Chapter 51 The Change of Fruit

  • Pet Editor
  • A mischievous tiger
  • 2025 words
  • 2019-04-25 23:50:00

"I'm back!"

Liu Yu opened the door, looking at the cluttered sofa, torn newspapers everywhere, and the fence on the ground. The puppies were shivering in the corner.

What's the situation of this special cat!

Is there a thief at home?!

With a clanking noise coming from the balcony, little Husky rushed out of it in a hurry, and there were also fruit chasing behind.

Liu Yu quickly picked up the little husky, and the fruit jumped after him. Two cat paws waved in the air, but nothing was caught.

"Fruit, what's going on?!"

Hearing Liu Yu's voice, Guozi suddenly woke up.

"Master, he bullied me. If you don't believe me, look at my face!" Little Husky quickly complained.

Liu Yu looked at Little Husky's face, tuttuttuttut

It's swollen like being stung by a bee.


Liu Yu stared at the fruit and said, "I asked you to look at it. Why did you do it?"

The fruity meow screamed, pointing to the little Husky, "It mocks me!"

"I didn't!" Little Husky pouted and refused to admit.

"Don't admit it, you obviously have it!" Fruit wanted to give it two punches, but Liu Yu held it in his arms, which was really out of reach.

"Well, stop fighting." Liu Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. He probably understood what was going on. "Don't fight anymore, do you hear me?"

Fruit grunted and turned and jumped onto the sofa.

Liu Yu put the little husky on the ground and brought in the big and small bags of things he bought from the door.

It seemed that they smelled the smell of dog food, and the puppies crowded around Liu Yu, wagging their tails crazily.

Although he could not communicate with these puppies, Liu Yu was very clear about their ideas.

Due to the growing stage, the puppy has a very good appetite and can eat very well, but at this time, it is absolutely not allowed to feed too much.

Puppies do not know how hungry they are. They can eat as much as they want. It is easy to eat until they are full, or even have a bad stomach. If they are fed, they must eat a small number of meals three to four times a day. The dog food should also be soaked in warm water, or soaked in goat milk powder, and mixed with trace elements.

Thinking about so many complicated processes, Liu Yu can't help recalling the pastoral dogs he raised at home when he was a child, but he has never been so sentimental. What to eat, even sometimes not to eat, have never seen any disease.

The gap

Liu Yu looked at the time. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon. It was still early. It was not time for feeding. Let's wait until six o'clock in the evening.

Put the dog food bought in the cupboard to avoid stealing food. Then looking at the messy living room, Liu Yu began to worry. It was not long before he cleaned it up!




It took nearly an hour to restore the living room to its previous appearance.

Liu Yu collapsed on the sofa and finally could breathe a sigh of relief, but it was not over.

After a brief rest, Liu Yu raised the fence again and sorted out the trampled carpet. Then he put the dog toilet inside to prevent the puppies from urinating everywhere.

After that, Liu Yu put the puppy back inside.

Fruit stared at him all the time.

"Come on, don't look at it, you also have it." Liu Yu took out a cat toilet from the bag, tore open a bag of cat litter and poured it into it.

The perceived fruit quickly turned its head and said, "Who... who looks at you? I don't need this!"

Liu Yu said with a smile, "You can't use it."

"Who said I wouldn't use it!" The fruit showed its sharp claws.

"That's good." Liu Yu shrugged his shoulders, put the cat toilet on the balcony, then took out a packet of dried fish from the bag, tore it open and handed it to the fruit. "You did well today, this is your reward."

Fruit looked at the dried fish in front of her, and then looked at the cat toilet, and she suddenly felt mixed.

"Liu Yu, I will work for you."




It has to be said that time passes quickly. A week before the pet store opened, five days passed in the blink of an eye. In addition to carefully cultivating puppies in the rental house these days, Liu Yu also went to several cat houses and bought two kinds of cats, one is a puppet cat, the other is a Manchkin cat.

Puppet cat has a good character. It can trample like a puppet and is called a puppet cat. It sticks to its owner like a dog and even blocks the door because it doesn't want its owner to go out. Therefore, it is also called a puppy cat. Puppet cat is one of the most beautiful purebred cats, with unique hair with single or double color spots. The body colors include seal, blue, chocolate, clove and red. Therefore, the cream color is also called the fairy cat. The puppet cat has a large size and can weigh up to 20 kg. It is one of the largest and heaviest cats in existence.

Manchiken cats are also called short legged cats. Their short legs are not genetic defects like those of folded ear cats. They are naturally cute. In addition to the pain of going upstairs and downstairs, they are better at running and climbing. Their lower terrain makes them more curious. They often stand up to gain a better perspective. They are very friendly and like to accompany their owners, It is also one of the most popular varieties in recent years.

The two cats alone cost Liu Yu nearly 20000 yuan.

When he brought them back, Liu Yu could clearly feel the hostility of the fruit, and it was also very strong. It was not until Liu Yu held it in his arms and fondled its back hair intimately that it was alleviated.

"Are you jealous?!" Liu Yu laughed.

"No!" Although Guozi allowed Liu Yu to touch it, she was still very proud and charming.

"Oh, I'll go and pick them up."

"Liu Yu, dare you!"


After Liu Yu settled the two kittens, the phone rang.

The call prompt is from Liu Nan.

After the connection, Liu Nan's voice came from the phone.

"Liu Yu, what's the name of the pet shop going to be? The signboard has not been done yet, and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau needs a name registration."

Liu Yu thought for a moment, "Just call it a customized pet shop."

"Customizing the pet shop?" Liu Nan said two words and asked about other things. "The decoration of the pet shop has been completed. Is the supply ready? Do you want me to contact the surrounding farms for you?"

"Don't worry, Sister Nan, just leave it to me."

"All right."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yu simply ate something and told Guozi that he was watching the house at home, so he planned to go to his dream hometown.

When the pet shop is completed, he should also take back the treasure beyond the town shop.

With Uncle Yang's help these days, Chaoyue's life is pretty good. In addition, koi are omnivorous fish. They eat everything and are not picky. They are a little bigger than before.