Chapter 159 Hard Wings

At the first court meeting of the return, Zhu Cigui said: "Please send a decree to send troops from Liaodong and Jizhou to Jinzhou, and order Shen Shikui, the commander of Dongjiang, to build a city platform, set up artillery and collect warships for attack at any time!"

Xue Guoguan was surprised and said, "Your highness, do you want to attack Jiannu?"

Zhu Cixuan shook his head and said: "Jiannu will attack North Korea and Pidao next month. Gathering troops in Jinzhou at this time can deter Jiannu and lift the Korean crisis."

"Tartars attacking Korea?" Some ministers began to be surprised and began to talk about it.

"There are 20000 troops of our Ming Dynasty in Pidao, and they are horns with North Korea. Jiannu is afraid it will be difficult to break through!"

"Yes, Jiannu has learned from his failure last time. He should not send troops to North Korea again. Your highness is a little alarmist."

Some courtiers objected, but their tone was gentle, and they obviously didn't want to offend the little murderer.

Chongzhen frowned and said, "I haven't received any information from the front. How did you know?"

Of course, Zhu Cigui would not tell him that he sent the Royal Guards to Liaodong to investigate the intelligence. Even the intelligence inside the Tartars can be detected. This intelligence ability is easily feared and besieged.

Zhu Cixuan said: "If the slave chieftain Huang Taiji wants to move to the Central Plains, he must pull out the two nails, North Korea and Pidao, to ensure the safety of the backyard. It will soon be in December. My children and ministers guess that Huang Taiji will attack North Korea on a large scale when the Yalu River is ice bound!"

Chongzhen hummed: "Now the Ministry of Household is in difficulty. I can't transfer tens of thousands of troops and spend money because of your conjecture. Don't mention anything unrealistic in the future."

Zhu Cixuan sighed, extremely disappointed. He wanted to break through the cage more and more.

On the first day of December, Mongolian troops met in Shenyang. On the second day of the month, Huang Taiji ordered the army to go to Korea.

The left wing of the Qing army was led by Dourgen and Hauge. From Kuandian to Changshan Pass and through Changcheng, they went south to Pyongyang. Huang Taiji and Dai Shanqing led the right wing to enter Korea from Tokyo Road through Zhenjiang. Three hundred Qing troops disguised as businessmen went straight to Seoul, the king of Korea, and Dodo led thousands of people close behind.

On the 14th, the Qing army brigade had reached Anzhou, and the king of Korea learned that the Qing Dynasty had sent troops. At this time, the Dodor troops were under the city, and the Qing army was working together inside and outside. The king of Korea fled to Jianghua Island to seek the protection of the Ming army.

The Qing army learned the lesson of the first battle against Korea, and had already cut off the road from Wang Jing to Jianghua Island. The Korean king had to flee to the mountain city of the South Han Dynasty on the south bank of the Han River, only 40 miles away from Wang Jing.

After entering the mountain city of the South Han Dynasty, the king of Korea called on all soldiers to be diligent with the king, and sent people to Dengzhou at full speed to ask for help from the suzerain Daming.

After the letter of North Korea's request for help was sent to the capital, the officials were in an uproar. Unexpectedly, as the Crown Prince said, Jiannu really attacked North Korea on a large scale.

Zhu Cixuan stepped into the Wenhua Hall, and Chongzhen was discussing the Korean issue with the cabinet and six important ministers.

The head of the cabinet, Xue Guoguan, said with a smile, "Your highness is as predictable as a god. Your ministers admire you!"

All the officials echoed and praised Zhu Cixuan. Even Chongzhen looked up at him again. The boy's strategic vision was really cruel.

Zhu Cixuan frowned slightly: "Is it something to celebrate that the vassal king's capital is broken? I just want to know how I will deal with it!"

He made everyone lose face. Xue Guoguan was not so cheeky. He coughed softly and said, "Our Ming Dynasty is in financial difficulties. Liao's wages have not yet been paid off. In addition to the suppression of bandits in the northwest and the war in Jiangnan, the Imperial Court is unable to send troops to help the Korean people..."

Zhu Cigui angrily said: "Where is the garrison of Pidao? Where is the garrison of Liaodong? If two men and horses put pressure on Jiannu at the same time, even if they don't attack, they won't let the Tartar break through the Korean capital so quickly, will they? Who can convince a suzerain that even a recent vassal state can't protect?"

