Chapter 2 2. Devil God Meteor Turtle Calculation

The famous demons and gods in the chaos gathered here. At the beginning, they rushed up to take the axe without fear of death. They were killed by the law before they touched the edge. Even if the Devil God who had been built to the Taoist realm did not die, he still lost his vitality when he was torn by the front of the road.

Sun Lei noticed an old man with a long white beard in the crowd, and there was a trace of joy between his eyebrows. Sun Lei's heart moved, but he could not account for the cause and effect of the old man. In fact, the old man's accomplishments are totally inferior to Sun Lei's, and even his talent is weak. Sun Lei can see that his opponent's body is just a cricket, and it is not easy to survive in chaos.

"Oh, I should have guessed who he was?" Sun Lei smiled

Phoenix wondered, "What's the difference between that old man?"

"He is no different, but he is lucky. The road looks at him."

It is hard to say who is the last winner in the flood and famine. One must be chosen, that is, the teacher of Sanqing, who preaches Hongjun, the founder of three thousand people of the world in the Zixiao Palace. Hongjun is also a devil in the chaos, but he is low in stature and position. When he catches up with the Tao, he must establish the Tao of Heaven, and he is the manager of the Tao chosen by the Tao.

At this time, there was interest. Since Hongjun came, his sworn enemy should also be there. Eight thousand Demons have a common ancestor. One person's power can shock the flood and famine of the Demon Ancestor, Luo Xuan. Luo Xuan is not affected by cause and effect at this time, and Sun Lei can easily find it. The middle-aged man with red hair and black robes, his eyes burning, felt Sun Lei's eyes, and the middle-aged man hurriedly lowered his head.

"Hey, hey." Sun Lei had a bad idea

Holding out his hand, Luo Xuan was pulled by an invisible force and appeared in front of Sun Lei in an instant.

Luo Xuan hurriedly said, "Guizu, what can I do for you?"

"Am I so famous?"

"Your old man's ability is unknown. I'm just a little demon god whose accomplishments are not accurate. How can I get into your eyes?" Luo Gui wondered in his heart. This old tortoise doesn't know, and usually doesn't show any emotion. Once he starts, few people dare to say they can do it, let alone a phoenix beside him.

At this time, Luo Xuan was much higher than Hongjun's Taoism, and the difference between quasi Taoism and Taoism was just a line, but the difference was the difference between heaven and earth, and Hongjun was not even qualified for quasi Taoism.

"How about being my apprentice?" Sun Lei said calmly

He had a plan in his mind that Hongjun was the chess piece of Da Dao, and Luo Xuan was the opponent arranged by Da Dao for Hongjun. If Luo Xuan became his chess piece, the story in the future would have to be told twice, at least not so smoothly for Da Dao to win. It is said that the Tao is ruthless and public, but Sun Lei doesn't believe it. There is no such thing as not hiding his selfishness. The Tao has existed for many chaotic eras, and may have already given birth to a spirit. The way to destroy chaos and open up the world is to better improve its own way.

Luo Xuan is in a trance. Although he is not poor in aptitude, he is only middle class among thousands of demons. Only one step away from the Taoist realm, Luo Xuan knew that he could not make it. What's more, with Sun Lei's ability, even the demons and gods in the Taoist realm would rush to become his disciples.

"No?" Sun Lei smiled

"No, no, no, disciple Luo Xuan has met the teacher." Luo Xuan knelt on the ground and knocked his head heavily for three times

During the period when Sun Lei accepted his apprentice, many demons and gods present could not help themselves, and the top five in the chaotic world were the leaders. These five demons are in charge of each other, and their accomplishments are even more terrible. Two of them have gone beyond the realm of Tao. You should know that after going beyond the realm of Tao, they can face the main road directly. In a sense, they have left the chaotic world, and even if the world falls, they will be safe.

"Funny, I have gone beyond the realm of Tao. How can I be held back by you?"

The eight armed demon roared and gave birth to a pair of black wings on his back. He was totally free from the threat of the road. They knew as early as Sun Lei that the chaotic world would collapse, but they could not guess that Dadao would be destroyed with them.

If these demons were left in the world of famine, the chess game of DaDao would not have to be played. Since a new game was to be played, it was natural to throw away all the abandoned chess pieces.

The sky opening axe turns up, rolls up the chaos, forms a huge vortex, and hooks the chaos in the ground water, wind and fire, as if to create a new world.

"Gentlemen, don't follow me at this time. All we have to wait for is death!"

In response to the call of the Eight armed Devil God, the other four Devil Gods also showed the body of the Devil God, and many powerful people around them joined in.

Tens of thousands of demons and gods come into being. This is the battle of cutting the sky. The roar shakes the whole chaos. The chaotic land, water, wind and fire were forcefully suppressed by the power of these demons.

The power of the Avenue is also stronger. It seems to feel the resistance of these demons. As the Avenue, he does not allow anyone to oppose him. He does not allow such existence.

The gods swarming like moths. Even though the power of moths can extinguish the candles, it is impossible to extinguish the sun.

"Fight hard... The time is not yet right. It's like looking for death."

Sun Lei tore open the space gap and turned to leave. He has seen the end, what is the state of detachment? In the final analysis, it is still under the road. Unless you become a man on the road, don't talk about detachment, let alone try to oppose him.

The water, wind and fire in the air were swirling, the five supreme bodies were torn into pieces, and the rain of blood fell all over the sky. The sky axe was gradually stabilized in a bright red blood curtain.

