Chapter 47 The key that hides the power of the chain, show me your real power, and the seal will be lifted

  • Star Hamster in Pirate
  • Dried lemon fish
  • 1994 words
  • 2019-05-07 06:22:53

"Well, let's get down to business. Although you were in a hurry in the early stage, at least you exercised fairly well, so you are qualified."

"Qualified? What does it mean?"

"Just because you have completed your test period, do you think that Harrow you got when you first came is really random? Of course not. Do you remember the series of tasks of the war armour? The description of the war armour is: redemption through sacrifice, repayment through revenge, and glory through resistance. Don't you think it is very similar to your two assistants? Stalker seeks revenge from Tiannuos. Umbra has been fighting against Ballas. You sacrificed yourself and saved Ace. When you completed the redemption, your power was also unsealed, which is the end of the test. You should have read the story of Rell. The official cartoon, combined with the plot, should know that the power of the armor is the chain, and your power is sealed by him. When you reach the goal, you can remove the restrictions, otherwise the system has no sense of existence. "

"So, what can I do now?"

"Good question, first of all, your chain can be used for your own use. You have been curious. The original reward is that you can eat the fruit of the chain, right? But you can use it in the small garden. You have also been curious."

"Yes, I thought there was a bug at that time, but it doesn't seem so."

"Of course not. Take out your incinerator."

Hearing what the fish liver said, Odith took out the incinerator he had been using, and then looked at the fish liver curiously.

"In fact, this thing is used to limit you. Your power is compressed into the incinerator, and the chain fruit is also in it. Didn't you expect it! Ha ha ha!"

"So my strength should be stronger than now, right?"

"Of course, what is sealed here is your potential. When you first came to this world, you had a remodeling. That time, your body potential was reshaped too strong. In order to prevent you from becoming restless, you locked that. Otherwise, the incinerator should not be given to you. It is a super weapon anyway. In addition, in order to reward you, the chain fruit was specially turned into an incinerator, so you could only use the incinerator to release the chain at first. " After saying that, the incinerator in Odith's hands became a fruit with strange patterns.

"I advise you to eat it in one mouthful. If you eat it separately, you will lose potential. Although the taste is indescribable, don't spit it out."

After listening to this, Odes put the fruit into his mouth and swallowed it desperately, but he didn't chew it. But a special taste filled Odes' mouth. It was a magical taste that was sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, but felt that there was no taste. Then it became even more horrible. All kinds of disgusting tastes appeared, and the taste of canned herring appeared; The smell of smelly socks; The smell of feces appeared, and these smells kept hitting Odith's stomach. It felt like teacher Qiyu's continuous ordinary fists were madly attacking Odith's stomach bag. Next, all the smells appeared began to be used on Odith's head, which was simply the top.

After seven or eight hours of patience, Odith was exhausted, pale, and paralyzed. The culprit in front of him was looking at Odith with interest, Then he said to him: "In fact, you don't have to do that. Although I blocked your things, it's generally for your own good. Although I hate to say that, I always think it's inappropriate for you to say 'I'm for your own good' to someone who doesn't know what happened to them. It's equivalent to persuading others to be generous when you don't know what happened to them Go further, because you may be involved when thunder strikes him, but this time it's really for your good. I apologize to you. "

"It's OK. It also sobered me up a bit. I'm really weak when I think about it now. There is no way to make me stronger. There must be some, or I won't be brought here."

"Of course, the biggest restriction on you is not your potential, but your arrogance, or your armour skills. You must not understand. I know, let me tell you about it." After that, Fish Liver sat next to Odith.

"First of all, your arrogance is different from that of others. You are a Tiannuo warrior, and your body is radiated by the void, which is actually stronger than their body, because the void will strengthen your body all the time, and you also absorb red poison, and your recovery ability is actually stronger. I know you will say that there is no such effect in the game, but red poison is a continuation ceremony of the combination of orokin people I don't believe that he is invalid for human body. Then I will change the Red Poison Devil by combining the power of emptiness. "

"Well, I continue to say that your body can use the skills of other armor because of the influence of the power of the void and the red poison. Moreover, your armor has been officially integrated into your body. You are now an unshaped armor. In theory, you can use all the skills of the armor, but in fact, it does not exist, but you can pass one or two skills to your crew , only your crew. In addition, your three color arrogance and your armour skills will be combined to become your own arrogance. Now let's talk about your series of tasks. "

"You have completed all the regional tasks that can be completed before, among which you have obtained the health of inaros. The health of sand armor is the highest, which represents your health and the capacity of your container. Your mod system is also unlocked, and you can also obtain the shadow series card. You can carry a large number of mods without polarization, but it is the same as that in the game Like, you can't carry duplicate mods or too many mods. Your Cooper can also carry mods. In addition, your armour skills can't be improved by improving the strength and ability continuously, but can be strengthened by exercising yourself. The continuous flow can increase your strength. In addition, your mod limit is not 10, and your golden finger has been opened to the maximum. If you continue to open more, it will be too much. In addition, This weapon should be your weapon after the death of your mind. Learn to use a knife. In the following days, you can't leave until you have absorbed the empty energy here. I'll go first and hit the ice spider, hey hey hey. "