Zhu Cixuan was extremely angry. Although Guan Ning's army was strong and strong, it just shrank back to defend the city and did not dare to take the initiative to attack and contain it. Pidao was on the edge of North Korea, and 20000 troops could not hold on to the island. Seeing the whole territory of North Korea fall step by step.

He also learned that Gushi Khan, the founder of Heshuote Khanate on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, had recently sent envoys to Shengjing to pay tribute and expressed his willingness to surrender to the Manchus.

This was Uszang of the Ming Dynasty, but now it has turned to the enemy's arms. The inability to protect the vassal state means that a dynasty gradually declined. In history, the Manchu Dynasty also perished soon after losing Korea.

Chongzhen immediately shouted, "Impossible!"

Xie Sheng, the minister of the Ministry of Officials, also said, "Your highness, be careful."

Zhu Cixuan swept around the crowd, looked at Chongzhen, saluted, and said faintly, "My son and minister are not well, so leave first!"

This meaningless political discussion made him not interested at all, and he left on the spot. Chongzhen's right hand was clenched, his joints were white, and he secretly scolded the rebel for his hard wings!

When they learned that the relationship between father and son was in trouble again, everyone in the palace such as Queen Zhou was anxious.

Just as the New Year is approaching, at the suggestion of Princess Liu and Queen Yi'an, the imperial palace held a performance, inviting Chongzhen, Zhu Cigui and all the imperial concubines to participate.

Emperor Wanli and Emperor Tianqi liked to listen to the opera. There was a special stage in the palace, and they often visited Maoqin Palace, Yuxi Palace, Spinning Mill and Wuyi Palace to listen to music.

Since Chongzhen ascended the throne, the country suffered from frequent domestic and foreign wars, and the palace no longer started to sing and play. It is said that the king had stopped singing and dancing for ten years, so the pear garden became white headed.

So far, only one play has ever been performed in the palace. It was on the birthday of Empress Zhou in the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign. On that day, a troupe called in to perform five or six "The Story of the Western Chamber". At that time, people in the harem almost poured out, and Emperor Chong Frame also came to sit for a while.

Nearly five years later, the Yuxi Palace opened again. On the day of the performance, the harem was full of joy. Princess Liu, Empress Zhou, Empress Zhang, Princess Yuan, Princess Tian and other concubines gathered.

Shen Xiangban, a professional folk troupe, presented Chongzhen with a list of operas and asked him to list them. In order to cater to his concubines, Chongzhen ordered The Story of the Jade Hairpin.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Kunqu Opera flourished. On the stage of the capital, both the folk and the court had been occupied by Kunqu Opera. The Jade Hairpin is a popular legend in Kunqu Opera.

The background of the story in The Jade Hairpin is the story of the change of Jingkang, the invasion of Jin soldiers to the south, the girl Chen Jiaolian lost her mother in the flight, entered the Privet Privet Temple in Jinling as a Taoist, and later fell in love with the scholar Pan Bizheng after breaking through the constraints of feudal ethics and Taoism.

The play shows Chen Jiaolian's courage to break through the shackles of Taoism and pursue beautiful love, which moved the imperial concubines in the harem.

Empress Zhang and Empress Zhou are looking at Chongzhen and Zhu Cidang. The purpose of this performance is to promote the reconciliation between the emperor and the crown prince, so that they can feel the warmth of home

I don't know Chongzhen's feelings, but Zhu Cixuan has some feelings. He heard that the south of the Yangtze River was open at the end of the Ming Dynasty, but he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, but he can see some ways from it in The Jade Hairpin.

This opera shows new ideas and new consciousness, which strongly impacts the decayed ideas and traditions. This is a great progress, and it should be caused by the emergence of capitalism in the south of the Yangtze River.

Zhu Cixuan once watched a youth cadre debate contest in later generations. The theme of the debate was: the level of ideological liberation determines the level of economic development or the level of economic development determines the level of ideological liberation.

Zhu Cixuan prefers the latter. He thinks that if people can't even eat enough, they can't think about anything else.

Therefore, he decided that to save Daming, we should let the people of Daming eat first, instead of wasting time with others in the court doing some boring struggle!