Chapter 20 [] Have I become the "regret" in your memory?


Xinrui stood at the door of the dormitory building, a bit absent-minded. Looking around, he found that he was wearing a high school uniform and carrying a satchel. "How come this is the shape?" Xinrui did not know the situation, and did not know whether he was dreaming or really crossing. He tried hard to remember that this was just the most ordinary day in his senior three life. During this period, in addition to reviewing, he went to the Health Science Building to do experiments. The Health Science Building... He suddenly remembered Lin Qin. "Will I meet her again here?" he couldn't help thinking.

He mysteriously walked to the door of the girls' dormitory, waited for a long time, and saw Lin Qin walking out of the dormitory building with a confused face, handing over his four eyes waiting outside. He was hesitating whether to go forward with her. Lin Qin came straight over,

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well today, so I won't go to endorse. I'll go back to the classroom. Goodbye." After saying that, I left without looking back.

Xin Rui feels confused. What's wrong with her? In his impression, in the past, two people would meet in the dormitory building and go to the biological building happily. She went to read a book, and he went to do experiments. How could such a plot happen today?

He walked back to his classroom and found that everything was so familiar. Standing in the corridor outside the classroom, he saw Lin Qin endorsement in the corridor downstairs opposite, saying it was endorsement. In fact, there was a book lying in front of him. His eyes were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"At this time, it should not have happened. How could she be like this?" Xin Rui thought about his own situation again. Is this going back in time? He tried to recall that he was a little tired from his work arrangement that day, so he poured himself a glass of wine. Pulling his mobile phone, he saw Lin Qin's previous WeChat message and vaguely remembered the attic that Lin Qin mentioned to her, so he walked up

"Could she have experienced it herself, so she told me? Could it be the same day that she came back and made a new choice?" Xin Rui thought. He wanted to rush down to find Lin Qin and take this opportunity to start all over again, but he was a little afraid and disturbed everything. "She is living well and contented now. What right do I have to change people and disturb them?" Xin Rui felt very powerless.

When the bell rang, he returned to his seat after being greeted by Master Yang, but he could not listen to the contents of the class. He felt that he had another long sleep. "Maybe I'll wake up and go back to the coffee shop," he thought

Xinrui felt that his head had been hit. In great pain, he thought of "finally waking up" and stood up. As a result, he saw Lord Yang's face was angry. "Lv Xinrui! He is still sleeping after class! Hurry to wash his face!" After saying that, he left with the handout under his arm.

"Why are you still here..." Xinrui is really bored. At this time, someone came over and bumped into him. "What's wrong with you today? Go to the corridor roof to blow the wind!" It turned out that Li Yang, his back table, watched him doze off.

"Come on, just want to breathe." Xin Rui said feebly. He watched Li Yang take the shuttlecock, and they walked to the roof at the end of the corridor together. He kicked the shuttlecock with Li Yang, and he was more and more sure that the scene had never happened in the past.

"Lin Qin must have come back, and she would have chosen to change the plot of the story and no longer hope for further development of their relationship." Xin Rui knew that when Lin Qin returned to the past, he made the choice to give up his memories and cut off a lot of back roads. He was extremely depressed to want to come here.

"Pick up quickly!" He heard the voice of Li Yang, and before he was too flustered, his head was hit by a shuttlecock, which would really wake up with pain.

He looked up and found that the attic was in disrepair, and a piece of wall paint fell off the ceiling due to water seepage, which just hit him. He leaned back weakly in his chair and recalled all this, feeling absurd and very real.

Ah, I am, after all, the thing she regrets most.


Xin Rui chose to return to the company during this period of time in order not to immerse himself too much in some things, and he really needs to deal with the work properly.

Liu Tao's business has come to an end for the time being. He has temporarily alleviated the financial problem through other channels. Next, he needs to discuss with the R&D department to develop a new product in a short period of time to make a name. The focus must be on people's livelihood, solve the problems of the people, and save even a trace of goodwill for the enterprise brand that has gone through turmoil a while ago. In addition, he also hopes that this product can attract more investors' attention as soon as possible, better finance and solve the company's capital problem.

After finishing the task at hand, he suddenly remembered Lin Qin. I couldn't help opening the web page and flipping through her newspaper to see what she was doing recently. Sure enough, I saw that she was busy writing a special topic recently, and once she wrote it, she wrote more than half of it. Xin Rui saw that she was working with the CPPCC on livelihood projects recently, and today she saw that she was paying attention to the topic of children's drug safety. Seeing that she visited many children's hospitals, Xinrui suddenly made up the picture of her interviewing the baby and parents on the spot, which made her feel funny.

He smiled, and suddenly thought of this, he began to look for information on literature websites, as well as in various competitive companies. Suddenly, he had new ideas about the products to be developed, and immediately asked the assistant to worry about the colleagues in the R&D department and the colleagues in bioinformatics analysis to hold a meeting together.

On the other hand, Lin Qin was overwhelmed by the recent CPPCC cooperation project. On the contrary, Zhenrui's business has been on track recently, financing has also ended, and he has been idle for a while. So he took the initiative to take on a lot of housework. Sometimes he ended his visit to customers early in the afternoon, and would go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and go home to cook. Lin Qin repeatedly said, "Good husband, good husband!" She has no time to think about Xin Rui recently. Anyway, it's the best result if things can be all right.

At dinner in the evening, Zhenrui took the initiative to mention, "Do you remember the Taiwanese professor who I have been talking about cooperation before?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"We have almost talked about cooperation, and he asked me whether I would like to go to him to study as a postdoctoral student. He said that he could help with several projects." Zhenrui said lightly.

"Oh, good thing, will you go?" Lin Qin thought this opportunity was good.

"Yes, but I feel I will be very busy in the first year when I want to study in Hong Kong." Zhenrui inquired tentatively.

"Then... will any girl students fall in love with you?" Lin Qin pretended to be weak and asked, laughing.

"Fuck you, who wants to think about it?" Zhenrui said to her, "If you don't have any problems, I will agree. Don't worry, I will spare some time to accompany you."

"I don't need you to accompany me, go ahead, postdoctoral brother," said Linqin.