Chapter 71 Summon Back to Beijing

Chongzhen naturally knew this truth, but in his mind, Zhu Cixuan was only a child of seven or eight years old. How could he have so much mind at such a young age and threaten his throne?

Moreover, the current situation is very bad. The Qing army has reached Zhuozhou and is marching to Langfang and other central plains hinterland to plunder. The capital and the surrounding area are in a mess. In the current situation, someone must take charge of the overall situation and command the battle.

As an emperor, he naturally did not dare to go out. Although he usually boasted of both civil and military skills, Chongzhen would still make a silent decision in his heart if he was allowed to go.

So in Chongzhen's mind, the crown prince Zhu Cixuan is the most suitable at present. Although I don't know how to deal with this son, there are at least two achievements here. Maybe he is better than himself in fighting.

However, Emperor Chongzhen was still worried about the safety of the crown prince. Empress Zhou had been whispering to him recently that the war was too dangerous and asked him to transfer his son back to the capital.

Seeing the emperor hesitating, Zhang Fengyi, the secretary of the Ministry of War, gritted his teeth and said, "Your majesty, please order the governor to reinforce the army and drive the slave thieves out of Daming!"

Hearing what he said, several ministers looked at him as if they were monkeys, all of them had secrets in their hearts. Why is this timid Minister of War so brave today? Still ask yourself to be governor? Old Longevity Star hates life by eating arsenic?

Seeing that Zhang Fengyi was so righteous, Wen Tiren immediately agreed: "Lord Zhang, as the secretary of the Ministry of War, is the most suitable commander for the governor."

Emperor Chongzhen looked at Wen Tiren and Zhang Fengyi. His eyes were full of question marks, as if asking: Are you OK?

Wen Tiren seemed to be able to read the mind, and read the question mark in Chongzhen's eyes at a glance. He continued: "I saw the casualties of Yongwei Camp from the war report. The Yongwei Camp is so weakened that it is not suitable to fight again. I ask your majesty to let the crown prince's team return to Beijing for repair."

Chongzhen said, "Yes, the Yongwei Camp has fought hard and lost soldiers. It really needs to be repaired. The imperial crown prince Zhu Cixuan is summoned to lead the army back to Beijing to repair. I will personally greet the victory of the Yongwei Camp at the Zhengyang Gate!"

Hearing that Emperor Chongzhen has made a decision, Wen Tiren is not ready to contradict, but he shakes his head secretly. This emperor is too damn protective of the calf. How can I greet my son

On July 22, Emperor Chongzhen ordered that the Minister of War Zhang Fengyi, Governor General of the Ninth Route, reinforce the army, and Gao Qiqian became the overseer.

Zhu Cixuan, who was in Liangxiang City, received the news the same day. Li Tingbiao sent people to report to him every day about the situation in the capital, and everything was under his control.

Zhu Cixuan did not resist the imperial edict of Emperor Chongzhen. It was time to return to the capital to replenish the ammunition and provide compensation for the soldiers who died in the war.

Zhu Cixuan wanted to transport the bodies of the soldiers who died in the war back to the capital, but there were not enough vehicles. In addition, the hot weather could easily cause plague for a long time.

Therefore, Zhu Cixuan opened a cemetery in Liangxiang City, buried the bodies of soldiers who died in the war on the spot, and built a martyr's temple and erected a monument in front of the cemetery to commemorate the battle of Liangxiang.

In all dynasties, sacrifice and military are two of the most important national events, with a strict national sacrifice system, which is divided into central court sacrifice and local government sacrifice.

The central sacrificial system is divided into big sacrificial system, middle sacrificial system, small sacrificial system, local sacrificial system, and provincial, prefectural, county and other sacrificial systems.

Zhu Cixuan offered sacrifices to the martyrs' shrine in Liangxiang City according to the provincial standard. Not only that, he also built the Loyal Soul Shrine in the capital. In the future, all the soldiers killed in the Yongwei Camp will enter the Loyal Soul Shrine in the capital and offer sacrifices according to the central sacrificial standard.

On the day of sacrifice, almost all the people in Liangxiang City came to worship Ding Shiqi, the garrison of Liangxiang, and other soldiers who died in battle to protect them, Jiang Bingcai, the county magistrate who died, and other officials, as well as more than 1000 soldiers of Yongwei Camp who died in bloody battle with the Eight Banners Army to save them.

In the solemn and grand sacrificial music and dance accompaniment, the chief sacrificial priest commanded the worship, and the people were all in tears when they meticulously saluted.

