Chapter 461 Collective Strike by Merchants

Most of the rich merchants in Jiangnan present here are grain merchants and silk merchants, and many of them are engaged in salt industry, tea industry, medicinal materials, fur, raw silk, etc. There are also family industries involving overseas countries, with millions of wealth, and a sense of local tyrants is coming from every move.

Seeing all the people salute, Wu Buju laughed and made a bow bow to all the people. He said with a smile, "Please sit down, all the shopkeepers."

Although he seems amiable on the surface, he still has pride in his heart. After all, the Wu family is a "scholar" class among the four people, which is a typical integration of government and business. The official is the business, and the business clan is the official, which is more high-end than other purely business families.

Wu Buju

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