Chapter 489 Today's Chicken Soup Is Good (More Than 5 Hours)

"Still relaxed? This is the enemy, why should we relax?" Zhu Weiliang paced back and forth anxiously.

"Report that the Mutants have not moved forward! They are still staying in the camp!" The team members from the intersection reported.

Zhu Weiliang took out his walkie talkie and said, "Got it! Keep watching!"


Looking at Zhu Weiliang's nervousness, Zheng Fei laughed: "Look at you, what's the use of being anxious? We have finished the deployment, we have prepared everything that should be prepared, and the team members are also reporting every hour. It's not a bad day."

Zhu Weiliang relaxed a little, sat down and said, "Yes, but sometimes it's dangerous. It happens when you relax."

Zhu Weiliang leaned back in his chair and sighed, "Look! Let's go back and have a rest."

Watching Zhu Weiliang leave, Zheng Fei picks up the document on the desk and reads it carefully.

Now is the time to test endurance and willpower. Anyone who can't hold his breath will be the first to fail!

Zhan Changsheng also went to have a rest. Zheng Fei sat in the conference room for a while, and Dong Xin came over.

Seeing Dong Xin, Zheng Fei was surprised. He put down the information and asked, "Have you finished your work?"

"We are still busy. We need to prepare more materials for some teams. At the medical station, there are also some drugs that need to be redistributed. Also, we need to hurry up. I'll come by to check the situation here. Where are they?" Dong Xin said, walked to the coffee machine and poured a cup of coffee.

"They are on duty and go to have a rest. I will take their place," Zheng Fei continued to read the information.

Dong Xin picked up a cup of coffee, sat down in a chair, and asked Zheng Fei, "How is it going?"

"Tomorrow, we just received the news from Wencheng that Aguly and their mutants will attack us tomorrow. There is nothing. We will do our preparation. The rest is to see if we can achieve the results we want." Zheng Fei said, looking up at Dong Xin.

Dong Xin held the coffee cup, looked at the big screen and said, "I really hope my father is here too."

"If he were here, I think he would let us attack the Mutants now." Zheng Fei said with a smile.

"No! He is not a person who only knows adventure and attack, at least he should not now." Dong Xin's voice was sad.

Zheng Fei raised his head again, looked at Dong Xin, and asked in a low voice, "Have you ever hated your father for his project?"

Dong Xin was stunned for a moment, put down his coffee cup, and said with a long sigh, "Yes! More than once, because he insisted on developing games, we became like this, but..."

"It's not his fault..." Zheng Fei preemptively added.

Dong Xin looked up at Zheng Fei and said, "Yes! Even if he stopped developing games immediately, others would do the same! Even more than he did!"

Dong Xin shook her coffee cup. She wanted to be relieved of the past. It has reached this point. Nothing can help her.

Zheng Fei stood up, turned to Dong Xin, and said, "I really want time to stop at this moment. It seems very nervous, but nothing has happened yet. If only it had been like this all the time!"

The coffee on the table has gradually cooled, and the smell of coffee is still floating in the meeting room.

"No! It can't be like this!" Dong Xin suddenly said with bright eyes.

"Why? I see... Like your father, you are the kind of person who always moves forward! Never want to stay in front of you, right?" Zheng Fei asked softly, leaving Dong Xin wondering how to answer.

"Maybe this is our destiny!" Dong Xin said lightly.

"Destiny? I don't believe this word now. We all have things to do. Since the super dimensional event, everything that happens every day has gone far beyond our planning. I thought I would become very rich, and then enjoy life."

"Don't you enjoy life?" Dong Xin asked with a smile.

"Hahaha! Yes... yes! I became very rich and began to enjoy life, but I found that I could not stay for a moment! I must run non-stop to grow!" Zheng Fei looked at the big screen, with pride and regret in his voice.

"Later, like everyone, we must also participate in the world!" Dong Xin also looked at the big screen and said.

"Yes! To grow up, we must also participate in the world!" Zheng Fei nodded, not wanting to speak again.

"I'm back! If you have news, let me know in time!" Dong Xin said after drinking coffee.

"Well, goodbye!"


After Dong Xin left, Zheng Fei sat alone in the conference room until evening. Nothing happened except for the report received every other hour.

Zheng Fei enjoyed the peace before him.

When we were in Haicheng Base, we waited together for the time when the Mutants appeared. It was also so calm. It seemed that we could hear the time passing by one grid, and then waited for the bell to ring.

Just this time in the underground city, Zheng Fei felt that time had never been too long.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock at the door.

"Please come in!" Zheng Fei said, sitting in a chair.

"Squeak!" The door opened and the delivery staff came.

"Zheng Fei! It's dinner!"

"Oh! Thank you!" Zheng Fei quickly got up and went to pick up the meal.

The staff knew Zheng Fei was a big eater, so they handed him two portions of rice. Zheng Fei was very happy to see that there was chicken in the rice tonight.

"Wow! There's chicken today! Great!" Zheng Fei took the food from the staff with a smile and said with a smile.

"Today's recipe has been specially adjusted. Master Achuan cooked it himself."

"Thank you!"

After the delivery staff left, Zheng Fei put the lunch box on the table beside and began to eat.

"It is reported that the number of the camps of the Mutants has begun to increase again, and they have not moved forward!" The voice of the team members at the intersection came from the walkie talkie.

"Copy that! Keep an eye on it!" Zheng Fei picked up the walkie talkie and said.


Zheng Fei was nervous when he heard that the number of mutants was still increasing. Could it be that many mutants had not come here last time?

Zheng Fei thought, opening the lunch box, the smell of chicken came to his nose.

Chewing rice, eating chicken and drinking chicken soup, the taste is delicious!

Master Achuan's skill is really excellent. The ordinary chicken can be made so delicious.

Looking at the oily soup, Zheng Fei ate more rice.

While eating, Zhu Weiliang and Zhan Changsheng came.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zheng Fei raised his head and asked.

"Just back from the restaurant, is today's chicken soup good?" Zhu Weiliang asked Zheng Fei with a smile.

"Not bad! Not bad! It's delicious! Not bad!" Zheng Fei chewed chicken and pointed to the big screen.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Weiliang and Zhan Changsheng quickly sat down on the chair and checked the report.

"The number of mutants is increasing again," Zheng Fei said, munching rice.

"Still increasing? How could it be?" Zhu Weiliang stared at the map on the big screen, surprised.

Zhan Changsheng stared at the big screen, pondered for a moment and said, "How can there be so many mutants suddenly?"