Chapter 18 Prepare for War

  • Global food superstar
  • Tianyu Cold Star
  • 2014
  • 2019-03-23 16:46:13

The distance from the Wild Food Talent Show is getting closer and closer, and the audience is also looking forward to it. Many hot topics have been discussed online.

The Wild Food Talent Show was broadcast live for 12 hours, with high-definition cameras covering the whole island, and there was no trimming during the live broadcast.

This is definitely a pioneer for variety shows.

Also, the voting system is open all the time, and the ranking is published every hour. Each ID is allowed to vote only once a day, and ticket swiping is prohibited.

The identities of the three food judges and the five special guests are kept confidential, and will be completely disclosed only after the start of the program. The fairness of the program is absolutely guaranteed, and the insider is refused.

The advertisement of "Wild Food Talent Show" has been put on the major satellite TV stations and network platforms, and the ranking of "Wave Hot Search" has reached the top.

Jiang Tian was called to the office by Luo Qing and browsed all kinds of information about the program on the computer. The information of some contestants also kept coming out.

Tao Yang, a new recording artist, joined the wilderness and became the most powerful contender for the championship.

"Roll ten records send people to participate?" Looking at this message, Jiang Tian said that he was Alexander.

Rolling Ten Records is a giant in the entertainment circle, and is one of the top ten entertainment giants in China. It is two grades higher than Dream Entertainment.

"Tao Yang follows the path of small fresh meat. His love songs are very good, and his original songs are your main competitors." Luo Qing keeps collecting competitors' competitive information.

"Not only the Chinese American sister of Roll Ten Records, Eagle King Entertainment, Diyu Media, Kick Weibi, and Bright Media, these entertainment giants have confirmed that there are players competing."

"Other big companies such as Happy Scroll, Moon Entertainment and New Ideas have not disclosed any news, but there will definitely be competitors to participate."

At last, Luo Qing summed up a sentence: This competition can be said to be a chaotic dance. It is really difficult to break through in the competition.

Luo Qing set Jiang Tian a small goal: to strive to reach the top 30 and try to reach the top 10!

The two are collecting all kinds of information. Luo Qing's phone rings. Chu Xiaoya has bought the equipment for the competition, which is in the lobby on the first floor of the company.

"Let's go! Let's go and get it for her." Luo Qing stood up and walked outside, followed by Jiang Tian.

In the hall on the first floor, Chu Xiaoya took a lot of things. Most obviously, it was a big black pot with a diameter of half a meter.

Because it was in the lobby, many people from the company gathered around.

"Sister Luo, you can count it, I'm tired to death." Chu Xiaoya saw the rescuers coming, and the whole person collapsed on the ground.

All these goods and materials add up to more than 60 jin. I can't carry them after walking only 10 meters.

Jiang Tian was amused when he saw Chu Xiaoya wrapped up. "Assistant Chu, why didn't you hire a worker to help you?"

"Humph! You have no conscience. It's not that your iron pot is too heavy. Fortunately, you want to make fun of me."

All things add up to 60 jin, and one mouthful of black pot weighs 15 jin!

"Hey hey, I didn't make fun of you! Isn't there a small handcart here? You don't need to say it, but carry it with your hand?" Jiang Tian pointed to the handcart with two small wheels held in her hand.

"The handcart? Ah! How could I forget this!" Chu Xiaoya looked puzzled, and now she reflected.

Because the things are heavy, Jiang Tian plans to use a simple handcart to load the goods. The little girl bought them herself, but she didn't respond. She moved more than ten meters with difficulty.

"By the way, there is no big iron pot on the market. I bought a second-hand one at the waste collection place, and I let people clean it."

Chu Xiaoya proudly pointed to the big black pot to ask for credit.

Jiang Tian gently knocked on the black pot and was very satisfied. What he needed was such a pot. "Good, that's what I need."

"Ha ha! We all bought the frying pan, and you are the big black pot! Ha ha!"

Just then, a strange voice came from the side. When everyone looked back, it was Li Tiexiong who came in with Wei Zhiqiang and several parcels.

"I think you are not going to win awards, but to be funny!"

"Oh... I hope you can laugh like this after the game starts." Jiang Tian is very tired of such people, especially Li Yuan, who has a bad impression on him.

Wei Zhiqiang carried a pair of fishing rods on his back, which was also an ugly mouth. His eyes were full of contempt. "The rules of the game do not stipulate that players cannot partner. The three of us have formed a team, and you are just a lonely person. Good luck!"

Xiao Qiang, Lin Jiu and Wei Zhiqiang formed a three person group, leaving Jiang Tian in a helpless situation. It is estimated that he could not even enter the second round.

"I hope you can still smile so happily when you play!" Jiang Tian's mouth slightly rose, and now he increasingly feels that Wei Zhiqiang, a mentally retarded person, is simply not worthy of being his opponent.

Because it was in the lobby, the two sides went back to their respective offices after some simple friction.

"Sister Luo, there is no hard and fast rule for the program group to form a team. Jiang Tian is alone. What can he do?"

Chu Xiaoya said anxiously.

Luo Qing did not worry, but smiled. "There is no rule that the program group can not form a team, let alone cross company team."

"Cross company team building?" Chu Xiaoya suddenly caught her eyes and said excitedly, "Sister Luo means that Jiang Tian can form a team with players from other companies! I'm so stupid, I didn't expect that."

Luo Qing frowned slightly and thought, "But you can't find a player who is too strong to form a team."

"Why?" Chu Xiaoya was confused. Naturally, the stronger the team-mates are, the better their performance will be.

Jiang Tian was also very confused. He didn't know what Luo Qing meant. His previous idea was to find a strong partner.

"Why?" Luo Qing smiled. "There are 120 contestants in total, and the camera facing the audience can only show one at a time, so the chance of each contestant appearing in the camera is very limited."

"If a teammate is too strong, he will steal all the scenes and become a supporting actor, which will have a great impact on the players."

"So it is!" Jiang Tianhe and Chu Xiaoya suddenly realized.

It seems that to participate in the Wild Food Talent Show, we should not only cook good food, but also strive to capture the camera in front of the camera and establish our own image in front of the audience.

"By the way, I still need a smaller one to throw the net." Just now, I saw that idiot Wei Zhiqiang was carrying a fishing rod and woke up Jiang Tian.

Dongshan Island is an uninhabited island in Zhoushan Islands. In addition to being surrounded by the sea, there must be a river in it, and then this net throwing will be useful.