In the Hall of the Martyrs, Zhu Cixuan and the generals of the Yongwei Camp offered incense and made several obeisances.

On the square outside the temple, all the officers and men of the Yongwei camp hold a knife salute and a gun salute, singing the military song "Loyalty to the country" in unison: the smoke rises, the mountains look north, the dragon flag rolls, the horses hiss, the sword looks like frost How many brothers and brothers and loyal souls are buried in other villages, and how can they regret to die and report to their families and countries? They have no words, and their eyes are full of blood and tears

Thousands of people sing in unison, full of shocking appeal.

Some newly recruited city guards sighed in their hearts: "With such sacrifices, it's worth dying in battle in the future!"

At one side of the cemetery, there is also a cemetery, which is the war horse of the cavalry of Yongwei Camp who died in battle. All the war horses died in battle are buried with the soldiers of Yongwei Camp.

Zhu Cixuan said: Although the horses can't speak, they are part of the Yongwei Camp, just like the soldiers. They died fighting for their country. They should be treated like this!

Zhu Cixuan's action moved the cavalry of the Yongwei Camp. The horses were part of the cavalry. The cavalry had a deep relationship with their own horses. Like brothers, the Crown Prince's action made the cavalry feel more attached to the Yongwei Camp.

The other officers and men of each department were also full of praise. It was said that the Crown Prince was considerate of the officers and men, and it was the greatest blessing in this life that he could serve under his command.


The Forbidden City, the Palace of Earthly Tranquility.

In the summer of July, the sun was scorching like fire. The Jiaotai Hall and Qianqing Palace were in front of the Kunning Palace, and surrounded by the courtyard walls, which led to the perennial calm and unusually hot weather.

The Emperor Chongzhen came to the Palace of Tranquil Tranquility in high spirits and stopped the attendants who were going to pass the message. When he entered the hall, he found that Empress Zhou was dressing in a summer gown as thin as a cicada's wings.

Excited, Emperor Chongzhen played an ambiguous game. He crept up behind Empress Zhou and pulled her hair.

Empress Zhou was so shocked that she slapped him back and almost hit him on the eyelid, which embarrassed him.

At this time, an attendant who delivered fruits and melons saw that Empress Zhou was very embarrassed and bowed to admit her mistake. Emperor Chongzhen smiled magnanimously and did not punish her.

Empress Zhou hurried into the bedroom, and two palace maids hurried in to change her clothes.

Emperor Chongzhen saw that she was like a lotus. Although she was interested, he would not follow her shamelessly. He did some indecent things in the daytime, so he sat on the throne and read the books beside the handrail.

When Chongzhen became the emperor, he was very good at reading. There were books on the left and right of every palace throne, and he could read them when he sat down.

After hearing this, the scholars all over the world rushed to spread it, and more flattering ministers wrote articles to praise Emperor Chongzhen's scholarly demeanor.

Once people are praised, they are easy to float. So is Chongzhen, who is often praised. He feels that he is awesome and can hardly get down when floating in the sky.

He thinks that even if he is not the emperor, he must be a famous person in the world, and he can easily win the title.

Empress Zhou knows how to write and how to be polite, so Chongzhen dotes on this talented and gorgeous Empress Zhou, and regards her as a confidant of beauty. They often hold lanterns at night to discuss Ci and Fu.

After changing her clothes, Empress Zhou came to salute her and said leisurely, "Your Majesty, why are you free to come to Kunning Palace today?"

Emperor Chongzhen put down the scroll in his hand, looked at her, smiled and said, "Queen, guess!"

Empress Zhou thought a little and then said softly, "Did the front line win the battle?"

Chongzhen was surprised: "How do you know?"

Empress Zhou said angrily: "Your majesty is concerned about the state affairs, and only the government is in his eyes. At present, the slave thieves have violated the border, and your majesty has not come to the harem for a long time. If it is not for the victory at the front, how can your majesty come to the palace of Kunning?"

The Emperor Chongzhen was embarrassed and said with a smile: "The queen is still so smart. It's true that the front line won a big victory. The prince hit the slave thieves in Liangxiang and killed more than 7000 enemies."

Empress Zhou did not care about the war record, but said anxiously, "How is the emperor? Is he injured?"

Chongzhen comforted him, "The emperor is fine. I have ordered his teachers to return to Beijing. You can rest assured!"

When Empress Zhou heard the words, she was relieved.