Chapter 615 Unworthy of Ancestors

The battle in Jinzhou lasted for two days and one night. When Zhu Cixuan led the imperial army back, the whole battlefield stopped. Only Zu Dale, the nail family, still led his ancestors to defend Jinzhou City.

In this war, the Ming army's strong attack combined with the pursuit and rout of the army cut the enemy by nearly 30000 ranks, and captured more than 40000 Qing troops, including tens of thousands of Manchu Eight Banners, who were almost defeated.

They killed Suksaha, the leader of Manchuria's Zhenghuang Banner, Turg, the leader of Manchuria's Xianghuang Banner, Zhang Jingbahanna, the Bayala flag of Dorgon's imperial camp, Gushan Ezhen, four people from the Han, Korean and Japanese flags of the Eight Banners, 27 people from Jiala Zhangjing, and fifteen people from Niulu Zhangjing.


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