Chapter 62 Flashing Arrow Team

The heavenly eye will branch.


Harkness saw that more and more of their helpers were rushing to help, but he was alone, so he prepared to wipe oil on the soles of his feet. Throw a shock bomb and disappear in an instant.

"Well, I didn't say I let you go!"

Leila both turned around and saw the hooded man quickly chasing in a certain direction and disappearing into the night. Only Laila and Digger were left standing in a mess in the Tianyan Hall in a daze.

Later, when Oliver and Roy arrived, Laila and Digger were already cleaning up the mess with the agents of the Eye of Heaven Meeting, and the dead agents were dragged out. It seemed that many people had died.

"Where are the people?"

Oliver looked at Leila with a puzzled face. He was not slow. He almost arrived after receiving the phone call from Digger, but he still seemed to be a little late.

"I ran away." Laila's face was solemn. After all, it was her poor supervision that killed so many people this time.

"The nihilistic assassin did not know why he appeared here and helped us. Then Harkness ran away and chased him out."

"The nihilistic assassin? Who is that?" Roy on the side grasped the key of the problem keenly.

"That's the code name Amanda gave to the hooded assassin. It was originally planned that he and Harkness would be part of Amanda's plan."

Leila took a deep breath. She almost passed by before the door of the ghost gate closed. Her mood has not yet stabilized.

"You mean Amanda Waller's' Task X 'plan?" Oliver frowned and asked.

Leila was stunned and looked at Oliver in surprise. Oliver explained briefly: "She once invited me, but I refused."

Leila nodded a little clearly. Amanda was always interested in Oliver's strength, and more than once put forward the idea of soliciting Oliver to cooperate with him, but in the end, it ended without success.

"Hacknis is a former member of the Information Society. He is good at throwing weapons and technical research. Later, he began to serve the highest bidder. Amanda thought he was very useful and planned to seize him and appoint him as the technical director of the new team."

She has also guessed why Hackney suddenly attacked the branch of the Tianyan Society, and quickly explained Hackney's action tonight.

"I think I probably understand the reason why Hacknis attacked the branch of the Celestial Eye Society tonight. He refused Amanda's invitation in order not to be anyone's pawn. He killed one of my liaison officers before, and Amanda couldn't find another person to replace Hacknis for the time being, so the arrest never killed anyone, but many people died instead."

"But I didn't expect him to act so quickly. He must have come for me today. He killed me to let Amanda know that he was not easy to provoke. Now I don't know how many strongholds have not been exposed."

Seeing Leila's frown, Digger could not say more, but could only look at Oliver with pleading eyes. Oliver pondered and said to Lyra, "If all the strongholds of Tianyan Society are exposed now, there is only one place that can guarantee your safety."

A warehouse in Midtown.

Harkness, among other things, runs very fast, has excellent throwing skills and is extremely flexible. Driving the prepared vehicle to constantly change the route, if there is a person behind you who has been tracking, they will be abandoned.

What he didn't know was that the people who followed him didn't need to drive, but flew.

Keep a distance with Harkness's car all the way, Albert soon followed him to the warehouse at the corner of the streets of Invertino and Adam.

Harkness parked his car beside the warehouse and knocked on the iron gate. Soon the iron gate opened, and two small gangsters came out and welcomed Hacknis in. Soon after, the iron gate was opened again, and several small gangsters came out with a big bag, helping Hackney put the package into the trunk.

Albert knew that no matter what Harkness wanted to do, this was the best time to intercept him.

Harkness is standing by and watching the minions carry things to the car. He is confident that he is ready to give a big gift package to Star City, while some security guards and secret service organizations are still playing around under his trap.

Amanda Waller wanted to recruit him to work for the government, but the price was too small. Even if he did, he would be discarded as a chess piece at random. He was known as resourceful and would never be pushed around.

Just thinking that Star City would become fragmented under a huge fireworks festival, Hackney felt a sense of relief. Glancing around casually, I saw a flash of metal reflection.


Harkness instantly took out a boomerang and threw it. There was only a dull sound of metal objects hitting the wall, and nothing else. Harkness was very puzzled. He was experienced and would not be mistaken at that moment. It was the reflection of metal armor.

"Looking for me?"

A voice came from behind. Harkness almost subconsciously rolled forward. Before he could see the person's position again, he threw two boomers.

Just heard the sound of two sharp weapons piercing into the human body. Hacknis looked up in surprise, but two little minions could not avoid. The whirling darts that were turned to hit the chest and killed them on the spot.

"Tut! You are really good at moving things. Someone just helped you move things!"

