Chapter 64 The Birth of a Child

  • Prove for you
  • Baby Cai
  • 2314 characters
  • 2023-04-11 15:18:55

When their brother was discussing the assassin's means, a maid outside the door burst in and said, "Madam is going to have a baby!" Hearing the exciting news, Fang Tianhu didn't even bother to eat. He flew to the bed. Looking at the pain of Zhisu, he felt both distressed and happy. This complex mood made him not know how to express his inner thoughts, The only thing she could do was to hold Zhisu's hand tightly to give her a sense of security. Seeing that Zhisu's pain was getting worse and worse, Fang Tiandui had prepared all the midwifery supplies and contingency measures for several times, saying, "Brother, we should go out, and the only thing left was to leave it to Grandma and sister-in-law!" Looking at Zhisu in pain, Fang Tianhu reluctantly walked out of the room!

Fang Tianhu hurried back outside the door to listen to the shouts of Zhisu from time to time in the room. His mood was more complicated. He wished he could rush in now. Fortunately, these brothers stopped him so that he wouldn't make a fool of himself and break in! In order to ease Fang Tianhu's anxiety, several brothers began to discuss the child to be born. Fang Tianhuo asked, "Brother Six, you said that the sister-in-law was pregnant with a dragon and a phoenix fetus. Is it the boy who was born first or the girl who was born first? Can you diagnose this?" Apart from Fang Tianhu, who is waiting anxiously, and Fang Tianmu, who is calm and calm, who are not interested in these things, several other people are still curious about whether Fang Tianhu can diagnose them!

Fang Tianduan said proudly, "I can't compete with you in martial arts, but I'm confident in medical skills. I'm sure that the teacher came out from his daughter. If you want to ask me the specific reason, I can't say it!" Everyone sighed. Fang Tianduan heard the sound of sighing: "How about we bet? If I lose, you can help me!" Fang Tianlei shook his head and said, "We won't be fooled by you. We won't gamble with you. Anyone who was born first will call me uncle four. Nephews and nieces are not the same!" In a burst of laughter, Fang Tianlei's gamble ended!

At the end of the day, they were so happy that they could not help but interrupt happily: "It's better for you to name your children than to say these things here!" Hearing Fang Tianmei's proposal, Fang Tianfeng said in his heart: "I have been thinking hard for several months. I have already thought about it. The boy is called Jixing, and we will continue to carry on our business. The girl is called Jixue, and the snow of snowflakes. Does the girl have to be beautiful and moving? What do you say, and what name do I want? Does it suit your idea?" Fang Tianhuo said with a disdainful face, "What's the use of these words? Let's call Huzi more kind and pleasant! ”After hearing what Fang Tianhu said, the brothers finally calmed down and realized that they seemed to be thinking more than their duty as uncle.

At the end of the day, looking at some awkward brother scenes, Also lost in meditation: "To inherit our cause and continue to carry on, what is our cause? If it is just to live for a long time, it can be achieved as long as we reach the Shenyuan state through cultivation, but this is not a cause. What is the original purpose of mastering the fate? We have won the years worthy of being called the master of Shenyuan state in the hands of God, but our fate is still evolving step by step, some are willing to follow and some are against The fate is still out of our control. What is the fate and what is the cause we pursue? It is not an endless life, nor a dull life! "

At the end of the day, when thinking about the fate of the cause, a baby's cry broke the peace of the night and the awkward scene between the brothers.

Fang Tianhu's anxious and uneasy heart was finally put down, leaving only his excited and cheerful mood of constantly pacing in front of the door and the bright smile on his face! Even with this expressed mood, Fang Tianhu still held the impulse to rush in, because there was still a child who had not yet been born. His reason told him to calm down. The excited heart that had just been forced lost its calm with another burst of baby crying. Just before reaching out to push the door, the door had been opened creaking from inside, A sweaty old woman opened the door and gasped with a smile, saying, "Congratulations, it's a pair. Mother and son are safe. You can go and have a look. Be quiet!" Then the old woman stepped aside from the road.

Fang Tianhu couldn't wait to hear the old woman's words and eagerly entered the room. Several brothers looked at each other and then came into the room one after another. The two children in the room were placed in two cradles. Fang Tianhu reached out to pick up the two children, but when he reached the children, he couldn't help but take them back. He gave up repeatedly, He lifted up the gauze curtain and saw the tired and collapsed fabric on the bed. He could not help crying in his eyes. He could hold the hands of fabric with both hands beside the bed. He did not know how to open his mouth, but could only hold tightly!

At this time, Fang Tianhuo came to the boy's cradle and touched the little guy's forehead with his rough finger, waking the sleeping child. Looking at the strange rough man in front of him, the boy didn't cry but laughed. He also grabbed Fang Tianhuo's finger with his hand. Fang Tianhuo played with the little guy, but the little guy caught his finger, Fang Tianhuo felt a little pain when he tried his two hands. He could not help laughing and said, "This little guy is born with magic power. He scratched my hands and hurt me. He must be a good person to practice martial arts!" Hearing Fang Tianhuo's words, Zhisu opened her eyes vaguely. Fang Tianhu didn't feel a long lost smile when she woke up, Holding Zhisu's hand, she hurried to Zhisu and stroked her messy sweaty hair on her forehead to both sides. Zhisu motioned to him to help herself up. Zhisu leaned against the head of the bed with Fang Tianhu's help. At this time, Fangtianduan and Fangtianmu had already carried the two children to the bed. Zhisu took the two children weakly and looked at a little guy with a loving face, The eyes were filled with joy and tears. At the end of the day, they left with the rest of them!

More than half an hour has passed since Fang Tianhu came out, The first thing Fang Tianhu did was announce the names of the two children: "Your sister-in-law has already agreed on the name of the child. The girl is called Fang Jixue according to the fifth person, and the boy is called Fang Huzi. Your sister-in-law means that since we have captured what we want from the old man, we don't need our next generation to continue to do anything. After all, we have finished all the things, and they just want to live a carefree life It's very happy. The second thing is the full moon wine. People in our mountain villa will have a good time and then go to report to my mother for a gathering. I don't need to invite others. I have promised your sister-in-law. If you have any suggestions, I can discuss them with your sister-in-law again! " I understand that my sister-in-law doesn't want the next generation to be involved with any force except Tianxing Mountain Manor, so that children can live a carefree life! Motherly love is so long as their children can be safe and happy without taking into account any other factors! Of course, the rest of us have nothing to say, so we have to prepare!

But at the end of the day, they knew that the fight between them and God was far from over. Now, although they had won a game, it was still uncertain who would win in the end. It was likely that they would win in their generation, but in the next generation, if Tianxing Mountain Manor did not have the same means as their generation, the end would be very sad, even doomed!