Chapter 64 Riot in the City

Tens of thousands of people were rescued in Liangxiang City. When they learned that the Prince had personally led an army to drive away the Tartars and was about to enter the city, many people rushed to the city gate to greet them.

The people who were eager to see the city gate finally saw a large group of people coming in from the city gate, including cavalry, infantry, and dozens of guns with glow.

In the eyes of these people, this army is totally different from other officers and soldiers. Although many people have blood stains on their bodies, and even some of their armor is seriously damaged, their ranks are orderly, one by one, and they are in high spirits.

Surrounded by many generals of Zhu Cixuan's Yongwei Battalion, he rode a snow-white horse and wore gold armour, which gave off dazzling cool colors in the sunlight.

"Your Royal Highness has arrived!"

Seeing the crown prince under the red dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty, all the people knelt down on both sides of the road to worship.

At this time, the people finally confirmed that the imperial army had defeated the Qing army and recovered Liangxiang City.

When Zhu Cixuan came over, the cheers of the people gathered together: "Your highness is thousand years old, your highness is thousand years old!"

Zhu Cixuan smiled and waved to the people on his horse. He sighed in his heart. Maybe this is the feeling of defending his country.

Along with the Yongwei Camp, there were more than a dozen carts into the city, all of which were loaded with the heads of the Qing army. Behind the vehicles, there was a group of Qing prisoners holding their heads.

Zhu Cixuan originally intended to leave no survivors. Later, at the suggestion of Sun Yingyuan, he left some prisoners to offer them to the capital to cheer up the people in the capital.

Everyone in Liangxiang City has suffered a lot from the Qing Dynasty soldiers. When they saw the Qing Dynasty soldiers' spirit of the money rat tail braid, they didn't fight at all. They picked up stones and mud and threw them on the head of the Qing Dynasty soldiers.

Only the Qing soldiers dodged from side to side. Others held their heads. If there were not soldiers from the Yong Wei Battalion on both sides, they would be rushed up by angry civilians and killed.

In the warm cheers of the people, Zhu Cixuan and the Yongwei Camp squeezed out the crowd and reached the Liangxiang County Yamen nearly half an hour later.

The weather in July was extremely sultry. As soon as Zhu Cixuan arrived at the county government office, he immediately went inside. He was so tired that he didn't want to take care of anything. He just wanted to have a good rest.

Just as Zhu Cixuan was half lying on his grand chair, eating fruit to relieve the summer heat, a big event happened in Liangxiang City soon after.

When Longxiang refused to appease the people at night, because there were too few people to defend him. When Yang Qili was upset, one of the captured people in Liangxiang City found him with more than 100 officers and soldiers, saying that they could help manage the people.

Yang Qili saw that there were many Yamen Runners among them, who were originally officers and soldiers to maintain local security, so he asked this general to lead them to help pacify the people.

However, when these soldiers took over the security of Liangxiang, the situation immediately changed.

These officers and soldiers have no ability to fight. They pretend to be masters one by one. At the beginning, they did some pacifying work, mainly in helping to serve porridge.

During this period, many officers and soldiers gave themselves two bowls of porridge. One officer and soldier drank six bowls of porridge at a time, and his eyes turned blank.

Just after the crown prince entered the city, most of the people who refused to collect at night from Longxiang were sent out to inquire about information. These officers and soldiers boldly started to look for the property left by the Qing army.

Soon they were sad to find that the places where the treasures were collected were tightly controlled by the soldiers of the Crown Prince. Of course, these soldiers did not dare to conflict with the ferocious soldiers of the Yongwei Camp, so they focused on the people.

Among the nearly 100000 people rescued in Liangxiang City, half were local people, and the other half were captured by Qing soldiers from nearby towns, ready to be drawn back to the outside of the Pass as laborers.

Some people in the city went to meet the Crown Prince, and most of them were looking for their own relatives.

The streets of the whole Liangxiang City are mixed with men and women, and some women who do not show up on weekdays also come out to look for relatives. Their anxious faces look sad.

So some officers and soldiers, seeing this, had a bad idea. They used the excuse to search, dragged and pulled some women, took the opportunity to take advantage of it, and took away any property they had.

Some women's families are angry. Recently, they have had enough of the abuse of the Qing army. They have just been free and still have to be bullied by the officers and soldiers. Many people can't bear it at once. The two sides immediately clashed.

The officers and soldiers began to yell at the people, pushing and shoving, but soon began to fight. The behavior of the officers and soldiers aroused the anger of the people around, and many people came to help.

At the beginning, several officers and soldiers engaged in affairs were beaten by a group of people and rushed to find help. The people also asked fellow villagers for help. As a result, the two sides gathered more and more and started a group war of hundreds of people.

A large number of local ruffians and rascals, in groups, looted property in the city during the riots and insulted women in the light of the sky. In a short period of time, chaos soon appeared in the town of Liangxiang, with screams and cries everywhere.

After the incident became serious, it first reached the ears of Yang Qili, who was preparing to go out of the city to investigate. He was so shocked that he hurried to the scene of the conflict with one of his guards and sent someone to notify Yongwei Camp.

At this time, the officers and soldiers and the people had already fought each other hard. It was not because they had not been able to open the fight for decades.

Yang Qili raised the gun and shot it into the sky, but it didn't work. Many people had no idea about the gun. Except some people who were pulled away by night, hundreds of others were still fighting.

The sound of the gun alerted the nearby Yongwei Camp. Soon, Huang Degong arrived at the scene with hundreds of Yongwei Camp members.

Hundreds of soldiers from the Yong Wei Battalion trotted at a neat pace. The clatter of iron armor became louder and louder, which immediately attracted the attention of both sides.

Huang Degong shouted, "Stop fucking me!"

His voice sounded like thunder, which made many people couldn't help but stop. Looking at the hundreds of soldiers who were standing in front of him, the people were even more worried about whether they would help the officers and soldiers to deal with them.

The people and officers and soldiers fought fiercely, and dozens of people had been beaten down on the ground. Although Huang Degong led the Yongwei Camp to stop most people, there were still some people who had red eyes, fought together, and never let go.

"Pa! Pa! Pa..."

At the instigation of Huang Degong, a row of musketeers fired their guns into the sky, and the loud noise immediately woke some people who were struggling together.

Watching rows of black muzzles pointing at them, they blushed and stared at each other, and then released their hands and got up to stand aside.

The soldiers of this army are all evil spirits. They are covered with bloodstains. They point at people coldly with fire guns, just like the Shura coming out of hell, which makes people feel uneasy.