Hacknis looked, and the young man who was wearing a medieval metal robe and must have a big hood over his face followed him closely, stood beside two small minions, glanced left and right, and said to Hacknis.

"I didn't provoke you. Why are you chasing me?"

The irony in the words was not clear. Hacknis took out two boomerangs from his arms and stared at the hooded assassin. His words were very confused but with a trace of cruelty.

"She is entrusted by others, and her kindness is of some use to me."

When Albert shook the fine dust on his body, Hacknis found that the face under his hood was difficult to see under the reflection of the shadow, so he gave up the idea of seeing Albert's face clearly.

"I see. Amanda sent you here. It seems that she won't stop until she reaches her goal!"

Heard Albert's words, Harkness was stunned, and then showed a ferocious expression, pointing to the bags of luggage behind him.

"Each bag behind me contains 100 kilograms of high explosives, which is a big gift I want to give Amanda Waller! This gift will let her know what kind of people can be offended and what kind of people can not be offended!"

"Let's see if you have the chance to give gifts!"

Albert jumped in front of Harkness in a flash. When Harkness could not respond to the amazing speed, he hit him with two heavy punches. The powerful force made him fly into the air and hit the business car half a meter behind him.

Harkness fell to the ground after hitting the car, covered his stomach and collapsed to one side, then a sweet breath gushed from his throat, splashing scarlet spots on the ground.

Seeing Hacknis gasping on the ground like a dead dog, Albert took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on Amanda Waller's note.

In the Quinn factory base.

Oliver found out the information of Klaus Matthews, the partner who made the boomerang for Harkness, and found the specific location of Matthews through the intelligence help of the Russian Brotherhood. During the process, Barry had great differences on some measures taken by Oliver to interrogate Matthews.

Barry thinks that Oliver can't solve the problem by taking injurious interrogation measures, but Oliver has made it clear that he is the leader here before he joined him, and everything should be listened to him, otherwise Barry can leave here and go back to the central city.

Oliver has lived in a cruel environment for five years and cracked down on criminals in Star City for three years. These eight years have helped Oliver develop his own unique rules. He will never treat him gently if he can get information directly and simply.

Obtained a mobile phone from Matthews to contact Harkness. Laila is waiting for Felicity to crack the message in the underground small base reconstructed by Quinn Factory. After talking with Oliver about Barry, who is unhappy hiding at the stairs, she receives a strange call.

"Hello?" Leila hesitated and then answered the phone.

"Harkness is in the warehouse at the corner of Invertino and Adam Street, come here to receive it!" A male voice came from the phone, quickly said and hung up the phone.

Leila is stunned. She has no way to know why anyone else knows her phone number, let alone whether the news is true or false. But if the nihilistic assassin follows Harkness and catches him, the news is true.

"Found it!"

While struggling with the authenticity of the information, Felicity also successfully found the location of Hacknis through the Black Eye Society satellite.

"He's in the warehouse at the corner of Invertino and Adam Avenue!"

The Green Arrow team, including the Blitzkrieg team, came around one after another, but Leila stood there blankly. Oliver was the first to find something wrong and came to ask Laila.

"What's the matter?"

"Just now someone called me and told me that Harkness was in this place. I didn't believe it, but Felicity confirmed again that it was the same place!"

Laila glanced at Oliver, picked up the phone and said.


Oliver took the phone and thought about it. He connected to the speaker of the base and dialed again. The phone was answered quickly. It was the voice of a young man.

"Albert? Is that you?"

Oliver was a little familiar with the voice, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. Instead, Sisco and Caitlin recognized whose voice it was, and quickly grabbed the phone to ask.


Albert, who was looking at Hacknis lying on the ground in a coma at the other end of the phone, was a little confused when he heard Sisco's voice.

After looking at the caller ID, it was not this person who just answered the phone!

Oliver and Leila looked at each other and the big stone hanging inside fell to the ground, but Barry was confused. He came later than Oliver and didn't know that Albert chased Hacknis out.

"You caught Harkness?" Caitlin asked hurriedly. "We are at Oliver's base, and Barry is here."

Albert probably knew it when he heard about it. Midtown's' Team Flash 'and Star City's' Team Arrow' once again worked together to deal with Diguel Harkness, which was discussed last week. They had nothing to make a fuss about.

"Yes, I caught him. Hacknis wanted to place high explosives everywhere in the city, saying it was a big gift to Amanda Waller." Albert quickly explained Hacknis's story.

"OK, we'll be there in a minute."

Oliver made a quick decision, and the dart team, let's go!