Chapter 309 Huarong Road

As the emperor and empress took their seats, Xun Gui and civil and military officials also sat down one by one according to their own ranks and positions.

Grand Master of the Ming Dynasty, those hereditary lords took advantage of many advantages, and Xue Guoguan and Yang Sichang, who were the head assistants and principal assistants, ranked behind them.

Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen, the Duke of the United Kingdom, were the leaders of the nobility camp. Needless to say, after Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Cheng, was killed by Zhu Cigui, he was in charge of all the soldiers and horses in the Beijing camp. Zhang Shize, the eldest son, was also in charge of the Shenshu camp. The British government immediately became the watchman of the nobility camp, but they were relatively low-key.

Ding Guogong, Xu Yunzhen, is the king of Zhongshan, Xu Da

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