Chapter 22 Gaining Merit

When Wu Cheng and Guo Wangfu were silent, a man in a dog like suit suddenly burst into the morgue and said, "One died in the stands. Go and dispose of the body."

The tone was so cold that it seemed that an animal had died, rather than a person.

After saying that, the man left, as if he didn't want to lead the way.

Fortunately, the one in the stands died at the feet of Wang Zhongzheng. Wu Cheng didn't need to lead the way to know where it was.

Wu Cheng got up and walked to the stand, only to see Guo Wangfu following him. "Why are you following your elder brother? Just sit here."

Guo Wangfu shook his head: "It's Ah Fu's job to help collect the corpse. When his father is not here and his elder brother is not here, Ah Fu collects the corpse alone!"

Seeing that Guo Wangfu insisted on following him, Wu Cheng had no choice but to take Guo Wangfu to the strong man before him.

As soon as he arrived at the stout man, Guo Wangfu rushed forward like a clever little monkey, trying to pull the body out of the stand.

But no matter how hard Guo Wangfu tried, the body was still embedded in the stands. He had to look helplessly at Wu Cheng and said, "Ah Fula is not moving."

Wu Cheng shook his head in a funny way and walked to the body. It took a lot of effort to pull it out of the stand.

Unusually, he wrapped the corpse in the shroud and then carried it on his shoulder. Wu Cheng remembered that Lao Wang had said he didn't need much strength.

It's hard to pull it out when it's embedded in the grandstand. It's also called useless?

While watching the whole process, Guo Wangfu immediately looked at Wu Cheng with adoration and said, "Big brother, you are so powerful!"

The body weighs 180 kg even if it doesn't weigh 200 kg. Guo Wangfu may not be able to pull it with a tow.

Wu Cheng, who can easily carry the corpse, is very powerful in Guo Wangfu's eyes!

Wu Cheng smiled heartily and thought it would be nice to have a little fan brother around.

Their every move fell into the eyes of the sick audience, but they were silent when they were used to arrogance.

If Guo Wangfu came alone, someone would surely come forward to humiliate him. But Wu Cheng, who has a good relationship with Brother Wang, also came along. Naturally, no one dared to make mistakes.

When Wu Cheng returned to the corpse collection room, he suddenly felt that the body of the Shrouding Bree moved.

It was only his illusion. Wu Cheng ignored the movement of the corpse and walked straight to the corner where the mutilated corpse was placed.

The increasingly strong smell of blood seeped into his nose. Wu Cheng frowned in disgust and casually threw the body off his shoulder.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground was heard, but Wu Cheng was stunned.

The property box has changed!

Holy power: 7

Speed: 2.2

Spirit: 1

Merit: - 19

Wu Cheng:???

You can gain merit only by collecting corpses? Such attribute is called merit?

incorrect! The body seemed to move a bit before, but could it be that he was still hanging his breath, but was killed by himself?

This is still wrong! The attribute that can only be obtained by killing can't be named merit, can it?

Unless... you kill the damned person!

"Kill to protect life, not kill people"?

It should be like this, but the body was kicked by Lao Wang casually before death, and only one breath left. The sky is a warrior.

Killing one sinful warrior can only get a little merit. Wouldn't it be that killing ten sinful warriors can cultivate the skill once?

It's very difficult to cultivate! No wonder the cultivation method attached to this system is so adverse.

When he came to his senses, Wu Cheng found Guo Wangfu pulling the shroud under the corpse.

The shroud refers to the shroud, which is actually a heavy rain cloth to prevent blood from dripping on the body. Although it has good waterproof performance, the blood on it is very easy to splash around.

Therefore, it took Guo Wangfu a long time to pull out the whole shroud, and then he looked at Wu Cheng as if he had paid tribute.

Guo Wangfu smiled stupidly, holding a raincloth ten times larger than himself. If the raincloth was not a shroud, the scene would be very warm.

Squeezing a smile, Wu Cheng touched Guo Wangfu's little head and said, "You are really great!"

Guo Wangfu suddenly dropped his shroud, took out a white card from his pocket and handed it to Wu Cheng

"Ah Fu remembered that the work card has not been given to my elder brother yet. Without the work card, you can't come in tomorrow."

Wu Cheng smiled and took the card, but Guo Wangfu said, "Big brother, are you and brother Wang good friends?"

"We are good friends, but why do you call him Brother Wang instead of Big Brother?"

"They all told Ah Fu that they must call him Brother Wang, otherwise Brother Wang would be angry, and if he was angry, he would become terrible."

"Well, Big Brother knows." Wu Cheng didn't go to make unnecessary excuses for Wang Zhongzheng, because just now, even he felt that Lao Wang was terrible.

"By the way, Brother Wang used to like to be in that big iron cage, but he hasn't been here since.

Until today, Brother Wang appeared here again, just with his elder brother. "

Turning his head to the door of the morgue, Wu Chengsi took the exam.

Lao Wang really played underground black boxing here! And according to what Ah Fu said, I'm afraid that Lao Wang fought from the warrior to the warrior.

Wu Chengsui looked back at Ah Fu and heard him say, "Big brother, do you want to see the cage? Ah Fu can lead the way."

"Well, Big Brother wants to see the iron cage."


Wu Cheng, led by Guo Wangfu, came to the iron cage, which was closer than the first row of stands. With Wu Cheng's outstanding eyesight, he could even see the blood beads on the faces of both sides.

Wu Cheng had no time to lament, but Guo Wangfu whispered, "Big brother, why are they fighting back and forth?"

After thinking for a long time, Wu Chengcai replied quietly: "Just like Ah Fu's father promised to take Ah Fu to the amusement park, they also have very important people around them."

"Just like Dad said he didn't want to be here, do they also don't want to be here?"

"Yes, you are so smart!" Wu Cheng habitually touched Guo Wangfu's small head.

After being praised, Guo Wangfu was very happy. He stared at Wu Cheng with big round eyes and asked expectantly, "Big brother, is there anything else? Is death terrible?"

Wu Cheng was silent. He could not explain to a boy who looked like he was only six or seven years old what death really meant?

After a long deliberation, Wu Chengcai carefully said, "Death is not a terrible thing to describe.

Death is like going to a place where there is nothing, and you can never come back. "

Guo Wangfu asked in horror, "Is it impossible to go to the amusement park?"

Wu Cheng smiled and nodded.

"It's terrible to die. Ah Fu doesn't want to die, nor does his elder brother." Guo Wangfu immediately showed a frightened expression, and his two small hands grasped Wu Cheng's hands nervously.

Wu Cheng did not speak, but gently grasped Guo Wangfu's small hand with his other hand.

The temperature passed through the big hand, and Ah Fu's mood gradually calmed down, but he soon became depressed and said, "Big brother, will Ah Fu's father die?"

Wu Chengwen immediately squatted down, gently rubbed Ah Fu's forehead, and whispered, "Your father just went to a far place, and one day he will come back to take you to the amusement park."