Chapter 106 Joint Operations

The fuse on the fire door burned out, and the huge muzzle of the 5000 kg Shenwei General's gun suddenly flashed, the gun body shook, accompanied by a loud sound, a huge iron ball roared from the head of the Qing cavalry to the distance.

The Qing army had retreated to two miles away from Mapo Bridge, and the ordinary Hongyi cannons could not hit it. The Shenwei general's cannons had hit too far, three miles away.

"Useless things!" Wang Wannian kicked over the Shenjiying artillery.

The artillery of Shenji Camp adjusted the angle of artillery as a general and carefully aimed at the retreating cavalry group of the Qing army.

With a calm face, Wang Wannian raised the flag again and shouted, "Shoot!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom......"

Twenty generals fired their guns in unison. The sound was like thunder, and they rolled away. Zhu Cixuan stood on a chariot and was so frightened that he almost fell down.

"I lay down in a slot, which is fucking awesome!" Zhu Cixuan could only use such words to sigh the shock in his heart. He stood firm again and watched the effect with binoculars.

The Qing troops who had been slowly withdrawing heard such a loud noise behind them and looked back, only to see dozens of big black iron bullets coming towards them from afar

"Boom! Boom......"

Many big iron balls weighing more than ten kilograms shot into the cavalry crowd, and from the place where the iron balls landed, they rushed down a hundred meters, and the people and horses in the past were all split.

The soldiers of Zhang Shize's Shenji Camp, who were ambushed on both sides, saw more clearly. They watched dozens of big iron balls like an iron plow head. They plowed hundreds of meters from south to north, and broke hands, legs, and heads all the way, which was horrible.

"His mother is so cruel!" said a soldier from the northwest of Shenshu Camp.

After the artillery of Shenji Camp finished a round, they immediately used wet wool sticks to clean their respective barrels, then the loader continued to load the cartridge, sealed the fire door, loaded the iron bullet, and compacted it. Finally, the detonator cord was installed at the fire door, ready to shoot again.

Wang Wannian was quite satisfied with this series of operations. Although Shenji Camp seldom trained on weekdays, it still knew how to operate artillery and did not fall behind too much.

The general's guns are fixed with four wheel racks, so they can not retreat far under the sitting force after each launch, and do not need to be re aimed, so it saves a lot of time.

Wang Wannian saw that the cannons were almost loaded. He raised the flag again and shouted angrily, "Fuck you!"

The thunderous sound of artillery again sounded, accompanied by thick gunsmoke at the muzzle, dozens of big iron bullets smashed into the cavalry group of the Qing army who began to flee in disorder.

Boom! With the loud sound of the iron bullet landing, a huge blood fog suddenly blew up in the Qing army formation. One by one, the Qing cavalry company and their horses were beaten to pieces on the spot, and the mud mixed with some broken limbs flew around.

Boom! Boom! A dozen jin heavy iron bullets jumped on the dry land, carrying blood and flesh all the way. One by one, Tartar soldiers rolled on the ground in pain, making a heart rending cry.

"Retreat at full speed! Hurry up!" Watching all the warriors in the Qing Dynasty so miserable, Mailer Zhangjing, the leader, was cut with a knife and roared desperately.

Tartar cavalry began to run for their lives. The whip whipped the horses and screamed for their lives in fear. All the bodies of warriors who died in battle were gone!

Seeing the Tartar cavalry scrambling and fleeing one by one, Zhu Cixuan knew that the opportunity was coming. He ordered Shenji Camp to stop shelling and sent a signal to Shenshu Camp to start pursuing.

When Zhang Shize, who was ambushed in the riverbank forest, saw the signal, he immediately got on his horse, raised his hand and shouted: "Brothers! Follow me to hunt down Tartars! Let's raise the prestige of our Shenshu battalion!"

Zhang Shize urged the war horse to rush to the front. Behind him, 20 skilled servants of the British government rode closely, and then 5000 cavalry of the Shenshu Camp ambushed on both sides also mounted their horses and rushed out of the forest.

When Qing cavalry saw so many Ming cavalry suddenly emerging from the wings behind them, they were even more frightened. Each of them just urged the horses under him desperately, and the whip made the horses under his crotch bleed.

In contrast, they came with a distinctive and powerful flag. At this time, they were as anxious as dogs without family. The flag was lopsided and their prestige was lost.

Zhu Cixuan saw the Tartar soldiers fleeing in confusion from afar through his binoculars, so he ordered to clean up the mountains of dead Tartar bodies on Mapo Bridge, and cut off their heads whether they were dead or not.

Zhu Cixuan handed the job to the Shenji Camp. At first, the soldiers of the Shenji Camp refused, and few of them dared to go forward. Wang Wannian was helpless. He shouted to cut off a Tartar's head and promoted him to a higher level, and cut down two silver coins and fifty taels.

The artillery of Shenji Camp rushed to the bridge floor one after another and grabbed sabres to cut off the heads of Tartars. Because there were more monks than meat, some soldiers even jumped into the river and dragged the dead Tartars floating on the river, dragged them to the bank and cut off their heads again.

Soon, the dead Tartars on the bridge were swept away, and the soldiers of Shenji Camp began to cut their heads on the battlefield across the river.

At first, many soldiers were afraid to fight, but when they watched their comrades in arms close their heads one by one, they finally got excited, closed their eyes and cut with a knife.

Zhu Cixuan shook his head and said to himself, "What is fear in front of interests? It's just a fart!"

Zhang Shize led 20 elite servants to catch up with the Tartar soldiers and retreat. He aimed at a Tartar soldier who was desperately beating the war horse with his big name in his hand. With the horse posture, the big name in his hand pierced through his left back heart. With the help of his force, the Tartar body flew out.

As the ninth generation British duke in the future, Zhang Shize grew up in the martial arts family. He learned martial arts from an early age with great strength and skillful bowing.

Zhang Shize, crouching on the divine steed, rushed to the front all the way and killed or beat several tartar cavalry all the way, and soon rushed into the rout of the tartars with the cavalry of the Shenshu Camp.

The cavalry of the Five Thousand Shenshu Battalion chased the Tartars all the way. They were very happy. Some of the Tartars who were skilled in bows and horses ran back and shot arrows. They also shot many of the cavalry of the Shenshu Battalion.

The Shenshu Camp chased for ten miles and killed nearly a thousand Tartars, so it ordered to stop the pursuit. The Tartars in the front array ran too fast to catch up.

Zhang Shize was also very satisfied with the war. He ordered Shenshu Camp to return to clean the battlefield along the way, cut down the heads of Tartars, and collected some of their horses. He also sent two messenger soldiers to report the war situation to Zhu Cixuan.

An assistant general of the Shenshu Battalion cut off a Tartar's head, held it in his hand, raised it and shouted, "Tartars are just like that, aren't they carrying a head on two shoulders?"

The soldiers around also laughed when they heard the words. This time, Shenshu Camp has a long face. Many Tartar soldiers have been killed, and their military achievements will not be lost.