Chapter 18 [] Endless Vortex, Endless Black Hole


Lin Qin was shocked by the sudden sincerity. "What are you doing?"

"I just want to talk to someone, and I feel very tired." Xin Rui sits on the sofa first and closes his eyes..

"Then you should have a good rest first. It's easy to do things in a muddle if you don't have a clear mind." Lin Qin leaned against the door and said.

"I haven't done enough stupid things." Xin Rui rubbed his eyes. After a while, I asked. "If I hadn't run away then, would everything be different now?"

Lin Qin was stunned for a moment, leaned against the wall and murmured, "It may be different, but it may not be bad now."

"I really want to go back to the past." Xin Rui exhaled. Lin Qin slipped his eyes and suddenly thought of something. "Xin Rui, have you ever been to the attic?"

"No," Xin Rui was asked a little puzzled.

"Well, I went there when I first came, and I thought it was amazing. You can also go and have a look if you are free." Lin Qin felt that he should not stay any longer. "I'm going first, and I'll talk about it next time." Before going out, she added, "Pay more attention to yourself." Lin Qin didn't know whether he was reminding him to pay attention to the attic or his partner.

After Lin Qin came out, he felt that he had nothing to do, so he strolled around slowly and came to the high school again. It is still class time now. The campus gate is closed, leaving only a small door for access. The security guard carries a small stool outside. Sometimes he strolls around, sometimes he sits down and takes a rest. When he sees Lin Qin standing outside, he looks at it for a few times and then moves his eyes away.

Lin Qin remembered what Xin Rui said just now, "If we can start again, will everything be better?" But how can there be so much in life? Who is not regretting all the way, and creating new happiness to cover all this.

A burst of rapid ringing frightened Lin Qin, followed by melodious music. It turned out that school was over, and campus broadcasting began.

"And then

They said your heart seemed to heal

And someone is guarding you

I should feel relieved or heartbroken

so what

In fact, my life is OK

In addition to recalling some moments of violence

I'm glad there are tears to dilute the bitterness "

The live version of A Xin and A Mei was sung into my heart, just like two people who had already missed it, shouting their own words after many years. Lin Qin was alone in the crowd of students, feeling inexplicably depressed. Looking at the smiling faces of those young girls, she thought to herself, "Cherish it, someday you will remember all this with tears in your heart."


On Friday morning, Lin Qingang finished interviewing the consultative meeting at the CPPCC. As soon as he opened WeChat, he saw that Zhenrui had sent her a link.

"Today, Liu Tao, an associate professor of BJ University, announced that a pair of gene editing babies named Zhenzhen and Guigui were born healthy in China this month. Because one gene of the twins has been modified, they can naturally resist HIV after birth." The news said that the above achievements were completed by the team led by Liu Tao, an associate professor of the Department of Biology of BJ University, and the project was passed the ethical review by a private hospital. For a moment, all the moral accusations and scientific refutations pushed the professor to the forefront of the wave, and then BJ University took the lead in responding, saying that Liu Tao had already left the school, and the research school was unaware of the whole process. Subsequently, the private hospital also issued a statement denying that AIDS immunized babies were born in the hospital, saying that "the hospital has nothing to do with Liu Tao". A biomedical professor said that the research seriously violated the laws of scientific research and scientific ethics, as well as the existing regulations of China. This event reminds the government departments that it is necessary to refer to the regulatory model of stem cell clinical research and treatment, strengthen the supervision of gene editing technology for clinical use, and prevent the birth of "gene editing baby" again.

After a storm of criticism, Liu Tao's team made a statement to the media, claiming that they would disclose the project data. At the same time, he also said to the public that the entire research was not based on the experimental system of his school, but cooperated with a biotechnology company in the industry, which was later identified by the media as Xin Rui's Aixin Biology.

In this statement, everyone has paid attention to this new startup company. As a new startup, what kind of confidence and background can we have to undertake this project? Whether the company's future business will continue to deepen in this field is also a question of doubt, but the negative voice is gradually rising, and Aixin Biology is also involved in this ethical vortex.

Lin Qin pays close attention to the development of news and public opinion, and sweats hard for Xin Rui. The time has come. Next, he will face a series of inestimable risks, including investors' censure, management organization's thorough investigation, and public doubt.