Chapter 8 The Use of Holy Light

Yang Xiao walked around after work. It was obvious that Hua Hua was nowhere to be found. If it was so easy to find the old lady, there would be no need to worry.

This matter should not be worried. Yang Xiao simply went home. When he passed Pang and pulled noodles together, Yang Xiao went in for a meal. The fat boss was as enthusiastic as ever.

After dinner, Yang Xiao did not go home. Instead, he took a rest at the fat boss's place. After leaving, he ran directly to the seaside park and ran around the park for half a circle. Of course, Yang Xiao avoided the training area of Olmet and Green Valley, which he would not pass.

The seashore park is very large, and Yang Xiao's running is just a warm-up. Now he needs to exercise his personality. The seven or eight months are long and short, which is very tight for Yang Xiao.

The other three passers-by also knew each other, and Yang Xiao had already seen the future picture, presumably the three passers-by also saw his own picture. At that time, Yang Xiao could only see the other three passers-by from his own perspective on the roof of the building.

The other three can only see the other three from their own perspective, so Yang Xiao doesn't know what he will be like five years later, so he can only work hard now, or he will be eliminated.

What's the end of elimination?


Death is the only destination of human beings, but Yang Xiao doesn't want to die unexpectedly. Maybe when his personality is improved to the extreme, qualitative changes will occur, which may extend his life span, or even more unimaginable?

"The power comes from one point, and one point is broken!" Yang Xiao stood in front of an abandoned refrigerator and murmured, raising his right hand, concentrating the Holy Light energy on the index finger, and the energy slowly converged on the index finger. Suddenly, Yang Xiao's eyes stopped, and the index finger rushed to the abandoned refrigerator.


There was a sound of shock, and a golden energy rushed out from Yang Xiao's forefinger. This energy instantly broke through the abandoned refrigerator and rushed out 20 cm wide, just like being hit by a long-distance Barrett. Although the power was definitely not so strong, the damage caused was similar.

"It's really strong!" Yang Xiao muttered to himself, looking at his index finger with some excitement. There was still a light golden light on the index finger.

Yang Xiao was not dazzled by the excitement. He began to focus on covering the power to pull the Holy Light onto his right foot, just the foot, because the Holy Light can only cover the area of the foot and the palm at present.

"Let's go!" Yang Xiao suddenly kicked out and kicked at the middle of the abandoned refrigerator. A muffled sound came, and the refrigerator was kicked seven or eight meters away by Yang Xiao. A mark deeply kicked by his foot was left on the abandoned refrigerator. At this moment, the refrigerator was completely abandoned.

Yang Xiao did not stop exercising. He covered all parts of his body, including his eyes.

This time, he was completely shocked. When the Holy Light covered his eyes, his vision was at least twice as strong as before, and some blurred objects in the distance could be seen clearly now.

"How about covering the brain with the holy light?" Yang Xiao began to experiment. The power of the holy light entered the brain, but only half of it could be covered. Unfortunately, nothing magical happened. Yang Xiao could only feel the brain clearer than before.

But this did not discourage Yang Xiao. Shengguang's personality can be said to be very strong. If we improve our personality through training, our future ability will absolutely surpass that of others.

A few hours later, it was already 12:00 in the morning. Yang Xiao was sweating on the ground and had a rest. He had carried almost all the garbage piled up nearby in the past few hours. This time, he used half his brute force and half his personality, so that he could exercise his personality and enhance his physical strength.

"It's time to go back. Tomorrow morning, he will take a part-time job..." Yang Xiao sighed and stood up.

"Stick to the Green Valley Boys, your efforts will be rewarded, Gangbade!"

The voice of speaking sounded in the distance. Yang Xiao immediately covered his eyes with the holy light. Looking at the source of the voice, he saw that Lvgu Chujiu had a heavy thing on his back, like an iron block. Now he was running with his teeth clenched.

And behind Green Valley Chujiu, Olmet was cheering for him with a smile, which was really a good teacher.

Yang Xiao didn't mean to stay. He left directly in the other direction. Green Valley spent a lot of time training later than him, which was impossible. He was born with low physical quality, and had to spend a lot of time to exercise, so that he could bear One for All.

So it's really no problem to train late. Admitting Xiongying High School is the main thing. At present, nothing in Green Valley can compare with entering Xiongying High School for a long time. This is the purpose of his training now.

Yang Xiao is different. He has no relatives in this world. He just needs to live well. There is no need to train so late. After all, he has to work in the daytime.

Green Valley has a mother at home for a long time, so there is less pressure in life. It can be said that there is almost no pressure in life.

Yang Xiao needs to make money to support himself. The two are different.

However, there are two days off or no days off at work in the broken down house, but the salary is just a little more.

Weekend is definitely a weekend, in order to better recover the body and get better exercise results.

When Yang Xiao got home, he took a hot bath and went to bed. At 8:00 the next day, he continued to report the broken house. This day, there were basically two or three lists.

Today's list, Yang Xiao, still feels good. Instead of digging stinky ditches as he did yesterday, someone is going to move. Yang Xiao has gone to work as a coolie.

Yang Xiaoxiao likes moving. He can exercise his strength. Other lists are almost of this type.

A week later, when Yang Xiao was going to the seaside park, he suddenly saw the dog named Huahua. The dog was looking for food in a lane. From its appearance, it was very dirty, its hair was black, and it seemed to be much thinner.

Just as Yang Xiao was about to go and pick it up, a man came from the other side. He was in his thirties. When he saw Yang Xiao going to pick up the dog, he said, "The child is going to play. This dog belongs to my family."

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment before he realized that this guy wanted to play Huahua. Judging from his appearance, it was definitely not the first time for him to do such a thing.

"How can you prove that this dog is yours?" Yang Xiao said disapprovingly, "This dog is so dirty that it has not bathed for many days, and it is thin. It can't be your family dog."

Yang Xiao is really not afraid of this man. If he wants to fight him, he wants to try his own personality. He has not been trained for several months. If this guy doesn't know how to play, he will find him.

The man was also stunned. He didn't expect that the teenager would dare to contradict him. The average teenager would never dare to say anything more when he saw him talking like this. Unexpectedly, he met a meddlesome guy today.