Chapter 1325 Wang with Different Surnames

The king?

Xu Mingwu was stunned on the spot, fell on the ground and did not move, but forgot to thank him.

Wu Zhong and Wen Yan reminded: "Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, no living person has been granted a king with a different surname. Son in law, you are the only one. Do you want to thank me?"

Cao Minghao on the side was also shocked. He didn't expect that Xu Er was crowned king!

You should know that in the past three hundred years of the Ming Dynasty, despite the false titles conferred by the imperial court, only a few people such as Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Mu Ying and so on were crowned king after their death. There is really no one alive!

Although the Tianwu Dynasty awarded Cao Yijiao

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