Chapter 557 Chongzhen Goes South

In early September of the 16th year of Chongzhen, Nanjing was the Forbidden City.

In the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, Zhu Cixuan saluted Empress Zhou and other empresses in turn.

After being escorted to Tianjin by the Shenshu Camp, Empress Zhou and her entourage were taken over by a person sent by Zhu Cixuan, who went directly from Tianjin to Nanjing by sea.

The land route from Tianjin to Nanjing must pass through Shandong. At this time, most of Shandong was controlled by Gu Kecheng, the battalion general before the invasion. The five hundred cavalry of Shenshu Battalion passed by with great fanfare, and didn't they die?

Zhu Cixuan was very worried about the safety of Empress Zhou. In order to prevent accidents, he not only sent thousands of elites, but also sent three warships

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