Chapter 292 Lure the Enemy

The Qing army marched northward along the Gaoyang River without any hindrance.

At a distance of more than ten miles from the same mouth, the Qing army met the Tianwu army who was rushing to rescue Gaoyang. Seeing the dragon flag of the Tianwu army waving, the Qing army dared not go last time, but stood in a wary array to meet the enemy from afar.

Not long after, Tianwu Army suddenly retreated in a hurry, and more than ten thousand people ran away.

Duoduo could not help laughing and said: "What Tianwu Army has seen that my white flag equipped warriors have no warriors to fight with. It's ridiculous that Zierhalang should be defeated by this cowardly group of people!"

Dodo ordered the march to continue until

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