Chapter 55 Awakening

  • Star Hamster in Pirate
  • Dried lemon fish
  • 2191 words
  • 2019-05-10 06:36:10

Odith rushed into the vortex in front of him, and finally he successfully left his consciousness space. He watched Odith's action. In the deep of Odith's consciousness space, Fish Liver was looking at him, The most powerful whispered: "Go ahead, your journey will officially begin, and the things that should not come to the world of the pirate king will also come soon. Then you will not only need to face the people of the pirate king."

Odes, who rushed into the vortex, felt a sense of weightlessness. After a while, when he was no longer dizzy, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the wooden ceiling in front of him. Odes felt a kind of joy in his heart. Finally, after not knowing how long, he finally came out, followed by a great sense of hunger and powerlessness. Odes could not help shouting: "Water" Just after Odith finished speaking, a white dog's head suddenly appeared on his right hand, with ghostly fire flashing in his eyes. He looked at Odith in disbelief, and then started barking excitedly. Odith looked at Cooper in front of him and smiled happily. He wanted to touch his head, but he had no strength.

When Lily and others outside heard Cooper's cry, they thought that the enemy had bypassed their range of information and attacked Audis directly. All of them took their weapons and rushed into Audis's room, but they just saw Audis laughing. Apart from Enilu who didn't know the situation and Shaq and Hall who were still training, they didn't know who they were, but only heard a "bang", Someone's weapon fell on the ground, and Lily seemed to wake up with a start, and suddenly rushed to Odith. Odith, a steel straight man, did not understand Lily's meaning, thought it was happy, and smiled and opened his arms to wait for Lily to embrace. As a result, Lily hit Odith in the face with an old fist and directly knocked Odith out of bed.

"You bastard, do you know how tired I am? You just lie on the bed and do nothing for so many days! I beat you up!" If Adam and Moyan hadn't grabbed their lives to rush out and continue to hit Lily of Odith, Odith might have to continue to sleep, and Enilu could not help but be glad that he didn't make her angry when he looked at the cruel scene in front of him.

"Sister Lily! You will be killed if you continue to fight the captain like this!" Adam stopped Lily and said to her, while Moyan was also "right". Odith was even more shocked with "You hit me!", looking at Lily.

"I don't care. I'll change the captain if I kill him! I've been lying down for a long time and I don't care about anything. Do you know how worried everyone is! Otherwise, V said that you were still alive, and everyone had no hope, but you were still motionless every day. Now everyone comes to see you every day and dare not continue to look. I'm afraid that you will not be alive the next day. What supports us every day is that you can get up tomorrow! You might as well die on the spot! " After roaring for a while, Lily did not break away, and calmly said to Odith, "I wish I were alive." Then she walked out of the room.

At this moment, Odith, who was most suitable for chasing out, was paralyzed on the ground. Adam and Moyan had to move Odith to bed first. Odith also saw Aini Road standing by, Looking at this guy with long earlobes, he asked, "Who is that guy over there who has long earlobes and pierced himself with a ring? The feeling of disdain on his face is that if I hadn't been able to do anything, I would have hit him directly."

"Yahahaha, are you the captain? It's too weak. Why don't you give me the position of the captain? I'm Enilu, and I feel I can kill you now." Enilu laughed wildly and looked at Odith and said to Odith.

"Ah, what an arrogant guy, but really, I'm weak now, but it's impossible for you to kill me." Odith looked at Aini Road and replied with a smile.

"Let's just let you be the captain first, but to tell the truth, you are so weak that I was shocked when I first met you. What happened? Your crew should not be so weak. It makes you look like this. I thought they were joking when I first met you."

"I didn't do anything but fight a war and save a dead person."

Enilu was shocked when he heard Audis's words. He saw Audis's expression was relaxed, but the meaning in his eyes was very serious. He nodded and walked out of Audis's room.

"Adam, where is Shaq? I'm hungry and I want to eat."

"Captain, Shaq's father has come and is training with him. Shaq has made rapid progress these days." Adam said to Odith with a smile.

"Really! Uncle Hall is here! Then I really have a good taste. Uncle Hall's food is excellent! By the way, Adam, how long have I slept?"

"Eleven months, 337 days to be exact, and a lot of things happened when you were sleeping."

"I've been sleeping for so long, but you said that a lot of things happened. Can you get the newspaper? It's mainly the New World, the White Beard Pirates and the Straw Hat Lufei." Hearing Audis's words, Moyan hurried out to find the newspaper that Hall would bring back every time. When Moyan left, Adam also said to Odith, "Captain, I have done what you told me before, which is what you said in my mind."

"That's good. Don't tell me. Your desires are your own business. It's good to remember. Come on, help me to get up. After resting for so long, it's a pity that I missed the opportunity to become famous on the sea. "Adam helped Odith up from the bed, helped him move slowly in the room, recovered his body that had not moved for a long time, and also talked about this interesting event with Odith. After a while, Moyan returned to Odith's room with some newspapers, saw Odith moving slowly, and was ready to help him.

"Nothing, Mo Yan, I want to recover my muscles. Let's go outside and see. It should still be daytime now. I've been in the room for too long. I want to enjoy the feeling of sunshine. By the way, we'll wait for Shaq and Uncle Hall to come back. "After saying that, Odith went out of the room, found a big stone outside, sat on it, took the newspaper from Moyan, and just read the first article, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahahahahaha, it's funny that the report here says that Lufei is starting a new generation. It doesn't mean anything whether Lufei goes around Malinvanto twice or rings the bell 16 times. The one sounded by Lufei was the Oakes Bell. At the beginning and end of the year, the sacred bell on the warship knocked eight times to express gratitude like the past year, and eight times to pray for the new year. But Lufei meant two years later, and there was a word 2Y3D on his arm, and 3D was also crossed off, Maybe it has something to do with the time they agreed before. All the people who were separated by the bear in the Shambaldi Islands at that time were going to gather in three days, but now it has become two years? I really want to fight with them at that time. "