Chapter 41 Tanigawa, a somewhat anxious man

"What are you doing for me? Did you tell me about the whole place in the information? The man jumped into the river and escaped!"

Yang Xiao was looking at the data when a huge voice came from the earphone of my body, which was obviously the vent of Yueshenle.

I was taken off the earphone directly by my body, fell to the ground and said: "I don't want to do it!"

Yang Xiao's face changed when he heard this. He immediately stood up and grabbed me. "What's wrong, my little ancestor?"

"She scolded me. I don't want to do it anymore. I'm tired every day. I want to work easily." Du I said with red eyes like a little girl at the moment.

Yang Xiao stroked his forehead, thought for a while, then looked at me and said, "Take it easy. The work here is very easy. As long as the report is correct, there will be no problem, and the salary is high, where can you get such treatment?"

"But I don't like people yelling at me," Du said angrily.

"You see, I didn't say anything when you yelled at me. My little ancestor, you can just serve snacks. It's easy to get in and out of the core of this mess room, so you can be patient. Or I will ask Yinsang to give you two more drinks later, and the money is mine?" Yang Xiao can only say so in order to calm me down.

After being listened to by my body, I felt a little happy and could still drink. So bear it!

So I sat back to my position without saying a word, and then began to admit my mistakes to Yueshenle. In fact, failure of the list is a common thing. Yueshenle did not show his true face, but dressed up.

The next time I find the same person to start, Luna Music will change into another look. Although it may be perceived by the other party, it is helpless.

At last, Yueshenle was also relieved. After all, she could not be too harsh because she was new to me. New people also need to experience training to become more mature.

At the moment, Jidao Miao has entered the elevator, and the camera in the elevator is facing her. At the other end of the camera, a middle-aged fat man with a big belly is staring at Jidao Miao in the picture, and unconsciously drooling.

"What a beauty! I've had sex with many women. This is much better than the previous quality. This time I really made a profit!"

Sitting in front of the computer, of course, is Tanigawa Lang. He just stared at Kajima for a while and then got up to go out to meet him. He plans to do this thing today.

When Jidao Miao reached the 15th floor, the elevator door opened and he saw a middle-aged, big bellied uncle. According to Yang Xiao's previous description, this guy was Gu Chuanlang, the vice president of the Xinyi company.

"Hahaha, you must be Miss Yuezi. Nice to meet you." Tanigawa reached over with a hand to shake hands with Hijimo.

Hijima Miao smiled quietly and also extended a hand to shake it, but how could Tanigawa Lang miss such a good opportunity, holding Hijima Miao's hand for a long time and touching it back and forth.

Jidao Miao wanted to kill this guy at the moment, but she still held back. If she couldn't bear it, she would make a big mistake.

"Hehe, Mr. Gu, can you find a place to sit down?" Jidao Miao showed an embarrassed expression. At this time, Tanigawa Lang realized that he was worried. He quickly took his hand back and said, "Ha ha, come with me."

Jidao Miao followed Tanigawa Lang to the gate of No. 05, Block B. Tanigawa Lang looked at Jidao Miao and said, "Please come in, Miss Yuezi."

Hijima frowned, but it was just a flash. She smiled and looked at Tanigawa and asked, "Mr. Tanigawa, shouldn't I have room 01?"

"Oh, that room is not clean. I'm looking for someone to clean it. Let's talk about specific cooperation here first." Tanigawa could not hide the excitement in his eyes, and Jidao Miao saw it all.

Just then Jidao Miao remembered what Yang Xiao had said before. Her eyes lit up and she pretended to cough, "cough... cough..."

"Miss Yuezi, are you all right?" Tanigawa Lang saw that Jidao Miao suddenly coughed, and immediately came to her back and touched her with his hand, as if to help her stop coughing.

"Cough, bah!" A mouthful of phlegm gushed directly from such a beautiful mouth of Kajima and landed on the red carpet in front of the door, which seemed so abrupt and ugly.

Tanigawa's mouth twitched, and he felt a little sick at once. How could such a beautiful woman make such ungracious movements? However, Miss Yuezi is still too beautiful. What if she spit?

Do beautiful people stop pooping and spitting?

It's not a special fairy!

"Er... Miss Yuezi, let me find someone to clean it up. You go first." Tanigawa has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he is not comfortable without having this lump of sputum cleaned up.

Hijima was not stupid. He directly took Tanigawa's hand and said, "Let's go first. It will be OK to clean up later."

Tanigawa's eyes brightened. Hehe, it seems that this little girl also understands the purpose of coming here today. She is very conscious. Then I will deal with you first.

With excitement, Tanigawa Lang and Kajima Miao entered Room 05. Tanigawa Lang closed the door tightly and went straight up and down to explore Kajima Miao.

At this time, Mishio Kishima pushed Tanigawa away and said angrily, "Mr. Tanigawa, we haven't talked about anything yet. Are you worried?"

"So it is..." Tanigawa smiled and said politely, "Miss Yuezi, please sit down first, and we will talk about the next thing."

Ji Xinba also entered the downstairs of Xinyi Company at this time, but now he came in as an outside salesperson, carrying a bag of Starbucks, which was filled with Starbucks.

"Hello, can you tell me how to get to the 15th floor?" Ji Xinba said to the female receptionist with a smile, looking very excited.

The female receptionist knows why Ji Xinba is so excited. That's because she has seen such a beautiful receptionist. All the people who come here to deliver the takeout treat her like a bird. She is no longer surprised.

"Over there... Hey, wait a minute, are you going to the 15th floor?" The female receptionist responded that the 15th floor was just above the vice president, and there should be no takeout at this time.

Ji Xinba frowned slightly. Is it exposed?

"It's Simbak, then go up and I'll help you swipe your card." The receptionist wanted to stop Ji Xinba from asking, but when she saw that Ji Xinba gave him Simbak, she also gave up the idea of suspicion, because the vice president had to drink Simbak every day, but the time of drinking was uncertain.

It is estimated that at this time, the vice president and the beautiful woman were talking hotly, and then they needed to get some Simbak to flirt?

"Thank you." Ji Xinba was relieved. After getting on the elevator, the female receptionist confidently operated and set the floor he was going to on the 15th floor.

People who come to Xinyi Company can't get on the elevator by themselves. They need to swipe their cards. They can only reach the designated floor unless the female receptionist operates.