Chapter 57 Imperial Capital

August 1.

At the gate of Linyang Orphanage.

Wu Cheng touched Guo Wangfu's small head, looked at the empty street in the distance, and whispered:

"I also have to go far away. I can't come to see you often in the future. You should wait here for your father to come back."

"Big brother, are you going to my father's place, too? Can you take me with you? I'll be good."

Guo Wangfu raised his head and looked at Wu Cheng, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Wu Chengwen smiled, squatted down and looked at Guo Wangfu, explaining:

"I'm going to another far place. I can't see your father, so I can't take you with me.

You think, if you go with me and your father comes back at this time, he will be very sad not to find you. "

"Well, I'll wait here for my father to come back." Guo Wangfu was disappointed.

"You are so cute and wonderful!" Wu Chengyi hugged Guo Wangfu.

After a long time, Wu Chengcai let go of Guo Wangfu and got up and walked to the taxi driver who was impatient with waiting. In the process, he turned his head and looked back from time to time.

Guo Wangfu stared blankly at Wu Chengyue's smaller and smaller figure until she got into a taxi, and she watched the taxi get smaller and smaller until it disappeared at the corner of the street.

Guo Wangfu suddenly felt very sad, as if he had accidentally broken the lollipop and could not spell it.

She knew that her elder brother could not come to see him for a long time.

Looking down at the big lollipop in his hand, Guo Wangfu decided not to eat the lollipop, because it was the last lollipop.

In a taxi.


Wu Cheng looked at the prompt given by the system, but he was not happy.

I have gained a lot of merit, but why are I still lost?


On the evening of August 1.

Linyang Railway Station.

Wu Cheng was about to leave for the imperial capital, but Wu Lin was the only one to see him off.

They walked side by side, slowly, as if they could not wait longer.

Wu Lin tried to speak several times, but he just moved his lips and didn't speak.

To tell the truth, Wu Lin is still a bit absent-minded. Why does it seem that his son, who had broken his heart before, grew up overnight after applying for the martial arts exam?

Even, Wu Lin sometimes suspects that his son has been switched. It's not like his son is so capable and sensible!

But the truth is the truth. His son has really grown up and is sensible. Wu Lin is gratified and at the same time, he is also a little lost. He actually hopes that his son will grow up later.

In that way, I can still work hard for my son, and occasionally I can nag. I won't be like now, and I can't even say what I'm told.

Finally, when Wu Cheng was sent to the ticket check point and could not be sent further, Wu Lin uttered a word:

"You ma kept telling me last night that she would not come to see you off today. She said that she was afraid that she would not have the heart to let you go.

Remember to call you ma more when you get there, she is thinking of you. "

"Good." Wu Cheng nodded heavily before walking to the waiting hall.

Wu Chengcai looked back when he was about to enter the waiting hall.

Sure enough, Wu Lin is still there.


In the morning of August 2nd.

Imperial Capital.

The capital of China, the city with the most Chinese characteristics, is a solemn and solemn city.

There is a saying that has been widely spread in both past and present lives. He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a hero.

It means the Great Wall of the Imperial Capital.

In his previous life, Wu Cheng had never been to the imperial capital and had never seen the Great Wall with his own eyes.

Wu Cheng is also a person who can't avoid customs, so he naturally wants to have a good look at the Great Wall in his life.

It's not enough to visit the Great Wall. It's better to visit the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and other places of interest.

This is why Wu Cheng came to the capital seven or eight days ahead of schedule.

Wu Cheng walked out of the railway station and saw busy pedestrians and busy streets. He unconsciously put away his carefree mood.

This is the first time that Wu Cheng, who had been displaced from his previous life in a corner of Pian'an, has visited a big city. It is false to say that he is not shocked.

Just as Wu Cheng stood there and looked around with a dull look, a voice of doubt mixed with temptation sounded.

"Little... a disciple of climbing the waves?"

The familiar voice echoed in his ears, and Wu Cheng quickly turned his head to look at it.

As expected, Qiao Feng'er was walking towards him.

This time, Qiao Feng'er was wearing a dark red training suit. Her loose clothes made it impossible to see her amazing figure at a glance, but only vaguely saw the amazing ups and downs of her chest.

It seems that Qiao Fenger is still wearing light makeup. At this time, she is a little breathtaking, and directly washes away the regret of not being able to see her beautiful figure.

Several passers-by even stopped to look at it for several times before they realized that they were still busy and had to leave in a hurry.

"Cousin, can you not call me the little Deng Lang disciple? I have a name, and my name is Wu Cheng." Wu Cheng's face is a little dark, but he dare not react much.

In fact, at the first sight of Qiao Fenger, Wu Cheng remembered the scene of being constantly threatened by her in the Wang family that day, and he was very excited.

But in the end, Wu admitted to counseling.

When he was still in the sun, Lao Wang broke through the early stage of martial arts and indulged in it for a period of time.

According to Lao Wang, Qiao Feng'er's talent is Class A, which is more terrible than Lao Wang's talent. What accomplishments is she now?

Even if it is not in the middle stage of martial arts, it will be soon, right?

Wu Cheng estimated that he might not defeat Qiao Fenger!

Of course, the most important thing is that Wu Cheng thinks he is a man, even if he can beat Qiao Feng'er, he can't really fight! This kind of gentlemanly demeanor is still necessary.

Besides, what's your relationship with Lao Wang? His cousin is not his own cousin. Can Wu Chengneng have a bad attitude towards his cousin?

"Don't be so garrulous, little... Wu Cheng, are you traveling in the Imperial City?" Qiao Feng'er looked at the two suitcases beside Wu Cheng, and his face was a little confused.

The Imperial Capital has only one Wuda, Yanjing Wuda.

Wu Cheng came to the imperial capital with his luggage at this time. Apart from reporting to the Wuhan University, he had to travel. After all, it was too early for ordinary universities to leave school.

Qiao Fenger is not from Xijiang. He doesn't know that Wu Cheng is a student of Yanjing University of Wu who is popular in Xijiang. He doesn't even know that Wu Cheng is a martial arts student. He only thinks he is coming to the imperial capital to travel.

It is impossible for her to see a peer coming to the capital, so she asked if he had been admitted to Yanjing Wuda to report for duty?

Maybe others think you are showing off that you have been admitted to Yanjing Wuda, which is not good.

"Well, I can't say that the Great Wall is not a hero. I just came to visit the Great Wall." Wu Cheng lied, and his face was not red.

Qiao Fenger can only make her misunderstand if she wants to misunderstand. President Wu Chengming can't take out his martial arts repair card on the spot and say that he is reporting to Yanjing Wuda, right?

Moreover, Wu Cheng does mean to visit various places of interest in the imperial capital, which is not a lie.

"Well, goodbye." With that, Qiao Feng'er walked towards the railway station without looking back.

After all, the two people are not very familiar with each other. At most, they have met each other before and still have deep grievances. It's easy to have problems alone, okay?

Chengwu looked back at Qiao Feng'er's charming figure and guessed that Qiao Feng'er, who had no luggage, had come to the railway station to meet his friend.

No, why do you care what Qiao Feng'er does?

Wu Cheng hurriedly turned around, pulled his suitcase and walked towards the taxi parked at the roadside.