Chapter 74 076: I'm Yi Zichen in the Land of the Prince

Many people clenched their fists and smiled. But they felt uneasy when they looked at the raging thunder and lightning, which were as thick as a washbasin.

Even though Yi Zichen's body is tough, he is not comfortable with the increasingly powerful thunder attacks on him. At the moment, his mouth is bleeding, his clothes are broken, and he looks extremely embarrassed.

Even though Yi Zichen is still unswerving, he actually sits on the ground at the moment and understands the Tao in Chaos Resolution.

"Chaos begets Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang begets two poles, and the two poles act as everything. The beginning of chaos, the beginning of the great way, and the beginning of everything. There is no way if there is a way!"

At this moment, Yi Zichen's gray fog became more hazy, wrapping up his whole body.

The destruction of the thunder has gone away, and Yi Zichen is all black. At this time, he has been promoted to the rank of the Venerable, but he is sure of his power.

"Tao source stone!?" Yi Zichen suddenly found something in his body, and it actually sent out the smell of the road in the elixir field.

"It was the Tao Source Stone that chose you. Alas... Chaos Road is long, and even with Tao Source Stone in hand, you can hardly understand the essence of chaos."

Emperor Yan sighed. He knew how difficult it was to understand Chaotic Avenue.

"Master! The enlightenment is always what you want. My Tao must be above the ordinary. Why not choose chaos?"

"Chaos is impermanent. Even the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor may not be able to prove Chaos Avenue! Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

Yi Zichen was shocked when he heard the words.

"Then has no one ever succeeded?"

Yan Di was silent for a long time, as if he thought of something.

"No, even the adult didn't demonstrate chaos."

"What does that adult mean?"

"No self, no way, no restraint, he does not belong to the ancient and modern future, does not belong to the six samsaras, does not belong to the world! His way is supreme, his way suppresses the world, he is the way, because in front of him, all the ways will be dim!"

Yi Zichen was shocked that even the Canggu Emperor should be so pious and worshipped. How terrible should that adult be?

"Elder, no matter how difficult it is, I will demonstrate chaos!" Yi Zichen clenched his fists, and the adult must surpass him.

"Hum! You don't have much time left. I'm afraid you are not qualified to surpass that adult."

Yi Zichen identified his eyes, and he would become the strongest in any case. He did not like the scene where his relatives were bullied, but he could do nothing. If that is the case, let him die.

Thinking of this, Yi Zichen thinks of Ao Ao and Xiao Yue'er.

"Beast Subduing Mountain, Sword Clan, the land of princes! I'm Yi Zichen!"

At this moment, a star was so bright that it even drowned the light of the sun.


"I saw the sky broken and the whole land covered with blood!"

"I have seen a million pagodas, and the mainland will be in chaos!"

"I see that we are going to perish..."


The "chess masters" in the whole 33 continents all told a frightening news that the mainland would fall in the near future.


"Ha ha ha! You are very strong, really strong. I want you more and more! Ha ha ha ha!"

A young man was dressed in white, and his eyes were contemptuous of everything. He sat on a square chair, which was cast like gold. Hundreds of well-dressed old people or middle-aged people sat under the young man. The smell of these people seems to destroy heaven and earth. Once it breaks out, the mountains and rivers will turn upside down and the stars will fall.

"Master, do you need me to catch him for you?"

"No, he is still too weak."

"But his vision of killing gods and demons is too terrible. Those who were nailed to the void by him are not ordinary gods, nor are demons ordinary demons!"

An old man's eyes are a little afraid. When this existence grows up, it must be a big problem for the whole continent, including them.

"You mean Ben Xian, what kind of rubbish can compare with God?"

"No... master, no... I didn't mean that..." The old man trembled all over.

Seeing the old man frightened, the young man shook his hand and turned his head.

"Hum! If he dares to come to Tianzhou, I will surely destroy him!"


The old man bowed back.


Yi Zichen traveled thousands of miles overnight, and his speed was extremely fast, far exceeding several times the speed of sound. While he was moving, Lei Mang swam like a dragon, sweeping the clouds.

At this moment, a half mountain high beast king stood in front of Yi Zichen, showing his threat.

Yi Zichen cut out a flash of sword. It seemed that the terrible flash of sword was about to open up, and it cut a mountain forest into a flat ground.

"Just a beast king, dare to make it known to me. Hum!"

"Ho ho, but an elder dare to kill my pet in front of me!"

Yi Zichen stops. He feels the power of the newcomer, at least an expert with half step power.

Soon, the owner of the voice came to the scene. He was an evil man with green hair flying. He seemed to be in his twenties, and he was wearing a set of silver armor, which seemed very strong.

"If you kill my pet, I will give you two choices, one is to be my pet, the other is to die."

"I want to die!" Yi Zichen sneers, even if you are powerful?

Yi Zichen stepped out at one step, and suddenly the wind and clouds rose up, and the terrible momentum suppressed nine days and ten places.

At this moment, even the half step powerful green haired man looked ugly. This momentum was so terrible that there was still power to suppress him.

At that time, Yi Zichen's fist fell down, like a meteorite's fist emitting hot light and murderous air, which made people feel terrible.

"Boy, I'm busy today. I'll fight with you next time when I'm free. Farewell!"

As he spoke, he turned into a green light and disappeared in place.

Yi Zichen sneers, will he let go of the man who looks for his stubble of green hair?

Yi Zichen's thunder and lightning speed is even faster than that. The ready fists hit the green haired man's body firmly, and immediately the armor was broken like rubble.

"Fuck me! Stop! I'm wrong. It's not my pet. I'm just a robber. I'm blind. Please forgive me!"

Yi Zichen sneers. Just as he wants to give the green haired man another punch to end his life, he suddenly thinks of something and smiles even more.

"Please forgive me. I'll show you a clear way."

"What, what?"

The green haired man's forehead was sweating, which gave him a bad feeling.

"Go and kill ten Sword Clans and the Supreme Master of Beast Mountain, and I will not kill you. You should eat this first."

Yi Zichen takes out a purple bullet and smiles.

The green haired man trembled. How could he provoke the Wanjian Sect and the Beast Subduing Mountain? But when he remembered Yi Zichen's abnormal fighting power, he took it in a hurry and swallowed it with a grunt.

"This pill is called the Seven Day Soul Breaking Pill. If you don't bring twenty heads within seven days, you will begin to rot from the inside out, and feel the torture of not wanting to die but to survive in seven or forty-nine days. Also, don't be lucky. Even great power can't remove the poison I put on."