Chapter 1158 Learn from the Emperor

Ningshou Palace is located on the island in the middle of Xuanwu Lake. It is a building with eight sides, three floors and four eaves. The square foundation below is 21 meters high.

The whole Palace of Tranquil Longevity is 41 meters high. There are eight huge iron, pear and wood giant pillars in the hall. The structure is complex. The buildings centered on it unfold orderly and symmetrically to the two wings, forming the momentum of stars and the moon, which is quite magnificent.

In the 13th year of Tianwu, in order to meet the 50th birthday of the Supreme Emperor, Zhu Cigui ordered to build the Palace of Longevity. It is said that even the drawings were shot and built by the Emperor himself, so as to make the Supreme Emperor live better.

The whole garden project of Ningshou Palace costs tens of thousands of yuan, only the main hall

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