Chapter 13 Buying People's Hearts

  • Global food superstar
  • Tianyu Cold Star
  • 2061 words
  • 2019-03-20 21:51:21

Since you live a lifetime again and occupy the body of the original owner, then the original owner's parents are your own parents.

At the thought of not coming home for half a year, Jiang Tian felt guilty. The original owner worked hard for two years and didn't make any money. He only stayed at home for three days this New Year and left.

It is summer now, but the temperature is not very high. Jiang Tian, wearing a white shirt, looks particularly delicate under the sunshine.

Luo Qing is 1.75 meters tall, wearing black professional clothes, and her long hair is fluttering, which makes her feel like a strong woman in the workplace.

Chu Xiaoya is 1.72 meters tall, wearing a mix and match style. Her lower jeans and upper body are matched with a pink casual short sleeve, which is full of youth.

The three walked in a slightly backward village, which seemed somewhat out of place.

Luo Qing also took the camera to record some village close-up from time to time.

Chu Xiaoya has never been to the countryside, and is very interested in everything. Along the way, he opened 100000 Why's, and asked Jiang Tian if he had never seen anything.

Fortunately, I didn't meet anyone on the way. Jiang Tian took the two women back to his home.

The room is very shabby, but it is clean.

As soon as I went in, a very sweet little beauty was wearing a blue suspender and sitting on a small bench in the kitchen washing clothes.

This is Jiang Tian's sister, Jiang Meng.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Jiang Meng suddenly looked up. Three people from Fazhan came in, looked carefully, and shouted excitedly, "Brother, you are back!"

She put aside the clothes in the washing basin, stood up and greeted them.

"Well, my brother came back to see you!" Hearing someone affectionately calling him his brother, Jiang Tian felt a very mysterious feeling, as if she really was his own sister.

This is a kind of emotion that blood is thicker than water.

Before, the original owner was really good to his sister. He had to send money to her to buy clothes and school supplies when he was starving and living on the street.

"Where are father and mother? Are they not at home?" Jiang Tian looked into the two room brick house, which was full of various small department stores, but did not see his parents.

"They are not at home. They have gone to the vegetable field at the west end of the village to plant carrots. They will come back in the evening."

My parents got up early to go to the town market to sell goods. When they came back in the afternoon, they had to plant carrots in the vegetable fields.

Jiang Meng looked at the two beautiful women behind Jiang Tian as she spoke. "Brother, these two are sister-in-law!"


Hearing this, Jiang Tian almost didn't fall down. The little girl has too much imagination.

"You misunderstood me, old sister. We are your brother's colleagues." Luo Qing explained with a smile, with a sad look at Bai Jiangtian. The guy, who had entered the room, didn't introduce him to them.

Luo Qing briefly introduced herself, and Chu Xiaoya also introduced herself.

"Oh! It was a colleague!" Jiang Meng suddenly understood. "Then I'll go to the ground to find them! My parents left in a hurry and didn't take their mobile phones."

She was about to go out when Luo Qing stopped her. "Don't be in such a hurry. We don't have to hurry."

"Oh! OK!" Jiang Meng washed his clothes in a hurry and made some tea for them.

"We came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. Here's a gift for you!" Luo Qing took a gift box from Chu Xiaoya and handed it to Jiang Meng.

"What is this?" Jiang Meng scratched his head and tried to read it when he saw that the gift box was very beautiful and all in English. “Vacheron Constantin.”

When I opened it, I saw a bright gold lady's watch. The dial was glittering, very dazzling, and the design was also very gorgeous.

The back is transparent, you can clearly see the rotating mechanical clockwork inside, which makes the science and technology feel overwhelming.

The size is just right after wearing it, very beautiful.

"Vacheron Constantin? What brand is this?" Jiang Tian looked at the English on the watch, wondering what brand it is.

Luo Qing took the packing box and looked at it, and casually said, "This is a good brand of Jiangshi Danton watch."

Patrimony Traditionnelle? Jiang Tian shook his head. He had never heard of this brand, only Omega, Rolex and Longines.

"What? Jiang Shidandun!" Jiang Tian didn't know what to buy, but his sister Jiang Meng suddenly screamed. "Vacheron Constantin ranks second in the world's top luxury watches, second only to Patek Philippe!"

This kind of watch is much more expensive than Rolex Longines Tissot.

Girls are very concerned about luxury brands. Jiang Meng and her classmates often talk about famous cars, watches and cosmetics after class, so she is very familiar with the name of Jiangshi Denton.

It is said that the cheapest Jiangshi Danton watch costs more than 100000 yuan, the expensive one costs more than one million yuan, and the most expensive one reaches 45 million yuan.

Jiang Meng toyed with it. There was a secret high-tech anti-counterfeiting code on the back of the watch. This imitation could not be made.

This shows that this watch is genuine.

When Jiang Meng said this, Jiang Tian immediately realized that Luo Qing and her wife had brought a very special gift for meeting each other.

"Your gifts are too expensive, aren't they?" Jiang Tian hesitated for a while, and finally spoke.

Luo Qing smiled and said nothing. Chu Xiaoya didn't think so. "Well, what's expensive here? These small gifts were given by my relatives on my birthday the year before last. They are also kept. It's better to give them to Sister Jiang Meng."

"A small gift?" Jiang Tian was angry and laughed. The little girl was also very angry. She said a small gift for a famous watch like Jiangshi Denton, which is worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars!

To show off wealth is to show off wealth naked.

Now he can't even understand why he is only a small assistant when the family conditions are so good?

And Luo Qing, who doesn't look like a broker who wants to make money.

"This watch is too expensive, I can't take it!" Jiang Meng reluctantly took off the watch and tried to put it back in the gift box, but Chu Xiaoya stopped him.

"Sister Jiang Meng, take it. Your brother will become a big star in the future. These are all small money."

Chu Xiaoya then put the watch on Jiang Meng's hand again.

"Be a star?" Jiang Meng was slightly stunned. She had never heard from her brother.

"That's right! Your brother is going to participate in the Wild Food Talent Show soon, and he will become a big star soon!"

Chu Xiaoya was very gossipy and revealed Jiang Tian's background.

"Wow! My classmates and I have heard about" Wild Food Talent Show "for a long time. It is said that many handsome men and beautiful women are challenged to survive in a wild place, and they have become very popular before they start."

Now what she is looking forward to most is this variety show.

"So! My brother is going to be on TV!" Thinking of this, Jiang Meng could not hide his excitement and immediately ran to the door.

His brother will be on TV soon. She will tell her parents the good news as soon as possible!

Watching his sister run out excitedly, Jiang Tian looked back at Luo Qing and Chu Xiaoya and suddenly smiled. "I don't think you two came to my house to film daily life. Are you here to buy people's hearts?"