A mountain piled up by the bodies of evil gods, with white bones and flesh all over the ground.

The demonic gods with low accomplishments came out to eat the corpses and pieces of meat. The era of the demonic gods seemed to end with the fall of these powerful men.

These devils are unwilling to wait for death, but they have to die.

"The Devil God is really the Devil God. Even if he died, he died bravely." Sun Lei didn't realize it himself, but there was a trace of sadness in his heart. He felt sad for the death of these devils.

No way, no way, want me to die? Not yet.

Although the sky axe appears, it is not time for chaos to be destroyed according to the Phoenix calculation. Sun Lei knew that he was not in the calculation of Dadao. His rebirth was an alien on the chessboard. Dadao would certainly find a chance to destroy himself. Sun Lei didn't want to fight with DaDao, but this tortoise once made a vow to be the longest living tortoise! Even the great way can't influence the fate of Sun.

A mountain in the corner of chaos, called Yuxu, is the Taoist Temple of Hongjun.

A huge jade plate was hovering in the air. Hongjun knew that now was not the time for him to become a Taoist priest. After millions of years of low-key actions, Hong Jun's goal is to destroy chaos and establish the way of heaven.

"You have a good place. The scenery is good."

Hung Jun rushed out of the cave and wondered that someone would come to visit him in such a remote place.

The two young people in the air are Sun Lei's two disciples, Taoist Mosquito and Golden Cicada.

The golden cicada is introverted and has a low reputation in chaos, but Taoist Mosquito is different. His talent is to devour. He has always been a man eater, and no one wants to offend this hornet nest.

"It turns out that they are two masters of the Gui Zu. What are you doing here?"

Hung Jun was calm on the surface, but he dared not relax in his heart. If he took a wrong step at this point, he would be doomed.

"My Shifu wants to borrow something from you." Taoist Mosquito came straight to the point

Hongjun turned his eyes and said, "My little devil has no treasure like the eyes of Guizu. Aren't you joking?"

"Oh? I'll find it myself."

After saying that, Taoist Mosquito was about to start, and the golden cicada beside him caught Taoist Mosquito

"My master wants your fortune jade plate." The cicada went on, "I will return it to you in the future, just for a while."

Lucky jade plate is not an ordinary magic weapon of chaos. It is a gift directly given to Hongjun by the Great Road, and is a part of the way of heaven. What Hong Jun couldn't figure out was why Sun Lei knew about the fate of the jade plate. Even Phoenix couldn't figure out the cause and effect.

"Why did you tell him so much? Would you give it to me? If I didn't suck you, I would turn you grey now."

Taoist Mosquito has a long mouth on his face. Both the golden cicada and Taoist Mosquito are quasi Taoist accomplishments. Hongjun is no match. Hongjun knew that it was more important to protect his life at the moment, so he could only talk about handing over the jade plate of Luck. In his opinion, the Lucky Jade Plate has become his own magic weapon, and even if Sun Lei killed himself, he could not grab the Lucky Jade Plate from Da Dao.

On the other side, Sun Lei took Phoenix back to the chaotic wasteland. Looking at this desolate scene, Sun Lei still felt reluctant.

"I know I will fall," said the Phoenix in a low voice

Phoenix will also fall into chaos according to the development. After the fall of Phoenix, there will be rosefinch and black bird. Although the black bird is also a phoenix, it is not the phoenix now.

Sun Lei took Phoenix's hand and said firmly between his eyebrows, "What's wrong with the road? I thought I was the villain who defeated the Dragon City. I'm not afraid of death. I can hardly live with anything."

"What Dragon City?" Phoenix asked

"Nothing... I have my own plan. You don't have to worry."

The game of strategy is not unheard of. Sun Lei is very confident when playing scheming. Even if he loses, I will not let Dadao win easily.

As the first tortoise, in addition to the invincible space power, Sun Lei also has an accompanying magic weapon that transcends chaos.

It's his tortoise shell. The tortoise shell looks ordinary. In chaos, Sun Lei is known for his first defense. But I don't know that there are still secrets hidden on the tortoise shell. There are countless runes carved on the tortoise shell. These are Sun Lei's greatest reliance. There are three thousand roads, one of which is lost. This is life, and it is a front-line fate that can not be controlled by the road. Sun Lei's tortoise shell is the line of escape, and it is precisely because of this that Sun Lei has not been noticed by the Avenue.

With tens of thousands of blood, flesh and bones of demons and gods as the big array, it is known to all later generations that the Twelve Heavenly Immortals Evil Array, the Immortal Sword Array and the Sky Star Array, but it is not known that the first killing array of Chaos was created by Sun Lei.

Demon God Killing the Way Array!

From the mouth of the little demon god passing by nearby, he said, "Gui Zu wants to occupy the blood and flesh of these demons alone?"

"What are you blind about? If you dare to provoke him, the five supreme masters have belched their farts. Now who can do anything about him?" Another demon god taught him

Sun Lei has been here for forty thousand years. He hasn't moved a step. Phoenix helps him collect all kinds of natural materials and land treasures to refine the array

Sun Lei used himself as a furnace and spent tens of thousands of years refining all the blood, flesh, bone and blood of these demons into a bloody stone plate. The stone plate was engraved with obscure runes. If he was absorbed in it, he would seem to see tens of thousands of demons' angry voice unwilling to yield.

"What are you doing now?" Phoenix handed Sun Lei a fruit

Sun Lei took a long breath and slowly said, "Wait, wait for a Pan Gu."