdingmen are still looking into the distance without much influence on their hot mood

Soon, I saw that in the distance, what first appeared in the eyes of people was a huge red dragon flag, and then gradually a group of vague voices and shadows appeared.

As people looked around, the distant team was getting closer and closer, and the blurred figure became clearer and clearer.

In front of the team, Huang Degong was dressed in powerful armor, holding the red Acer of Yongwei Camp, without an iron helmet, and tied a white cloth on his head.

Behind the general, there was a neat infantry square array. Each soldier wore white cloth on his head and held a memorial tablet. Each tablet was engraved with a person's name. They were soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion who died in the bloody battle in Liangxiang.

Zhu Cixuan has no time to send their bodies back to the capital and set up a cemetery for burial, but he will certainly bring back their spirit cards.

Huang Degong, the general of the Yongwei Camp, held the dragon flag high and looked solemn. When they were about to arrive at the Yongding Gate, the officials of the Ritual Department immediately came up to greet them. Huang Degong shouted, "Line up and enter the city!"

At that moment, the infantry of the Yong Wei Battalion took a regular stride. The square array of thousands of people moved at a steady pace. Each step fell like a heavy hammer, shaking everyone's heart.

They roared out "Loyalty to the Country" with their unique rough and solemn voice. The soldiers of the Yong Wei Battalion have experienced life and death, blood and fire.

They are all real soldiers, with a murderous air on their faces. At the same time, every soldier's face has a sad feeling of remembering his comrades who cherish Japan, so their singing is so gripping.

It makes people feel as if they were in the bloody battle in Liangxiang on that day, seeing the tragedy of the bloody battle in Liangxiang, and seeing the brave and fearless warriors. Many people are infected by their atmosphere

After entering the Yongding Gate, behind the infantry square array, there is the cavalry square array. The cavalry square array has only hundreds of people, and more than half of the cavalry of the Yongwei Battalion lost in the bloody battle in Liangxiang.

People were surprised to find that Zhu Cixuan, the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, was at the front of the cavalry square.

Zhu Cixuan rode on a snow-white horse, wore a golden dragon armor, and also held a bottle of stele in his hand. People clearly saw the words on the stele - Return of Loyal Soul!

Behind Zhu Cixuan, Sun Yingyuan was holding a sacrifice and reading it aloud and emotionally.

"Brave soldiers, raise our national prestige, fight bloody slave bandits, protect our homeland, howl! National warriors, the soul returns! Warriors of the Ming Dynasty, drive away the enemy, fight ceaselessly, heroic sword, defeat in every battle, the soul of the Ming Dynasty, live forever!

Look at the land of China, the beautiful rivers and mountains, and don't hesitate to die and report to your family and country. The soul will not die in the battlefield, and the sky will fall and rain will fall one after another. The sky will fly and tears will be offered to the loyal soul. "

The rain is still falling, and from time to time there is a dull thunder in the sky. It seems that God is also lamenting and crying for these lost heroes

Then Zhu Cixuan, who was riding on the war horse, suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, "Huangming's loyal soul is full of blood, and he has buried his bones and returned to the other country. Warriors, he has brought you back alone!"

With Zhu Cixuan's words coming down, the Yongwei Camp once again sang "Loyalty to the Country" tragically, showing their indomitable determination to defend their family and country.

All the people in Yongdingmen were robbed and infected by the momentum of these 4000 people. Many people were counter infected by the solemn atmosphere at this time, and unconsciously shed tears of emotion.

They followed on both sides of the Yong Wei Camp, without a trace of laughter. At this moment, all the people were closely connected

Zhu Cixuan's move is to tell the world that the soldiers who sacrifice for their country have supreme glory;

He wanted to tell all the soldiers of Daming that they would dare to fight and be heroic in the face of powerful foreign enemies, thousands of times better than surrender and running away!

When the square array of the Yongwei Camp came to the Zhengyang Gate of the inner city, the honor guard of the Emperor appeared on the tower of the Zhengyang Gate. Under the bright yellow canopy, there stood the Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the civil and military officials on both sides.

As the shadows of people and horses began to appear in the distance outside the city gate, the gongs, drums and horns arranged by the Ministry of Ritual sounded.

The Emperor Chongzhen stood on the city tower and watched the slowly moving square array of the Yong Wei Camp, as well as the endless ranks of the people in the distance. His mood was somewhat complicated. Wen Tiren caught this glimpse.

All the officials on the castle whispered: "The position of the military general of our court is low, and the Crown Prince's move may be intended to improve the position of the military general, so as to win over the army......"

Emperor Chongzhen didn't say anything. When he saw that the Yongwei Camp had reached the Zhengyang Gate, he waved and said, "Dear Aiqing, go with me to meet the victorious soldiers!"

"Yes, your majesty!" the civil and military officials who followed behind responded in unison.

The Emperor Chongzhen turned around and walked down the steps to the city. Several eunuchs were leading the way. These important officials of the current dynasty followed the Emperor Chongzhen, came down from the Zhengyang Gate tower, and walked out of the city gate.

All the generals of the Yongwei Camp have dismounted and are waiting outside the Zhengyang Gate. Zhu Cixuan stands in the front, flanked by Huang Degong and Sun Yingyuan, and behind him are Xu Sheng and other generals of the Yongwei Camp.

The courtiers all stood at the gate of the city. Emperor Chongzhen wore a tiara, a round neck purple gauze robe, and a gold and jade belt around his waist. At his side were Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen, followed by two groups of Han generals, who came to the positions of the generals.

Watching the Emperor Chongzhen leading his officials out of the Zhengyang Gate, Zhu Cixuan led the generals forward and saluted the Emperor Chongzhen

All the soldiers and soldiers of Yongwei Battalion saluted with them.